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1 (5)

Uppgjord (ven faktaansvarig om annan) - Qrhrqhyiwrprviyrvsur Nr - I

EMW/SM/XF Patric Erlandsson

Dokansv/Godk - 9pr6rq Kontr - 8urpxrq

29/1785-24/LZN 901 03/1 Uen

Datum - 9hr Rev File



MINI-LINK On the Web

MINI-LINK E -MISCELLANUOUS Receiver Performance Data

Abstract: This document gives some of the common receiver performance figures that sometimes are requested during the tender process. 1 INTERFERENCE SENSITIVITY Below are given typical CIR [dB] for 3 dB degradation of BER 10-6 thresholds. ,QWHUIHUHG GDWD UDWH 0ESV [ ,QWHUIHULQJ I 0+] GDWD UDWH 0ESV   2x2 17 -6 4x2/8 17 9 2x8/8x2 16 13 34+2/17x2 13 12 2x2 17 16 4x2/8 17 15 2x8/8x2 17 15 34+2/17x2 15 14 2x2 17 17 4x2/8 17 17 2x8/8x2 17 17 34+2/17x2 17 16 2x2 17 17 4x2/8 17 17 2x8/8x2 17 17 34+2/17x2 17 17




   -39 -16 -34 2 -12 -23 10 5 -2 -26 -50 -6 -27 -41 7 -6 -18 12 8 2 17 -15 -45 16 2 -22 16 10 -6 15 11 10 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 15

-39 -14



-36 -11 -48 -26 -2 -22 -16 2 11



-40 -15 -46 -23 -6



-49 -23


For guaranteed values: add 2 dB to figures above. For 1 dB degradation of 10-6 threshold: add 4 dB to figures above. For degradation of BER=10-3 thresholds: subtract 4 dB

2 (5)
Uppgjord (ven faktaansvarig om annan) - Qrhrqhyiwrprviyrvsur Nr - I

EMW/SM/XF Patric Erlandsson

Dokansv/Godk - 9pr6rq Kontr - 8urpxrq

29/1785-24/LZN 901 03/1 Uen

Datum - 9hr Rev File



MINI-LINK On the Web

NOISE FIGURE Some interference calculation models use the receiver noise figures. Typical noise figures are: MINI-LINK 7 E: MINI-LINK 8 E: MINI-LINK 15 E: MINI-LINK 18 E: 6 dB 6 dB 7 dB 7 dB (duplex <750MHz) 8 dB (duplex >750 MHz) MINI-LINK 23 E: MINI-LINK 26 E: MINI-LINK 38 E: 8 dB 9 dB 12 dB

NOISE BANDWIDTH Some selective fading prediction models and some interference calculation models use the receiver RF/IF banddwidths. Typical noise bandwidths are: 2.5 MHz for 2x2 Mbps 5 MHz for 4x2/8 Mbps 9.9 MHz for 2x8/8x2 Mbps 21 MHz for 34+2/17x2 Mbps

IMAGE FREQUENCY REJECTION This parameter is sometimes requested. The image frequency rejection is >70 dB for all the radios within MINI-LINK E.

3 (5)
Uppgjord (ven faktaansvarig om annan) - Qrhrqhyiwrprviyrvsur Nr - I

EMW/SM/XF Patric Erlandsson

Dokansv/Godk - 9pr6rq Kontr - 8urpxrq

29/1785-24/LZN 901 03/1 Uen

Datum - 9hr Rev File



MINI-LINK On the Web

SIGNATURE FACTOR The signature factor is sometimes used when predicting the selective fading probability. This parameter is dependent on the equipment siganture performance as well as on the path length and it is assumed that the signature is symmetric. The exact formula is described in ITU-R Report 784-3. The signature factor, =W*10 LINK E equipment:

, which gives the following values for MINI-

Data rate (Mbps) 2x2 4x2/8 2x8/8x2 34+2/17x2

Signature Factor BER 10-3 BER 10-6 0.053 0.075 0.19 0.3 0.71 1.05 2.82 4.2

THERMAL NOISE The typical thermal noise level for the receiver is (measured in dBm):

Mbps 2x2 4x2/8 8x2/2x8 17x2/34+2

7-E -104 -101 -98 -95

8-E -104 -101 -98 -95

15-E -103 -100 -97 -94

18-E -103 -100 -97 -94

23-E -102 -99 -96 -93

26-E -101 -98 -95 -92

38-E -98 -95 -92 -89

C/N The approximated Carrier-to-Noise ratio (C/N) for MINI-LINK E is:

7-E For BER= 10-6 For BER= 10-3 17 dB 13 dB

8-E 17 dB 13 dB

15-E 17 dB 13 dB

18-E 17 dB 13 dB

23-E 17 dB 13 dB

26-E 17 dB 13 dB

38-E 17 dB 13 dB

4 (5)
Uppgjord (ven faktaansvarig om annan) - Qrhrqhyiwrprviyrvsur Nr - I

EMW/SM/XF Patric Erlandsson

Dokansv/Godk - 9pr6rq Kontr - 8urpxrq

29/1785-24/LZN 901 03/1 Uen

Datum - 9hr Rev File



MINI-LINK On the Web

8 8.1

EB/N0 THEORETICAL SUMMARY The Bit energy, Eb , is defined as the energy received in a binary digit.



where R is the Gross Bit rate

N0 = Noise density = noise power spectral density (Noise power/Hz)

Noise power [dBm] = 10 log kTB + NF=-174+10logB+NF, where NF is the noise figure
-23 k= 1.38*10 = Bolzmanns constant (Joule/K)

T =290K , K is unit of temperature (Kelvin) B = Noise bandwidth N0 = Noise power/Hz (dBm/Hz) = -174+NF Eb/N0= C/ N0*R Where C is the signal power level at a specific BER (Eb/N0)dB=C dB-(-174+NF dB+RdB) (Eb/N0)dB=C dB+174-NF dB-RdB)

5 (5)
Uppgjord (ven faktaansvarig om annan) - Qrhrqhyiwrprviyrvsur Nr - I

EMW/SM/XF Patric Erlandsson

Dokansv/Godk - 9pr6rq Kontr - 8urpxrq

29/1785-24/LZN 901 03/1 Uen

Datum - 9hr Rev File



MINI-LINK On the Web


CURVE FOR BER V/S EB/N0 This curve describes how the BER value varies with the received signal. The received level is here described in terms of Bit energy to Noise Density ratio (Eb/N0).

%(5 YHUVXV (E1R >G%@ 10

















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