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Educacin para el trabajo y el Desarrollo Humano

MySQL for Database Administrators Duracion: 40Horas Reales de(60 minutos Hora) Dirigido a:
* Administradores de bases de datos y desarrolladores que quieran administrar bases de datos MySQL. * Estudiantes que quieran preparar los examenes de certificacin para administrador de bases de datos MySQL5.0.

* Haber asistido al curso * MySQL for Beginners tener experiencia con bases de datos relacionales y SQL

* Describir la arquitectura de MySQL * Instalacin y Actualizacin de MySQL * Use la base de datos INFORMATION_SCHEMA para acceder a los metadatos * Lleve a cabo el inicio de MySQL y las operaciones de cierre * Configurar las opciones de servidor MySQL en tiempo de ejecucin * Evaluar los tipos de datos y conjuntos de caracteres para los problemas de rendimiento * Comprender los datos de bloqueo de MySQL * Comprender el uso del motor de almacenamiento InnoDB con MySQL * Mantener la integridad de una instalacin de MySQL * Utilice disparadores para las tareas de administracin * Entender puntos de vista * Describir las tcnicas de optimizacin del rendimiento de introduccin * Realice copias de seguridad y restauracin

Nuestras capacitaciones se orientan al desarrollo de talleres y laboratorios que permiten captar facilmente los conceptos y adquirir la destreza en relacion con los diferentes temas o reas a tratar

Aula Matriz Ofrece:

- Calidad en nuestras capacitaciones orientadas a la practica. - Aulas tipo laboratorio, equipos y recursos tcnicos acordes con el desarrollo prctico de cada capacitacin. - Como parte de nuestra responsabilidad en su formacin, usted tiene la opcin de repetir temas sobre los cuales haya quedado duda, sin costo adicional. - Certificacin acreditativa por cada capacitacin, una vez haya aprobado los exmenes correspondientes. - A su eleccin podr solicitar Certificado en espaol o Ingles.

Introduction - MySQL Overview, Products and Services - MySQL Services and Support - Supported Operating Services - MySQL Certification Program - Training Curriculum Paths - MySQL Documentation Resources
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MySQL Architecture - Describe the client/server model - Understand communication protocols - Understand how the server supports storage engines - Explain the basics of how MySQL uses memory and disk space System Administration - Choose between types of MySQL distributions - Install the MySQL Server - Describe the MySQL Server installation file structure - Start and stop the MySQL server - Upgrade MySQL - Run multiple MySQL servers on a single host Server Configuration - Set up MySQL server configuration files - Explain the purpose of dynamic server variables - Review the server status variables available - Configure operational characteristics of the MySQL server - Describe the available log files - Explain binary logging Clients and Tools - Describe the available clients for administrative tasks - Use MySQL administrative clients - Use the mysql command line clients - Use the mysqladmin for administrative tasks - Describe available MySQL tools - List the available APIs (drivers and connectors) Data Types - Describe the major categories of data types - Explain the meaning of NULL - Describe column attributes - Explain character set usage with data types - Choose an appropriate data type Obtaining Metadata - List the various metadata access methods available - Recognize the structure of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database schema - Use the available commands to view metadata - Describe differences between SHOW statements and INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables - Use the mysqlshow client program - Use INFORMATION_SCHEMA to create shell commands and SQL statements Transaction and Locking - Use transaction control statement to run multiple SQL statements concurrently - Explain the ACID properties - Describe the transaction isolation levels
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- Use locking to protect transactions InnoDB Storage Engine - Describe the InnoDB storage engine - Set the storage engine to InnoDB - Illustrate the InnoDB tablespace storage system - Efficiently configure the tablespace - Use foreign keys to attain referential integrity - Explain InnoDB locking Other Storage Engines - Explain the general purpose of storage engines in MySQL - List the storage engines available for MySQL - Describe the key features of the MyISAM storage engine - Describe the key features of the MEMORY storage engine - Give an overview of other storage engines: FEDERATED, ARCHIVE, BLACKHOLE, NDBCLUSTER - Choose an appropriate storage engine Partitioning - Define partitioning and its particular use in MySQL - Determine server partitioning support - List the reasons for using partitioning - Explain the types of partitioning - Create partitioned tables - Describe subpartitioning - Obtain partitioning metadata - Use partitioning to improve performance User Management - Depict the user connection and query process - List requirements for user authentication - Use SHOW PROCESSLIST to show which threads are running - Create, modify and drop user accounts - List requirements for user authorization - Describe the levels of access privileges for users - List the types of privileges - Grant, modify and revoke user privileges Security - Recognize common security risks - Describe security risks specific to the MySQL installation - List security problems and counter-measures for network, operating system, filesystem and users - Protect your data - Use SSL for secure MySQL server connections - Explain how SSH enables a secure remote connection to the MySQL server - Find additional information for common security issues Table Maintenance - Recognize types of table maintenance operations
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- Execute SQL statements for table maintenance - Client and utility programs for table maintenance - Maintain tables according to specific storage engines Exporting and Importing Data - Exporting Data using SQL - Importing Data using SQL Programming Inside MySQL - Creating and executing Stored Routines - Describing stored routine execution security - Creating and executing triggers - Creating, altering and dropping events - Explaining even execution scheduling Views - Defining views - Reasons to use views - Altering, checking and removing a view - Setting privileges for views MySQL Backup and Recovery - Describing backup basics - Types of backups - Backup tools and utilities - Making binary and text backups - Role of log and status files in backups - Data Recovery Introduction to Replication - Describing MySQL Replication - Managing the MySQL Binary Log - Explaining MySQL replication threads and files - Setting up a MySQL Replication Environment - Monitoring MySQL Replication - Troubleshooting MySQL Replication Introduction to Performance Tuning - Using EXPLAIN to Analyze Queries - General Table Optimizations - Monitoring status variables that affect performance - Setting and Interpreting MySQL server Variables Conclusion - Course Overview - MySQL Curriculum - Course Evaluation - Thank You! . - Q&A Session
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Horario de las proximas fechas de inicio

Capacitacion MySQL for Database Administrators MySQL for Database Administrators MySQL for Database Administrators MySQL for Database Administrators

Horario Lunes a Viernes.6:00 PM. 9:00 PM.Presencial Lunes a Viernes 6:00 PM 9:00 PMVirtual- Online Sabados7:00 AM 1:30 PMPresencial Sabados7:00 AM 1:30 PMVirtual- Online

Fecha Inicio 2012-06-19 2012-06-19 2012-06-23 2012-06-23

Para reservar cupo o informacin adicional, por favor comuniquese al PBX: 606-5333, directamente en nuestra sede : Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota D.C. Colombia. o a nuestro email o en PRECIOS, FORMAS DE PAGO Y DESCUENTOS

TIPO Precio Empresas Particulares, Profesionales,Independientes y/o Estudiantes Formas de pago a plazos

A PLAZOS CONTADO ANTICIPADO 1,150,000 1,070,000 1,070,000 965,000

- En dos contados 50% iniciando la capacitacin y el otro 50% promediando la misma. - Tarjetas de Crdito - 3 Cheques sin financiacin as: Al dia, a 30 y 60 dias. - Con factura no mayor a 8 dias contados a partir de la fecha de inscripcin (Valido nicamente para empresas). Servicios de Educacin excluidos de IVA, numeral 6 articulo 476 ET. CUENTAS PARA REALIZAR LA CONSIGNACIN: BCO. DAVIVIENDA CTA de Ahorros # 006900351989 a nombre de Matriz S.A. BANCOLOMBIA CTA de Ahorros # 174-217377-46 a nombre de Matriz S.A.

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