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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 25
June 2012
Walk Dogs on walk Around hill to Bonaly Reservoir Length 6 miles

Cyrano, Dylan, Jolie, Lucas, Maggie, Otis, Tim

Monday madness dogs again today. They must get so much attention over the weekend that they are on a high by Monday. All that is except Otis. Poor boy had been sick this morning but by the time I arrived for him he was ready to go. Maybe a little slower than normal on the walk, or just using it as an excuse to have more time to sniff in the increasingly lush vegetation. Once we got started Jolie was at her best. But it took us a while to get going. A group of teenage boys on bikes were gathered around the start of the walk. Or should this be a peloton there were so many? Albeit not moving. We had passed a few bikes climbing the road up to this point. Working hard a long way behind this well rested bunch. A couple of adults overseeing things and encouraging on the slower ones. Just as I was thinking these would be a challenge, two horses with an accompaniment of dogs began to go up the track. Would we have been quieter walking down the middle of the M8? Well we were here we would just have to go for it, once we had given the horses a bit of time to make some headway. Not much as it turned out. The dogs sprang, jack-in-a-box like from the car. Most making straight for the bikes before I got us marching on the path.

Too fast obviously as we were quickly catching the horses. A wee jink off the track and through the trees, on a path, and we managed to get ahead of them. Some calling of the dogs, particularly Jolie and Tim who were looking to get back through the trees to see either the horses or the other dogs. Once ahead we kept up the pace to leave them behind, although their old collie followed us for a while. Cyrano looking a little disappointed as we strode by some of his favourite water holes. We got through the gate at the top of the track and onto the rough ground leading to the moorland and hills. Now the dogs could open the throttle. Just what Jolie was waiting for. She sped about skidding like a well practice rally driver around her turns. She soon had Lucas, Maggie and Tim joining in. Tim in danger of wearing himself out before we had reached the shoulder of the hill. Cyrano was more interested in looking over the wall in a grass is always greener frame of mind. Dylan was staying out of things for now. Saving his energy for a run on the way down. We made our way over the shoulder of Harbour Hill, slowing and walking to heel for the inevitable sheep. Then ahead of us a lamb and its mother. The lamb looking from its mother to us and backing off a little. Its mother appearing oblivious eating the grass by the wire fence. We got closer. The lamb backed off more, looking imploringly at its mother. Then I realised as its mothers beady eye stared at me a little fearfully. She had got one of her short horns caught in a square of the fence. I could not leave her like this. She may already have been caught up for some time. So getting the dogs to stand to heel they watched incredulously and absolutely statically as I moved in on her and trapped her between my legs. The lamb was not keen on this and bolted between the dogs. Static no more as some turned to give chase. A few swift shouts restored order and I could turn my attention to the mother again. Like an old fashioned metal puzzle I twisted her this way and that. I could see the solution but she was not going to make it easy for me. As I tried to move her head one way she would try and push it another. But a little patience from me and the fascinated dogs saw her free. I now held her. I was going to have to let her go and take her chances past the dogs who all refused to move when I tried to call them over. Thankfully she got by them without anyone trying to give chase. Except Maggie once we started to move off. Who could not resist a little retreat after it, even though it was well

away. They were rewarded with a dip and a play in Bonaly Reservoir before we headed back. Dylan tearing up some heather to set up another chase. Even Cyrano finding himself chased by Jolie as he was trying to get to Dylan. Back over the shoulder of the hill and onto the long track toward the finish we walked. The dogs beginning to run out of steam. Lucas first dropping behind me but still ahead of Otis. Jolie the last to fade despite her constant running. She had just about see off Maggie and Tim. Cyrano with enough energy left to nose out his water stops that we missed on the way up. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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