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Reavers the Overview In this article I will go over the different unit builds and their purpose.

Reavers have two main functions, one is anti-tank of which they have a few tools at their disposal (heat lances/ blasters) both weapons are designed to kill tanks but have their own strengths and weaknesses. The next function is anti infantry, in which they use their blade vanes and cluster caltrops to get the job done. .. Lets start with their anti tank builds +3 Reavers with Heat Lance 78p This unit is well suited to close range tank hunting, for the heat lance is only really effective at 9 inches or closer (2d6 AP at this range). Having said that this squad more often than not will be seeing your designated dead pile after you get into range to shoot. Even though it is essentially a suicide unit, careful planning must be used to get the most out of it. Mark your targets ahead of time and plan accordingly. +3 Reavers with Blaster 81p Because of the blasters longer range and higher strength compared to the heat lance it can successfully engage targets at a farther distance. This unit will be used more effectively from a range staying close enough to shoot but not much closer, then using their jetbike move in the assault phase to drop even farther away. The advantage of this unit is that it can stay in the fight longer while still being able to perform tank hunting duties reasonably well. *Note: Although you can use larger squads to get more weapons, the tactics are mostly the same, with the exception that heat lance squads no longer become expendable and must be used in situations where enemy retaliation will be minimal. ... next is Anti Infantry +9 Reavers with 3 Cluster Caltrops 258p This is the most damaging build to enemy infantry on average doing about 14 wounds to Toughness 4 enemies and about 18 wounds to toughness 3 enemies upon using their special turbo boost attack (before saves). While this unit can dish out a lot of damage make sure that they end up in a relatively safe position after the turbo boost, to many times have I myself used it without heed to their end placement and have paid the price. *note- Grav. Talon- this weapon is not worth taking the damage it does is weak (one MEQ dead if u take 3 of them on average) yes it causes a pinning check but usually those tests are passed anyways. *note- although you can use these squads in smaller numbers they become rather ineffective under 6 models. 6 models is a good compromise between cost and effectiveness so if you dont want to sink 250+ points into one squad but want to take Reavers for anti infantry then a 6 man might be the best way to go. ...Combination squads and close combat potential +6-9 Reavers with 2-3 Blasters and 2-3 Cluster Caltrops (depending on whether it is a 6 man or 9

man squad) 202p- 303p These squads are great because they pose a dual threat and your opponent must adapt to that. The Blasters offer the squad the ability to keep there distance and target vehicles if no juicy targets are available for the Caltrops and Bladevanes, but at the same time dont limit the squad to just hunting vehicles. *note- I did not include heat lances in the larger squads they can be used as well but its a risky business . The idea of using heat lances in these squads is to pop a transport vehicle then assault the squad within given that it is small or weak enough to handle. However, if you dont destroy the tank then you have a large point sink waiting to be demolished next turn. Although this unit has combat drugs, CC weapons/pistol, and arena champion CC upgrades, close combat is something you should not see very much of. There are times when going into CC would be more practical like going against shooty squads that are terrible in combat (IG, Tau, small 5 man tactical marine squads, ect.). Know their limits in combat and don't put them in situations where combat with a superior CC squad is inevitable. *note- As for CC upgrades I wouldnt bother with anything other than a cheap venom blade. ...... Overall notes for survival Reavers are a fragile unit when not turbo boosting and should be kept in cover at all times (or turbo boost grating a cover save), and thanks to skilled rider you will very rarely kill your own troops moving into and out of terrain. The jet bike move in the assault phase is amazing as well and although all jetbikes have it, it works the best for Reavers in my opinion. Especially if LOS terrain is available for you to jump back behind to reduce the amount of enemy fire dramatically. ^^^ Use both of these abilities well to keep your Reavers in the game for as long as it is possible.

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