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Overall 1300 100 yrs war: war for French throne black death vernacular literature Great Schism:

ism: split between eastern and western church ended by Council of Constance 1400 1500 1600 1700

exploration Peace of Lodi: maintained balance of power in Italy printing press arranged marriages in Italy Wars of Roses Spain unified by Isabelle and Ferdinand New Monarchs

reformation Christian humanism Machiavelli, The Prince price revolution Peace of Augsburg: agreement between Charles V and Lutheran princes to let choose religion St. Bartholomew Day massacre: Catherine de Medici ordered deaths of French Huguenots witchcraft persecution

edict of nantes: allowed Huguenots to practice Protestantism population peaks then declines commercial revolution 30 years war: huguenots vs. catholics ended with peace of westphalia high crime rates triangular trade scientific revolution mercantilism absolute monarchs rise of prussia

war of spanish succession: fought against unification of fench and spanish thrones by bourbon dynasty, ended by treaty of utrecht solidified louis XIV end agricultural revolution Enclosure movement in england war of austrian succession: fred the great defied pragmatics sanction and took silesia ended by treaty of aix-la-chapelle enlightened absolutism population increase french revolution aboliton of feudalism

1800 1900

7 years war: pruss vs the endland ended by treaty of paris where brit got sea power

congress of vienn: discussed end of Napoleonic empire and balance of pwr romanticism concert of europe industrialization crimean war revs of 1848 italain and germany unification dual monarchy serfdom abolished in russ paris commune

russ-jap war: russ wanted warm water port in pacific rev of 1905: soical unrest led nicholas to make duma wwi mass leisure feminism treaty of versaille medical care wwii appeasement NATO cold war pop culture

Art Movements Renaissance da vinci: mona lisa raphael: schoo lof athens michelangelo: Sistine Chapel ceiling brunelleschi: dome of florence cathedral Mannerism el greco: laocoon Neoclassicism david: oath of horrati Romanticism goethe: sorrows of the young werther carlyle grimm bros poe shelley wordsworth

byron goya delacroix

Baroque rubens bernini gentilieschi Rococo tiepolo neumann watteau Impressionism pisarro monet: impression, sunrise morisot: young girl by the window van gogh Surrealism dali: persistence of memor

Extra Peter the Great's reforms cut off beards table of ranks mercantilism colleges helped status of women manners Suffrage Movements custody and prop rights sieveking founded female association for the care of poor and sick nightingale and barton pankhurst founded women's social and politcal union suttner wrote lay down ur arms new womn montessori founded children schools radical stunts davison jumped in front of kings horse Feminist movement friedan wrote feminine mystique beauvoir wrote the second sex national organization of women NOW permissive society

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