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FALSE ARMOR ranged This spell gives the target 1 mock hit pt per Intensity in each hit location.

These "extra" HPs are destroyed by incoming attacks, point for point. False Armor must be destroyed hit location by hit location, and are located "under" any armor worn. BLADE OF PUISSANCE Touch Creates a brilliant sword of emerald-hued energy which does 3d(Intensity) damage and has 15 AP for parrying (but can't be broken). If the target drops the blade, it dissipates. TRUE SIBLING Touch, but Range must be used Intensity equal to half the target's SIZ is required. The target is "cloned" while the spell lasts. All HP and MPs are divided evenly between the clone and the original. His weapons and armor are the same, as are other stats and skills. If the clone moves further than the spell's Range from the original, it vanishes. A dispel magic cast at the clone (but not the original) causes the replica to vanish. When the spell expires or the clone is dispelled, the caster adds the HPs and MPs it had left onto his own. The target & clone possess no mental link, but the clone knows everything he knew up until the spell was cast, so if he had a plan in mind before creating the clone, it can attempt to fulfill its part of the plan. The clone is aware that it is a temporary magic construct. WALL Instant Creates a wall which moves away from the caster at 2m/sr until it has reached the spell's Range (when it dissipates), or until it encounters a major obstruction (a turn in a passage, a pit, building, etc.) A wall does damage for one round to those it strikes, then passes on. A wall is 3m high and 1m thick. It is 1m wide per level of Multispell used, but may be made smaller. It blocks all physical blows and missiles, and acts as a shield against spells as well. If two opposing walls meet, a D6 is rolled for each; the one with the highest score continues, while the loser is dissipated. A tie halts both in place and further rolls are made each round till one wins. Each wall normally defeats one other type of wall, against which it has +2 added to its D6 roll. Intensity does not help a wall survive such a conflict. Type of Wall Blades[defeats Stings] Calm[defeats Wind] Fire[defeats Ice] Effects Target takes (Intensity x 2) damage which can be parried, but not dodged. Armor is effective. All living beings are calmed, and must succeed in an INTx5 roll (once per round) before they can take any action. Subtract the spell's Intensity from their Intelligence before attempting the die roll. Target is engulfed in fire doing 1d(Intensity) damage to each hit location, and all flammable objects touched are set alight. Armor helps vs. damage, but target may remain aflame after the wall passes, doing 1d6 damage per round ignoring armor till the fire is extinguished. This rolling avalanche of ghostly teeth, sucking mouths, and staring eyes does Intensity damage ignoring armor. Target loses Intensity MPs. Target takes 1d(intensity) damage and 1d(intensity) more each round a CONx5 fails; must keep trying till he succeeds. Target is poisoned if he fails to resist its Intensity with his CON. Then, he needs some kind of poison treatment within his CON in rounds or he dies. Target takes drowning damage of 1d(intensity) each round a CONx5 roll fails; must keep trying until he rolls CONx1. Target must try to resist the wall's Intensity with his STR. If he succeeds, he takes 1d(intensity) buffeting damage to a random hit location. If he fails, he takes the damage and is knocked sprawling, carried along with the wall, and must roll again next round.

Hunger[defeats Blades] Mist[defeats Hunger] Poison[defeats Calm] Stings[defeats Mist] Water[defeats Fire] Wind[defeats Poison]

Ice[defeats Water] Target takes 1d(intensity) damage and is frozen (all skills halved until he rolls CONx1).

Alternate spell names Darkwall: Curtain Of Darkness, Dark Curtain Proliferating Pockets & Parcels of Procurement (-3) Convocation: Casting Time: Lyahvi & Savorya One Minute

Duration: Range: Target:

Permanent Touch One Pocket or container

This spell requires the use of a talisman, in this case a ring of gold set with a ruby, which is placed within the targeted pocket or other container as part of the casting. The spell is limited to an original object of not more than 5 lbs * Power in weight, and thus is more commonly used on pockets. It has two major effects upon the container, first it makes whatever is placed within the container to have no weight while within the container - that is, the objects weight does not burden the bearer of the container in any way, it will appear that the container is empty to those who do not know of the spell. Secondarily, the internal size of the container is expanded dimensionally so that objects larger than its normal dimensions can be placed within. This second affect is based on the Power of the caster acting as a multiple (ex: a Power 2 character would make the internal size of the container twice its normal capacity, a Power 3 character would make it three times its normal size etc). It does not change the external size of the container in any way. Theme Music {-4} Convocation: Casting Time: Duration: Range: Target: Lyahvi One Round DD Perception Unwilling Sentient

The target of this gets a normal SPIRIT save against the effect. The caster uses a normal voice to inflict the effect upon the target with obvious hand gestures. If successful the victim will notice no difference, but everyone who is within PERCEPTION range will be able to hear clearly that music is accompanying the actions and moods of the victim, making it difficult for them to disguise their intent or presence in an area.

Ice Spear Non-Variable 8 Magic Points This spell must be cast in a region where certain projectiles are available that are in the shape of a spear, i.e., tree branches, staves, spears, severed limbs, knives, daggers, poles, etc. When cast, the spell freezes the intended projectile and encases the object with ice having a sharp, needle-like point. On command the ice spear projectile will hurl itself at the casters intended target and strike one location for 20 points of damage.

Fire volt Non-Variable 10 Magic Points??? This spell must be cast upon a group of 10 or more targets or it will be dormant. It causes 100 spears of magical fire to explode from the ground underneath the targets. Each spear which strikes a target will inflict 100 points of damage. Any spears which miss a target will dissipate. A 2nd critical dodge is required to dodge. Blizzard Non-Variable 10 Magic Points This spell must be cast upon a group of 5 or more targets or it will be dormant. It causes a raging magical blizzard which inflicts 100 points of damage to 1D6 hit locations per round. The duration of the blizzard is 4 melee rounds. Escaping the blizzard is impossible through normal movement. Shooting Star Non-Variable 2 Magic Points This spell creates a sparkling sphere that can be thrown at any target. It does 2D6 points of damage and can only be dodged with a special. It costs 2 magic points to cast. Shadow Storm Variable 5 Magic Points This spell creates a swirling mass of black mist that envelopes the target and causes them to believe that they are being attacked by whatever they fear most. This spell costs 5 magic points and the mist will last for 10 melee rounds. This spell can be resisted by a successful INT roll but if failed the target will believe that he is being attacked by his worst nightmare and will usually flee from it or be killed by fright. Body Shield Variable This spell creates a shield around the caster which is virtually undetectable. The armor points of the shield are equal to the number of magic points expended by the caster. The duration of the spell is 3 days. Orb of Disorder Non-Variable 60 Magic Points

This spell creates an orb that strikes the target and breaks down the cell structure and any magic that might be protecting a target. Create Tree Variable 25 Magic Points This spell allows the caster to instantly create any species of tree. The size of the tree depends upon the number of magic points used. For every 25 magic points expended, the tree will be one foot in height.

Sandstorm Non-Variable 15 Magic Points This spell must be cast in an area with minimal vegetation where the earth is relatively loose. Deserts are ideal of course. It creates a sandstorm 500 feet high and 3 miles wide with 300 mph winds. The storm is stationary. Anyone inside the storm receives 1D20 damage to 1D4 hit locations every round until they escape the storm or the storm ceases. The duration of this spell is 30 melee rounds. Wall of Fire Non-Variable 10 Magic Points This spell creates a 20-foot high circle of fire around the caster. Anything attempting to pass through the wall of flames receives 3D10 points of damage to all locations per round. The duration of spell is 10 melee rounds. Pillars of Flame Non-Variable 10 Magic Points This spell creates six columns of fire 12 feet high by 3 feet wide which surround a specified target in a circle. The columns are 1 foot apart from each other and 10 feet away from the target with the target in the middle. If the target comes within 6 feet of the flames they receive 1D10 damage to all locations. If the target comes within 3 feet of the flames they receive 2D10 damage to all locations. If the target touches the flames they receive 3D10 damage to all locations per round. This spell is meant to be a barrier or a cage for the duration of 20 melee rounds. Mirror of Flames Non-Variable 6 Magic Points

This spell creates a mirror-like bubble of flames around the caster. Any attacks made with fire against the caster will be repulsed and reflected back by the mirror of flames at the caster. The duration of the spell is 5 melee rounds. Frigid Flames Non-Variable 12 Magic Points This spell envelops the caster with blue-white flames and protects him/her against attacks made with ice. The duration of the spell is 6 melee rounds. Fire Storm Non-Variable 10 Magic Points This spell must be cast when there is at least 50% cloud cover. When cast, the caster raises his/her arms above their head putting their hands together. At that moment, a red-orange pillar of fire explodes from their hands and ascends up into the clouds above. When the pillar strikes the clouds, the clouds begin to swirl and bubble turning hues of yellow, orange, and red. Instantly 10 vortexes of yellow-orange-red clouds eject from the clouds above and are hurled downward at the specified target or targets. There is a maximum of ten targets, on vortex per target. Each vortex is flaming and engulfs the target for 1D30 points of damage per location.

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