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Funerary Rites Vietnam Wednesday, 05/20/2009 16:55

From time immemorial, our people are influenced by the Chinese rites, the funeral should be celebrated in that framework, however, also to many other places. All of our offerings based on the "Life Gia Le Mai" and "Family Festival The Nam". Tho Mai lay name is Ho Gia Tan, living in postLe, wrote the book in celebration of books, many places have adapted the ritual of news Chu Chu Van Hi, also known as Chu Tu, life Nam Sung set out and lay Tho Mai also had more or less modified. To this day, many rituals are simple means, in accordance with the actual circumstances of society, especially in urban areas. However, some major holidays have significance still apply. Because mental signaling remains essential issues of human life in Vietnam, are placed on top, so when a parent dies, everyone wants to take care of all holidays and integrity. Not only as parents, relatives or elders in any relatives of the family died was anxious to complete all work. Asian social life emotional weight, blood valued kinship families better, so for thousands of years ago, the problem has been posed funeral in a way that the old rules. Many books, the thought of the Eastern philosophers have said to the duties of people in the funeral carefully thoughtful. "Birth", "old", "illness", "E" are the four things to have in one's life, no escape. His death also meant to end a life. From ancient times, the funeral is very serious. Right from the hours of a dying person will be permanently gone, the air becomes quiet family looks down with spiritual. Closer descendants were hurried back to report, although the loan contract, were silent with grief has destroyed. CELEBRATING WITH ENTRY At that time the family had to keep calm. Under the old rules in this hour, the children have to worry about dressing up for dead and wearing old clothes away. Usually people do this at about soaked shroud in which the dead body cleaned with alcohol or with alcohol (alcool), significant medical sanitary disinfection. Before entering the shroud to the procedure, known as shrouding. This work should be carried out soon, so should not be located for long outside the body. By following a date one night, determined to damage, foul odors. So one has to attempt urgent data. Often because of a funeral in his magicians as the date and time, choose a good time to conduct the most recent and enter the shrouding. It considered this time, many people still focus applied. When the shrouding, all these maps were based shroud burial arrangements and fabrics usually provide some fabric, fabric nets. The cloth can also be provided to the burial clothing and funeral garments. Perhaps you specify the shrouding, enter the following: 1. University shroud, shroud profile: white or silk fabric. Little white cloth shroud includes a 14 meters long one, with three horizontal sections of fabric, each of the six dimensions is placed perpendicular to the main cloth. University shroud has the same length but the level of 5. The paragraph should organize to fit the human body to force back the shroud of the first horizontal piece first and last piece to horizontal feet of the dead. 2. Kham: A shroud the dead animal. There were two blankets, use a shroud for the university, one for primary shroud.

3. Part of: There should be adequate in the coffin as the first pillow list, the two pillows lining the two ears, a head plate, two foot pad, two thigh pads based on the two pads on the legs, face shield . All these things are made of papier mach, stuffed in a wick. 4. Shroud: When the shroud, the funeral home crying kneel, kneeling by the deacons and vowed: "To date, the ceremony would shroud, taking statements." Funeral Home prostrate and standing. Those who take care of the shroud to conduct the work: Remove forcing function, Chit head and face covered with cloth bodies or body noise black square of pink underwear range force behind the neck, integrated gloves, socks and shoes. Before the coffin, the coffin is spread out a weekly tea, rice or burn anything can suck more water out of the dead. 5. The ceremony: Ceremony entry was conducted immediately after the shroud is complete. Family members have ranked even remotely close, on the bottom around the coffin. Must watch true "good time" by magicians or priests at the temple as the book selection. The age of the rider with the dead (children within the intestine), the time to enter the hiding away, away to prevent harm would later (as the ancient custom is believed that the dead can start by ). Fixed dividends standing to the left son, daughter standing dead right. The care of raising the dead enter the four corners of the fabric weight, and placed gently into the coffin. Space shall be put in full dress clothes of the dead as alive everyday wear and paper trumpet. Done, fold it up several dozen of the top, bottom, left front, right after. Following the same procedures as apply paint and bar coffin lid, close the "fish" for sure. Coffin was entered body called the coffin. At that time, the children of "old rider" to flee out into the open from the front was allowed to return wealth to the people prostrate. Coffin is placed in the middle of the house. Today, putting in place has been done before saving and soaked coffin. Ancient practices that coffin is always painted red, having completed all the necessary entry. Perhaps also that, in the case of the dead parent alive at the time the coffin placed beside, on top is wrapped coffin mourning parents, turned to the south. In the past often took home three times, today the house usually has a base of about 4 meters (12 ft), and there is no space between the right and left, so the family tradition of convention to set the coffin shifted a party, avoid placing the middle of the house. After the coffin was put in place, relative to the cage close to a bowl of rice and an egg placed between two chopsticks upright cotton plug, known as rice cotton. Chopsticks can be the first Duke of bamboo sticks like flower plugs into the egg bowl. What is the purpose? Not that the book does explain the rice bowl, chopsticks to separate these two. Nowadays, people often do not put two chopsticks early deprivation, each party a fun and explained that it was "eating rice invited Death" (the procession of the dead souls to Hades), and because there is a cup rice and chopsticks for the individual, death will be difficult to use, not eating slowly push the dead souls to hell soon. Back at the coffin was an, the children have to go sit on either side of rice, is left to the left, girls on the right hand. Also note this: the first to put the coffin turned out to mean that people will do to phung cigarettes in the first bowing, not bowing at the feet. Except for religious parents assume equal pay, visit the older person or on the shoulder and bowed before the coffin, because when the ancient notion that the god dies (fake death gods). At the funeral, the coffin was also carried by the early going before, different people to go around the stretcher was carried away before blocking. In the case of deflection, rolled the dead body is well ahead as the first funerals, so that road users to

see, the difference immediately. Just as at home, living routine is also the first ever slept inside, leg outward, and it is taboo never slept back foot inward as set found dead. Nowadays, people wear mourning after the celebration ceremony. The family invited me in Buddhist temples and a number of monks to chant, a Christian family invited the bishop to baptize crime and their relatives were prayers for the deceased, sometimes recite this story a few days preceding the funeral. Immediately after the severe signs of coming last breath, the house was crowded with relatives confidential review of the evidence and then lo may wear mourning before the individual items, in order of importance before then. The concerns about sufficient evidence available to her son, daughter, daughter, son-in-law, other grandchildren, including eyesight, if any, and sisters, the children of relatives. Usually people ask funeral ceremony magicians do. If a young sorcerer, no more virtuous age, the funeral home found the evidence for each person. In the Mid-family, people to bow before the coffin offering betel wine, then went back to get dressed in mourning clothes. My son wore the number, a hat nun, now use a fabric cloth triangles with tang, with ties, boss Force head for compact and mounted on a flange made of straw weight fabric winding, these two called silver caps or straw hats. Body wrap a belt made of straw and wrap wire cloth, wire called a straw. My son was supposed to hold a cane, bamboo sticks his mother sticks eight rounds. The grandson wore as mourning for his son, only a red marker on the forehead round the hat for people to look distinctive. Daughters also wear belts out some barbed wire braided banana, book jacket bears or not parent cases, the intestine, as well as in the other daughter also married daughters: a book jacket bears and no. Everyone wearing hair loose screen. Son-in-law and brothers wore white baggy jeans, women wrapped in white cloth with the hair twisting. All relatives were all dressed in white. Since this all-in-law left scratching always on duty and two flexible coordinates coffin, is useful men and women left to respond to the ceremony the guests phung cigarettes. Also in the coffin for the guests to the ceremony phung cigarettes have two bows as required for life, family funeral home in response to each half is a bowing ceremony. Today, visitors to visit the two bow bow mean the funeral, he will go off to the grave or death to the crematoria. And as she took her holiday, it means that person can not get busy moving farewell at the coffin. PHUNG Vieng There were funerals to phung visit. Friends relatives of the dead, the children near and far after the bad luck, and even those who deal daily with children knows, it must include the information in the family, in succession to the same condolences mourning and Phoenix visiting family who died. The large funeral procession of VIPs or a large family honor, usually in charge of the ceremonies arranged time by a tight program of research to avoid confusion for many people to simultaneously . Ancient worship ceremony usually visit the tea liquor betel nut, but also people visiting the sentences, the radiation field in which repeated or eating at the best of the recently deceased. Now, people with pre-holiday wear, incense, paper money in gold, silver, beaded garlands or flowers ... In the past, the radiation field and sentences were suspended immediately phung visit around where the coffin walls to guide the dead souls could be found, and also for the guests to visit can enjoy the art of reading literature with the idea, nice words. Along with suspended sentences also have the captain of his children crying her parents, written in blue or black text on a suspended white cloth. These sentences and distention of the children are the productions of the "hand-written word" is

devised and written language, often deserved reward of labor, at least as well as tea, betel nut is the same things to be considered there is meaning. The grapes are very important documents, for jars, so the sons and daughters have a question for crying father, husband and wife crying you can cry with each other anymore. In rural areas, people in the village when the same amount of evidence to directly help in time of need. This is a very practical. Any money or items of Le Phung visited are clearly marked and recorded in the book, to the funeral home after that as the thanks, repay or when someone falls into mourning as their situation is also visiting help again. This is a characteristic of communication and social relations that the Vietnamese have a long sense of collective community life. Guests visited the festival before the screening of two holiday spirit and a half if the coffin was wrapped in the house. After the burial and that late arrivals will visit four holiday celebration and a half before the altar. Customers spiritual ceremony before the screening, funeral home or other children instead of mourning the dead master, to stand on ceremony altar response. The ceremony must meet with half of the dead celebration ceremony guests. Guests feast two holidays, in response to a feast, guests feast four ceremonies, in response to the two holidays. Today, it is "bowing paid holiday" at the same time and sufficient, or is two or three bows. Nam paid holidays for men and women are paid holidays for women. Source: vanhoaviet

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