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Shanice Kahanap Abalos Slagelse Gymnasium, 3.

Engelsk aflevering 3 Creative writing

09/01/12 LE

The Solitary Path

I should not have left without thinking things through. I should have dressed properly, so the people in the streets would not turn their heads on me especially at this hour. No, this was Nathan talking - not me. This was typically him. I could not care any less about what people thought of me. There was no one to judge me, because I did not have anyone waiting for me at home unlike him. I believed that no one had ever been waiting for me in this life. My life was empty at that point. Come on, Sarah! Dont be so stupid. Its cold and dark out here. What if anyone sees you like that? I could hear the irritation coming off his voice. But I could not look him in the eyes again. He had another life to live which did not suit the life I wanted for us. It was wrong for me to think that tonight was going to be the fulfilment of my dreams. This would be my last mistake. Dont make me leave you here! You know, I wont come back for you once this cab is gone. He was serious. I knew that. But I did not care anymore. It was not that cold there was barely a light breeze. I was too stubborn and hurt to even acknowledge Nathans being at that moment. The engine of the cab started making noises and the door was shut with a loud thump. As the sound of the moving car faded and the silence along with the mist slowly consumed the street, I realised that I was not going to see him again. He was the last man I could ever open my heart to. He was gone. I could not understand the way my life had turned out, because it was definitely not as I had planned it to be. If the phenomenon fate had ever existed it was nothing short of cruelty. Six years ago, I experienced both the best and worst time of my life. I married a wonderful man who was considerate, passionate and had the most luscious eyes which made me fall head over heels for him over and over again. Shortly after our honeymoon, I got pregnant. At that moment my life was complete in every possible way. I had found a loving husband, and we were about to start our own family. Unfortunately, when something is too good to be true it probably is. Little did I know, our relationship was not merely exclusive consisting of us he was still seeing other women, when he was supposedly working late or going out with friends. But later on, even though I could tell by the smell of another womans perfume on his clothes or the guilty look in his eyes as our baby grew bigger in my belly, I still stayed with him. No matter how much the fact that I was not sufficient hurt me, I could not bear the thought of losing him. It was a pathetic way of thinking, but he was everything I needed. I was addicted to him and the way he made me feel. I was sadly willing to share him with others, if only he would come back to me in the end. We were going to be parents for the very first time, and our child deserved to be loved and cherished by the both of us.

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Shanice Kahanap Abalos Slagelse Gymnasium, 3.F

Engelsk aflevering 3 Creative writing

09/01/12 LE

Around one month before the baby was due; the worst-case scenario turned up and hit me straight in the face. Dan, my beloved husband, had run off with a younger woman and left everything behind his job, friends, family and pregnant wife. I was devastated. I tried to find him by calling his family, friends, co-workers everything and anything, but it was more or less useless. A depression had overcome me and I began to suffer from troubled breathing due to severe chest pains and stomach-ache due to not eating this hurt the baby. We both suffered because of him. When all is said and done, the baby did not survive this. It was my fault. I was too weak to fight for us. But I still had to give birth to my dead baby girl, who did not even have a chance in life. I must have blacked-out, I thought to myself. I was crying and holding the bundle of my clothes as a baby and still standing right where Nathan had left me. He was a good man except the fact that he was cheating on his wife with me. He made me feel loved. He listened to my worries and also shared his. Everything would have been great, if he just did not have a family of his own already. The anxious look on his face gave him away, when I asked him to run away with me. He was not ready yet, but I could tell that he would never be able to do it and I felt ashamed of even asking him of such a horrible act. How could I take away a father from two young children a husband from his wife? I would be nothing but the same as the poison Dan chose over me. The asphalt felt cold and moist beneath my bare feet. My nightgown was slightly seethrough, but I did not care. On one way or the other, I was alone in the world. A path appeared on the side of the road leading into darkness between several trees. I was disoriented and had never been near this area. I did not know where it would lead to. I could hear a baby giggling so sweetly. Of course, that was impossible; A baby alone in the dark outside in the dead of the night. The angelic sound of the giggles occurred again. I decided to follow the path. After a couple of minutes of slow hesitating footsteps, the giggles became louder and I started running. I did not stop until I saw the most amazing sight a sight for sore eyes. I dropped everything in my hands and fell down on my knees. Dan was holding her, our little baby girl. They were smiling and calling for me. They were waiting for me. I was finally crying tears of joy. I lay down in the wet grass beside them and said in a tearful voice: Dan, after all these years... You know, theres still this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. Its the place where a part of you will always be a part of me. Im so happy that you came back for me. And you brought back our baby girl. Ive missed you so. Im never letting you go...

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