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State GOP Platforms | Page 1

Across the country, the state Republican platforms are affirming the social values of the Christian right. While many of these state platforms are not yet adopted, here is a look at some of the proposals: ALABAMA - 2012 Resolution calls for protecting the unborn and passage of a U.S. Constitutional amendment protecting the unborn. (Couldnt find their platform.) ALASKA Only the 2010 platform is posted. During the convention, resolutions included: Personhood Initiative

Be it resolved: The Alaska Republican Party supports removing Alaska from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Whereas We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness(The Declaration of Independence), Whereas the Alaska Republican Party principles and platform recognize that, The rights to life, liberty, and property are bestowed by our Creator. It is the responsibility of government to protect those rights. The right to life exists from the moment of conception until natural death, and every human being deserves protection under the law.

Whereas the Alaska Personhood Initiative declares, Be it enacted by the People of the State of Alaska that all human beings, from the beginning of their biological development as human organisms, including the single-cell embryo, regardless of age, health, level of functioning, condition of dependency or method of reproduction, shall be recognized as legal persons in the state of Alaska. The 2010 Platform includes ( IV. HEALTH & FAMILY

Be it resolved: The Alaska Republican Party supports passage of the Alaska Personhood Initiative and encourages all Alaskans to sign the currently circulating petition and vote in favor of its passage on Election Day in 2012.

A. We affirm the family, defined as people living together related by blood, marriage or adoption, as the foundational unit of society. We embrace the definition of marriage in our State constitution as the union of one man and one woman and support reserving certain benefits to this union alone. E. We support adult stem cell research. Human embryos are complete human beings at the time of conception; therefore, we support a ban on embryonic stem cell research. We oppose human cloning. F. All people have worth regardless of their age or ability. We support measures that maintain individual freedom of choice in healthcare. We reject assisted suicide and deprivation of food, water, or care to hasten death.

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ALASKA, CONTINUED J. We endorse the Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Man is made in the image of God; therefore, we embrace the sanctity of life from the moment of conception until natural death. We heartily encourage our elected officials to use every legal means to protect the unborn and recognize the worth of even the smallest members of the human race. VII. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS A. The right to life, liberty, and property is bestowed by our Creator and every human being deserves protection under the law from the moment of conception until natural death. Platform planks are included with Alaskas platform. Some of these (from 2010) include: III. EDUCATION

C. We support daily recital of the Pledge of Allegiance, including the words under God, proper display of the United States and State flags, and active promotion of patriotism in our schools. We also support teaching the accurate historical Judeo-Christian foundation of our country and the importance of our founding fathers, the Declaration of Independence, federal and state constitutions, and other founding documents. D. We support requiring active, written parental consent prior to teaching any sex education curricula. Any such curriculum must be age appropriate and abstinence based. We also support teaching prenatal development. We oppose teaching or promoting alternative lifestyles as legitimate or desirable. E. We support teaching various models and theories for the origins of life and our universe, including Creation Science or Intelligent Design. If evolution outside a species (macro-evolution) is taught, evidence disputing the theory should also be presented. V. HEALTH & FAMILY

A. We affirm the family, defined as people living together related by blood, marriage or adoption, as the foundational unit of society. We embrace the definition of marriage in our State constitution as the union of one man and one woman and support reserving certain benefits to this union alone. J. We endorse the Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Man is made in the image of God; therefore, we embrace the sanctity of life from the moment of conception until natural death. We heartily encourage our elected officials to use every legal means to protect the unborn and recognize the worth of even the smallest members of the human race. VI. NATIONAL DEFENSE

H. We oppose any modification of the application of the current dont ask, dont tell policy as adopted in 1993 to implement Public Law 103-106. ARIZONA Arizonas platform is dated 2010-2011. Issues for consideration included: SECTION V: CHILDREN & FAMILIES The Arizona Republican Party:

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ARIZONA, CONTINUED 36. Believes that the core principles upon which the modern Republican Party has been built faith, family and freedom are as relevant today as ever before, especially as the basis of values to be taught to each new generation of Americans. 40. Believes substance abuse, especially methamphetamine abuse, is a continuously increasing problem in Arizona and we support strong enforcement, education and treatment. 42. Believes innocent life should be protected and supports alternatives to abortion such as adoption. 43. Supports the definition of traditional marriage as only a union between one man and one woman. EDUCATION 41. Opposes euthanasia or any physician assisted death, but supports individuals and their legal guardians or designees right to refuse medical treatment.

ARKANSAS - 4. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion. We, therefore, support the right of the individual to pray in all public schools.


6. [.] We reject the use of public educational facilities and personnel to indoctrinate students in sexual matters of any kind. We believe that the choices available to young people in sexual matters are the proper realm of parents and their chosen faiths. We do not approve of the use of tax dollars in the advancement of any experimental, social, or sexual agenda which has not been tested and proven by centuries of collective wisdom to advance the causes of public health, civil order and the wellbeing of children. 1. Bigotry has no place in our state. We denounce those persons, organizations, publications and movements which practice or promote racism, hate actions or religious intolerance.

3. The Republican Party of Arkansas believes that unborn children have a fundamental individual right to life, which cannot be infringed. We believe that all innocent human lives should be respected and safeguarded from conception to natural death. We oppose assisted suicide, euthanasia, genocide, infanticide, cloning, partial birth and all abortion, and embryonic/fetal stem cell research. The Party affirms its support for a Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. We endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendments protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues for abortion and organizations which advocate it. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of human life. We urge the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

12. The Republican Party of Arkansas believes all Americans have the right to practice their religious faith free of persecution, intimidation and violence. We acknowledge that the church is a Godordained institution with a sphere of authority separate from that of civil government. Thus, churches, synagogues, and other places of worship should not be regulated, controlled, or taxed by any level of civil government.

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ARKANSAS, CONTINUED 13. We recognize the importance of the Declaration of Independence in American history and the founding of our country. References to the Creator must remain in this document, on public buildings and in government sanctioned activities. We further express our belief that the reference to "One Nation Under God" must be retained in the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" on our monies. We reject the contention that these phrases violate the First Amendment. We believe statements regarding religion and morality made by our Founding Fathers are just as important today as they were 200 years ago. 14. Arkansas Republicans support positions that permit references to God in all school functions including athletic activities and graduations.



The Republican Party of Arkansas supports the traditional definition of marriage as a God- ordained, legal and moral commitment between a man and a woman, and we believe that marriage is the foundational unit of a healthy society. We believe in the sanctity of marriage and that the integrity of this institution should be defended, protected, strengthened, and nurtured at all levels of government. We urge the repeal of laws that place an unfair tax burden on families, including the marriage penalty tax. We believe that each individual family has the primary responsibility for its own welfare, including education, moral training, and conduct. We believe that the traditional family unit provides an ideal environment for rearing children.

California calls itself the party of yes. In its platform for 2012-2016: The Republican Party is the historical party of equal opportunity.

It is the Republican Party that abolished slavery, introduced the first civil rights legislation, and was responsible for the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, plus women`s suffrage. The Republican Party stands for the right of all persons to succeed based on merit rather than non-merit based considerations. We oppose quotas, set asides, or guaranteed equality of results. We support laws prohibiting discrimination in employment and housing based on race, ethnicity, nationality, sex, or religion. We oppose any special rights based on sexual or behavioral preferences. FAMILY: The California Republican Party affirms the family as the natural and indispensable institution for human development.

A strong and healthy family unit is the heart of the home - a safe surrounding where family decisions are made, children are raised, and morality is taught. The family is a foundation upon which American society has grown and prospered for over 200 years. We support the two-parent family as the best environment for raising children, and therefore believe it is important to define marriage as being between one man and one woman. We believe public policy and education should not be exploited to present or teach homosexuality as an acceptable "alternative" lifestyle. We oppose same-sex partner benefits, child custody, and adoption.

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CALIFORNIA, CONTINUED THE RIGHT TO LIFE: The California Republican Party is the party that protects innocent life because we believe life begins at conception and ends at natural death.

We support laws that protect unborn children from partial birth abortions, sex selection abortions, tax-payer funded abortions, abortions performed as a form of birth control, or abortions on minor girls without their parent`s notification and consent. We believe that the question of abortion is a matter that should be left to the people through their elected representatives, not usurped by the United States Supreme Court, and believe that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be reversed. We support adoption as an alternative to abortion and call on lawmakers to reduce the bureaucratic burden placed on adoptive couples. As a part of respecting the sanctity of life for disabled persons, we oppose efforts to legalize assisted suicide or euthanasia. We support a comprehensive ban on all human cloning. The California Republican Party supports ethical stem cell research that focuses on cures, not destroying innocent human Life. Colorado adopted a number of resolutions for the year 2012, including:


7. It is resolved by Colorado Republicans that no person, church, or private organization be compelled to act by government or suffer consequences for refusing to act in a manner that would unduly burden or infringe the exercise of religious liberty. 25. It is resolved that Colorado Republicans support abolishing the Environmental Protection Agency and allowing each state to establish their own regulations and enforcement provisions to ensure responsible stewardship of the environment. 35. It is resolved that Colorado Republicans support retaining the phrase under God in the Pledge of Allegiance. 36. It is resolved by Colorado Republicans that life is deserving of respect and legal protections from conception until natural death.

21. It is resolved by Colorado Republicans that the federal Department of Education be abolished and that the responsibility for education be returned to state and local authorities.

37. Be it resolved that Colorado Republicans support the passage of a Constitutional amendment to guarantee that the right to life begins at the moment of fertilization.

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COLORADO, CONTINUED 38. It is resolved by Colorado Republicans that pregnancy, abortion and birth control are personal and private matters, and should not be subject to government regulation or interference. 40. It is resolved by Colorado Republicans to support and defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman. 41. It is resolved by Colorado Republicans to support legislation enabling civil unions or domestic partnerships under Colorado law. (failed) CONNECTICUT No posted platform. - DELAWARE - Delaware has a statement of guiding principles.

Families must continue to be the foundation of our state and our nation. Familiesnot government programsare the best way to make sure our children are properly nurtured, our elderly are cared for, our cultural and spiritual heritages are perpetuated, our laws are observed and our values are preserved.

The last posted platform is from the year 2008 and not reviewed. GEORGIA

FLORIDA will be home to the national convention this year. Did not see a posted platform at the states GOP site. Georgia has posted the 2008 platform and 2012 resolutions, the latter of which did not significantly amend the 2008 platform. Highlights from the 2008 platform include ( On education

Thus, it is imperative that our government's programs, actions, officials and social welfare institutions never be allowed to jeopardize the family. We fear the government may be powerful enough to destroy our families and we know that no government is powerful enough to replace them. Delaware's Republican Party must be committed to working always in the interest of Delaware's families.

Partnerships between schools and businesses can be especially important in STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and math. The need to improve secondary education in those fields can be measured by the number of remedial courses now offered at the college level. Our countrys reliance upon foreign talent in those areas begins with insufficient emphasis upon them in the high school years. We applaud those who are changing that situation by giving young people real-world experience in the private sector and by providing students with rigorous technical and academic courses that give students the skills and knowledge necessary to be productive members in a competitive American workforce. Asserting Family Rights in Schooling

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GEORGIA, CONTINUED Parents should be able to decide the learning environment that is best for their child. We support choice in education for all families, especially those with children trapped in dangerous and failing schools, whether through charter schools, vouchers or tax credits for attending faith-based or other non-public schools, or the option of home schooling. We call for the vigilant enforcement of laws designed to protect family rights and privacy in education. We will energetically assert the right of students to engage in voluntary prayer in schools and to have equal access to school facilities for religious purposes. We renew our call for replacing family planning programs for teens with increased funding for abstinence education, which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and expected standard of behavior. Abstinence from sexual activity is the only protection that is 100 percent effective against out-of-wedlock pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS when transmitted sexually. We oppose school-based clinics that provide referrals, counseling, and related services for abortion and contraception. Schools should not ask children to answer offensive or intrusive personal non-academic questionnaires without parental consent. It is not the role of the teacher or school administration to recommend or require the use of psychotropic medications that must be prescribed by a physician. In the values section Maintaining The Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life Faithful to the first guarantee of the Declaration of Independence, we assert the inherent dignity and sanctity of all human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendments protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity and dignity of innocent human life. We have made progress. The Supreme Court has upheld prohibitions against the barbaric practice of partialbirth abortion. States are now permitted to extend health-care coverage to children before birth. And the Born Alive Infants Protection Act has become law; this law ensures that infants who are born alive during an abortion receive all treatment and care that is provided to all newborn infants and are not neglected and left to die. We must protect girls from exploitation and statutory rape through a parental notification requirement. We all have a moral obligation to assist, not to penalize, women struggling with the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy. At its core, abortion is a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life. Women deserve better than abortion. Every effort should be made to work with women considering abortion to enable and empower them to choose life. We salute those who provide them alternatives, including pregnancy care centers, and we take pride in the tremendous increase in adoptions that has followed Republican legislative initiatives. Preserving Traditional Marriage

Because our childrens future is best preserved within the traditional understanding of marriage, we call for a constitutional amendment that fully protects marriage as a union of a man and a woman, so that judges cannot make other arrangements equivalent to it. In the absence of a national amendment, we support the right of the people of the various states to affirm traditional marriage through state initiatives. Republicans recognize the importance of having in the home a father and a mother who are married. The two-parent family still provides the best environment of stability, discipline, responsibility, and character. Children in homes without fathers are more likely to commit a crime, drop out of school, become violent,

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GEORGIA, CONTINUED become teen parents, use illegal drugs, become mired in poverty, or have emotional or behavioral problems. We support the courageous efforts of single-parent families to provide a stable home for their children. Children are our nations most precious resource. We also salute and support the efforts of foster and adoptive families.

Republicans have been at the forefront of protecting traditional marriage laws, both in the states and in Congress. A Republican Congress enacted the Defense of Marriage Act, affirming the right of states not to recognize same-sex marriages licensed in other states. Unbelievably, the Democratic Party has now pledged to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which would subject every state to the redefinition of marriage by a judge without ever allowing the people to vote on the matter. We also urge Congress to use its Article III, Section 2 power to prevent activist federal judges from imposing upon the rest of the nation the judicial activism in Massachusetts and California. We also encourage states to review their marriage and divorce laws in order to strengthen marriage. As the family is our basic unit of society, we oppose initiatives to erode parental rights. Safeguarding Religious Liberties Our Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion and forbids any religious test for public office, and it likewise prohibits the establishment of a state-sponsored creed. The balance between those two ideals has been distorted by judicial rulings which attempt to drive faith out of the public arena. The public display of the Ten Commandments does not violate the U.S. Constitution and accurately reflects the Judeo-Christian heritage of our country. We support the right of students to engage in student-initiated, student-led prayer in public schools, athletic events, and graduation ceremonies, when done in conformity with constitutional standards.

We affirm every citizens right to apply religious values to public policy and the right of faith-based organizations to participate fully in public programs without renouncing their beliefs, removing religious objects or symbols, or becoming subject to government-imposed hiring practices. Forcing religious groups to abandon their beliefs as applied to their hiring practices is religious discrimination. We support the First Amendment right of freedom of association of the Boy Scouts of America and other service organizations whose values are under assault, and we call upon the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to reverse its policy of blacklisting religious groups which decline to arrange adoptions by same-sex couples. Respectful of our nations diversity in faith, we urge reasonable accommodation of religious beliefs in the private workplace. We deplore the increasing incidence of attacks against religious symbols, as well as incidents of anti-Semitism on college campuses. HAWAII Hawaiis last platform was a simple 1-page document approved in 2010 and without containing theocratic types of provisions ( In its 2011 resolutions, however, Hawaii Republicans, resolved to adopt theocratic/social-conservative positions similar to other states ( ): One of these was a resolution on freedom of religion Whereas, the Hawai`i Republican Party endorses the concepts of Liberty and Limited Government;

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HAWAII, CONTINUED Whereas, the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution proclaims, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof which protects the right to choose religious beliefs and the right to exercise" or practice those beliefs; and

Whereas, John Adams explained, We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other; and Whereas, despite guarantees in the US Constitution, recent social and legal trends are threatening Freedom of Religion in Hawai`i and the nation by erroneously interpreting the First Amendment to mean freedom from religion. Religion needs protection from the state, not the other way around; and Whereas, religious organizations and religious adherents are increasingly unwelcome in the public square. They are being asked to leave their religious beliefs and values at home when they step into the voting booth as if religion were something that could be turned on and off! Rather, religion permeates ones thoughts, words, deeds, goals, dreams, standards of behavior and interaction with mankind at all times and in all things and in all places; and Whereas, Americans have a Constitutional right and duty to exercise their religion, to vote their consciences on public issues, and to participate in elections and in debates in the public square. These are the rights of all citizens, religious or not, and they are also the rights of religious leaders and religious organizations. Therefore, be it resolved, that the Hawai`i Republican Party in convention at Lihue, Hawai`i, May 14, 2011, calls upon the heads of the state and the nation to uphold the First Amendment and to reject measures that restrict or belittle religion and the practice thereof. Therefore, be it further resolved, that copies of this resolution be posted on the Hawaii Republican Party website and distributed to Hawai`i elected officials and media for public dissemination. A right to life resolution resolved,

Whereas, the Hawai`i Republican Party recognizes that an individuals Life and Liberty is threatened when an all-powerful state can declare some innocent human beings are not entitled to equal protection under the law; Whereas, the Hawai`i Republican Party believes that a human life cycle starts at fertilization and ends at natural death and that throughout this cycle he or she has rights; Whereas, the Declaration of Independence of 1776 states that: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness; Whereas, a responsible and just government must do everything it can to protect a persons unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from all other persons, entities and/or government itself infringing on those rights;

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HAWAII, CONTINUED Therefore, be it resolved, that the Hawai`i Republican Party in convention at Lihue, Hawai`i, May 14, 2011, declares that our government must do everything it can to protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death. Therefore, be it further resolved, that copies of this resolution be posted on the Hawai`i Republican Party website and distributed to Hawai`i elected officials and media for public dissemination. IDAHO - In the preamble, WE ARE REPUBLICANS BECAUSE:

In Article I on the responsibility of government, the Idaho Republicans want a return to the gold standard: Sec. 4 Sound Currency

We believe the strength of our nation lies with our faith and reliance on God our Creator, the individual, and the family, and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored. We recognize the failure of the Federal Reserve System to maintain a sound U.S. dollar and the danger of mercantile banks controlling the issuance of our currency. We believe the Federal Reserve Bank should be abolished and the issuing power restored to the people with the stipulation that the U.S. dollar be backed by gold and silver. We believe Idahoans need to protect their savings from the ravages of inflation, which is hidden taxation, and encourage citizens to participate in a systematic acquisition of precious metals which represent real value as opposed to paper currencies.

ARTICLE III. Education

The Idaho Republican Party recognizes that the future of this great state lies with our faith and reliance on God our Creator, in our strong efforts to uphold family values, and in the quality of education provided for its citizens. We believe that successful education is a joint responsibility of the individual, the family, and the community. As with government in general, we believe the most effective, responsible and responsive educational system is that system closest to the people. ARTICLE IV. American Family

The Idaho Republican Party believes that traditional family values are the foundation of our nation. Families, not government programs, are the best way to properly nurture and protect our children, care for our elderly, preserve and perpetuate our cultural and spiritual heritage, and assure that our traditional values are transmitted to the next generation. Many of the ills of society can be attributed to the breakdown of the family. We believe the traditional family to be the basic unit of society. Sec. 1 Governments Role A. We believe that state and federal social and fiscal programs should reinforce parental responsibility and authority, and not promote or reward the disintegration of the family.

B. We support a tax system that strengthens a family's economic ability to care for and support its members.

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IDAHO, CONTINUED Sec. 2 Traditional Marriage Sec. 3 Right to Life

We call upon government officials and legislators to protect the traditional family and use all means possible to prevent expansion of the definition of marriage beyond that of a bond between one man and one woman. A. We strongly encourage adoption as an alternative to abortion and support legislation that expands opportunities and provides assistance to the adoptive process. C. We oppose partial birth abortion and support legislation to abolish this practice. D. We support parental consent for minors to obtain an abortion.

B. We reaffirm our support for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and for the rights of the unborn child. We oppose abortion based on sex selection, convenience, or as a method of birth control. E. We oppose the use of federal or state tax funds to aid in the destruction of human life. F. We oppose the use of Idaho taxpayer funds to finance so called health abortions. ILLINOIS - V. Embrace of the Traditional Family

A. The family is societys central building block. Thus, efforts to strengthen family life are efforts to improve life for everyone.

B. Our children need secure and nurturing environments, which are best found within the traditional family. No law should be enacted nor policy implemented without fully contemplating the effect it would have on children and their families.

C. [Though] not universally achievable, the ideal, best environment for children is within a two-parent family based on the principle of marriage between one man and one woman. The Republican Party endorses a constitutional amendment protecting our Defense of Marriage Act and enshrining in constitutional law marriage as it is defined in our DOMA. D. Our laws should strongly support and celebrate the loving commitment a man and a woman make to each other in marriage. Our laws should strongly support and celebrate a loving, married couple bringing new life into the world and rearing their children in a secure and nurturing environment from conception to adulthood. No law should undermine the importance of that union, divide that union nor unduly burden the efforts of parents to rear a family in a safe and nurturing environment.

E. Those persons in our society best equipped and motivated to protect and nurture children are their parents, not government bureaucrats, teachers, counselors or social workers. The Republican Party endorses legislation to re-establish the right of parents to consent to health care involving their minor children, regardless of whether such care entails diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted disease, alcoholism, drug abuse or mental illness, and particularly in the consequential arena of abortion and contraception. VI. Embracing the First Freedom: The Right to Life

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ILLINOIS, CONTINUED A. [Recognizing] that the rights and needs of children begin at conception, the Republican Party of Illinois embraces the Right to Life of innocent unborn children and supports reform proposals protecting that right and limiting the practice of abortion in Illinois. B. We believe that all innocent human life must be respected and safeguarded from conception to natural death: therefore, D. We urge the reversal of Roe v. Wade. C. The unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life, which cannot be infringed. The Party affirms its support for a human life amendment to the U.S. Constitution and we endorse making clear that the Fourteenth Amendments protection applies to unborn children. E. We affirm our support for the appointment or election of judges at all levels of the judiciary who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of human life.

F. The Illinois Republican Party opposes the fostering of utilitarian experiments which sacrifice human embryos in what appears to be a futile search for medical cures. Such experimentation undermines the right to life of every human being and offends the moral conscience of many taxpayers. We embrace the more fruitful and completely ethical avenues of research using cord blood, bone marrow and other adult stem cells, and we note the success of adult stem cell research in treating or curing more than 70 diseases, conditions and injuries. G. In particular, we call upon the Governor and General Assembly to: End the taxpayer subsidy for abortion; Outlaw the barbaric practice of partial-birth abortion; and Require a doctor to involve a minors parents before aborting her unborn child;

Enact the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act guaranteeing medical assessment and appropriate medical care for babies whose birth is incidental to abortion. INDIANA - Core beliefs One Nation Under God. The First Amendment of our U.S. Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion. We support faith-based initiatives both at the national and state levels that seek to enrich our lives through their message and charity. Indiana is one of the few if only platforms not targeting abortions or gays, calling for clean energy, environmental protection, volunteerism and affordable higher education.


Iowa Republicans want a national personhood amendment which would recognize zygotes as human beings having Constitutional Rights. As of July 9, 2012, the proposed platform that includes a Right To Life

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IOWA, CONTINUED section that, among other things, condemns embryonic stem cell research and calls for a federal Constitutional amendment:

1.1 We believe in the sacred gift of life from conception to natural death. On day one a babys genetic code and DNA are formed. That is the beginning of life. We affirm that the unborn child is a living human being, with rights separate from those of its mother regardless of gestational age or dependency. 1.2 We oppose infanticide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. 1.3 We advocate the appointment of judges who respect the sanctity of life and who understand their limited role in government. 1.4 We disagree with Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton as settled law. Under the Tenth amendment, these Supreme Court decisions have no authority over the states.

1.5 We support a personhood amendment to the US Constitution that states, Personhood and life begins at Conception and that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, and property, according to the 14th amendment with-out due Process of Law and shall hold all officials accountable to enforce it. 1.6 We oppose the use of public revenues for abortion, and call for elimination of government funding for all organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, which advocate or support abortion. 1.7 We support a ban of RU-486 (morning after pill) and all abortion-inducing drugs.

1.8 We support legislation requiring a parent or legal guardians consent before an abortion or any reproductive surgery is performed on a minor child.

Iowa Republicans would like hate crimes repealed on state and federal levels, smoking bans repealed, and the death penalty re-instated for murderers and rapists. Prison inmates would be required to work for room and board. Iowa Republicans want the Federal Department of Education eliminated and want the authority of the Iowa Department of Education over private, parochial or homeschools stripped. Multi-culturalism is not be taught and We support the teaching of the documents and beliefs of our Founding Fathers, with emphasis on patriotism, citizenship, responsibility, respect for our country and its symbols, and pride in the United States unique contributions to liberty and freedom, and U.S. history, including its religious heritage. We call for the teaching of documents such as: The Mayflower Compact, The Declaration of Independence, The U. S. Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and the Iowa Constitution among other items that share the ideas of the Founding Fathers.

1.9 We believe in conscience-clause legislation so that no physician, pharmacist, or other health care provider can be penalized for refusing to prescribe, dispense, or participate in the procurement of abortion or anything contrary to the conscience of the health care provider.

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IOWA, CONTINUED Iowa Republicans believe that creationism is valid science, adding in its platform:

6.20 We support a balanced presentation of creationism and evolution in public schools. We believe that textbooks and teachers should clarify that Darwinian evolution is only a theory and not scientific fact. 6.21 We recommend that tax-funded school libraries include intelligent design and creationism materials on their bookshelves. Anti-bullying laws would be repealed and gay groups would not be allowed on public school campuses. 6.28 We oppose the teaching of homosexual behavior as a normal or acceptable lifestyle in our government schools.

7.16 We believe candidates for President of the United States must show proof of being a natural born citizen as required by Article II, Section I of the Constitution beginning with the 2012 election.

9.2 We believe that claims of human-caused global warming are based on fraudulent, inaccurate information and that legislation and policy based on this information is detrimental to the wellbeing of the United States. We deplore extremist scare tactics not based on scientific evidence. We recognize it as a plan to take our freedoms and liberties away from the people through legislation. 9.3 We call for closing government branches, offices, and agencies that strip us of economic prosperity in the name of saving the environment. We should eliminate policies and rules related to this. 10.10 We oppose adoption by homosexual individuals and couples.

12.3 We believe no group or individual should be accorded minority or protected class status, or given the existing statutory benefits that come with such designation. All American citizens should be treated equally as called for by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. 12.10 We believe prayer in public institutions should not be prohibited. Current restrictions on voluntary prayer should be removed. 12.11 We support the public display of the Ten Commandments.

12.12 We oppose further attempts to remove any mention of God from the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, and other public documents, and from our governmental buildings, monuments, or currency.

13.1 We believe Iowa and federal legislators should uphold their legislative duties to impeach and remove judges who are not upholding their respective Constitutions. We demand that the Iowa Legislature take action to impeach, and to remove from office, judges for legislating from the bench bypassing the Iowa Constitution as in the recent creation of a so-called right to homosexual marriage.

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IOWA, CONTINUED 15.6 We demand that the U. S. House of Representatives exercise its constitutional responsibility and duty to impeach activist judges (starting with the 9th Circuit Court) who legislate from the bench. We refuse to surrender to judicial tyranny.

18.1 We oppose nationalized Healthcare and support the repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare).

18.2 Healthcare, as any other service, is best provided by the free market, achieving greater quality and efficiency with more diversity of choice. We recognize the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want, the level of health care they want, the providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use, and all other aspects of their medical care. We demand the immediate elimination of any legislation that would impede an individual from making his or her own health-care decisions. 18.3 We believe that health care is a privilege, not a right, and support decreasing the role of government in health care. Additionally, we call for nullification and interposition by state and county officials and law enforcement in regards to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). 18.4 We favor private-sector health-care plans such as health-care-savings accounts.

18.5 We call for legislation to ensure that health-care stakeholders retain the right to provide, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions.

18.17 We believe parents should have the right to decide which immunizations or vaccinations their child receives and when they should receive them. We call for the Iowa Department of Health to recognize a philosophical exemption to vaccines for the purpose of public school attendance. 20.1 We support faith-based, non-government organizations (NGOs), providing individuals more efficient and effective access to social services. 20.2 20.4 20.3 We call for requiring food stamp recipients to present a government issued photo ID at the point of redemption. 20.5 We believe, with the imminent bankruptcy of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, Republicans should take the lead in replacing these programs, over time, with private solutions. We support a mandate for drug testing all people on public assistance. We believe that welfare subsidies should be both temporary and limited in scope.

22.1 We support federal and state constitutional amendments, voted on by the citizens, which define marriage as only between one natural man and one natural woman.

22.2 We support a Concurrent Resolution of the U.S. Congress asserting its Constitutional authority to limit the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in the following manner: Pursuant to Section 2 of Article III of the Constitution of the United States, Congress has the sole and exclusive power to make regulations and exceptions to the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Accordingly, effective immediately, the Congress of the United States denies the Supreme Court appellate jurisdiction over cases relating to marriage.

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IOWA, CONTINUED 22.3 We call on citizens concerned with the cultural heritage of our state and nation to vote NO on retention of each of the four remaining Supreme Court Justices who voted against Iowas Marriage Law. 22.4 We oppose civil unions and the legalization of same-sex marriage in Iowa and assert that Iowa should refuse to recognize same-sex marriages formed in other states. 22.5 We support the current Iowa code Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and strongly oppose the Iowa Supreme Court OPINION in the case of Varnum vs. Brien (2009) being taken as rule of law overriding the DOMA law currently on the books.

22.6 We believe Iowa and federal legislators should uphold their legislative duties to impeach and remove judges who are not upholding their respective Constitutions. We demand that the Iowa Legislature take action to impeach, and to remove from office, judges for legislating from the bench bypassing the Iowa Constitution as in the recent creation of a so-called right to homosexual marriage.

22.7 We believe no-fault divorce laws should be revised and believe there should be good cause to get a divorce. 23.1 We call on our courts to interpret and apply the First Amendment as the Framers intended. The phrase, the separation of church and state as it is commonly used, contradicts the original intent and practice of the Framers of the Constitution. The First Amendment prohibits the establishment of a state religion and permits the exercise of religious freedom. Neither the courts nor government agencies should misuse or misunderstand the First Amendment so as to create a so-called wall of separation to the voluntary expression of religious belief. 23.2 We assert that the public display of the Ten Commandments, nativity scenes, and other displays that honor the civilization that provided the philosophical basis for our cherished liberties, religious tolerance, and efforts to help the poor and oppressed around the world, are not an establishment of religion, do not compel or coerce others, and should be protected by the 1st Amendment. 23.4 23.5 We advocate freedom of public prayer and religious expression for all. Religious Freedom

23.3 We oppose further attempts to remove any mention of God from the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, and other documents; or from our governmental buildings, monuments, or currency. 23.6 We assert that church representatives and pastors should be allowed to speak on any subject from Scripture, whether moral or political, at any time, without disturbing the 501 C 3 tax status of the church. This would reverse the restrictions imposed by then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson in 1954, to silence the pulpits of America. 23.7 Legitimate religious organizations should be able to receive compensation for the use of their facilities without IRS harassment. We support continuing the tax-exempt status of legitimate religious organizations.

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IOWA, CONTINUED 23.8 Religious representatives should be free from ordinances barring them from going door-todoor to evangelize so long as they promptly leave a persons property when requested to do so. 23.9 We believe that Judeo-Christian values and Scripture should not be excluded from government schools. 23.10 We support the free-speech right of students to write and speak about God and religion in government schools.


Kansas has posted its 2010 platform, but nothing for 2012. The 2010 platform begins with a preamble declaring that:

Promoting a Culture of Life

Every innocent human life is sacred. Every human being, born or unborn, has an inalienable right to life which cannot be infringed. We believe life begins at conception. The Kansas Republican Party will lead our nation toward a culture that values lifethe life of the elderly and sick, the life of the young, and the life of the unborn. All unborn children, regardless of ability, have a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. Kansas Republicans, therefore, affirm our support for a Human Life Amendment to the U. S. Constitution (as stated in the Republican National Platform), and we endorse legislation to make clear the Fourteenth Amendments protection applies to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues for abortion and funding organizations which advocate it.

The Kansas Republican Party affirms the Kansas Constitution in stating that We the people of Kansas [are] grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges. Since man is created in Gods image, each persons dignity, freedom, ability, and responsibility must be honored.

In the interest of guarding the inalienable right to life of all Americans, we support the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the prohibition of euthanasia. We encourage providing positive alternatives to abortion by meeting the physical, emotional, and financial needs of pregnant women and offering adoption services where needed and promoting abstinence-only educational programs in our schools. To protect women considering abortion, we support full disclosure of possible short- and long-term effects of abortion, and licensure and regulation of abortion clinics by the State. The State of Kansas needs to enforce its extensive laws regarding abortion, especially the strict prohibition against late-term abortions, and to ensure the right to civil and criminal redress for matters involving malpractice, malfeasance, or ethical violations. We support the prohibition of all human cloning, whether therapeutic or reproductive. We support the use of scientifically proven and successful adult stem cell and umbilical cord blood cell research and other innovations that do not involve destroying human life. Preserving Traditional Marriage As Republicans, we believe that strong societies rest on strong, stable families. Families provide important value in attainment of leadership skills, moral fiber, work ethic and other traits necessary to be successful in society. As defined by the Kansas Constitution, the benefits and privileges of marriage exist only between one man and one woman. Happy and healthy marriages are the foundation of our society, and we must support the institution of marriage if our society is to survive.

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KANSAS, CONTINUED Because our childrens future is best preserved within the traditional understanding of marriage, we call for a federal constitutional amendment that fully protects marriage as a union of a man and a woman, so that judges and legislatures cannot make other arrangements equivalent to it. We support the courageous efforts of single-parent families to provide a stable home for their children. We also salute and support the efforts of foster and adoptive families. KENTUCKY - As the family is our basic unit of society, we oppose initiatives that erode parental rights, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Kentuckys last posted platform is the national platform from the year 2008. LOUISIANA -

The last posted platform was from the year 2008 ( and states in the preamble that: Our nation was founded on faith in God, family, country, and freedom. Efforts to modify or replace these core values erode the foundations of our society for future generations.

Article II: Family

1. We believe our nations strength lies with the family. The family is where each new generation gains its moral anchor. It is the first school of good citizenship, the engine of economic progress, and a haven of security and understanding in an ever-changing world.

2. We believe homosexuality should not be established as an acceptable "alternative" lifestyle either in public education or in public policy. We do not believe public schools should be used to teach children that homosexuality is normal, and we do not believe that taxpayers should fund benefit plans for unmarried partners. We oppose special treatment by law based on nothing other than homosexual behavior or identity. We oppose actions, such as marriage or the adoption of children by same-sex couples. We support the Defense of Marriage Act and support constitutional amendments to both the U.S. and the Louisiana Constitutions to ensure that marriage is limited to the union of one man and one woman. We support limiting the jurisdiction of Federal courts over questions under the Defense of Marriage Act. We commend private organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, which defend moral decency and freedom according to their own wellestablished traditions and beliefs. Article III: Individual Liberty

4. The state must not control or interfere with our freedom of religion and the voluntary expression thereof. We oppose efforts to remove the recognition of God from our schools and from our Pledge of Allegiance. State colleges and universities should not discriminate for or against any religion; and should not promote any religion through required reading assignments or courses. Article IV: Sanctity of Life 1. The Republican Party of Louisiana believes strongly in the sanctity of all human life from fertilization (conception) until natural death.

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LOUISIANA, CONTINUED 2. We believe unborn children have constitutional rights to life and liberty, and we therefore urge the Supreme Court to overturn its decision in Roe v. Wade. Inasmuch as basic biology shows that life begins with fertilization of an ovum (oocyte) by a sperm, we support the adoption of a constitutional amendment establishing that human life begins at conception (fertilization). We also support limiting the jurisdiction of Federal Courts over questions regarding the right to life when rulings contradict basic biologic facts. We stand with the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose efforts to mandate legalized abortion or to fund local, national, or international organizations that provide or promote abortion services. Abortion is never an acceptable method of birth control.

3. We oppose the heinous procedure known as partial-birth abortion. We applaud President Bush and the majority of the Congress who passed into law the federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban. Furthermore, we urge members of the Republican Party of Louisiana to support financially, or with in-kind contributions, only those candidates or nominees who support measures to end partial-birth abortions. 4. Recogning that abortion is grievously harmful to women, men, families, and society at large, as well as fatal to the unborn child, we support and strongly encourage positive alternatives to abortion, such as adoption. We believe that biases against intact, caring families should be eliminated from adoption laws and tax codes. Adoption should be encouraged through significant tax credits, insurance reforms and legal reforms. 5. We oppose the erosion of parental rights and responsibilities by agents of the state when it comes to pregnant unmarried minors. Informed consent and parental consent must be prerequisite to any minor receiving invasive medical treatment including abortion. We strongly support the adherence to federal guidelines that prevent the use of federal funds to counsel for abortion.

6. We support all developments in biomedical research and technology that enhance and protect human life. But we oppose any new development that does not treat all human life as a precious gift of God, or that does not treat every individual human life as a locus of unique and irreplaceable dignity no matter how weak, immature, or dependent.

7. We oppose all procedures in research and medicine that involve the intentional destruction of innocent human life. We also oppose any cloning of human beings, the use of human embryos in research for purposes other than advancing their own health and safety, as well as all forms of active euthanasia or assisted suicide. 8. We urge the recruitment and support of candidates who will work hard to protect all innocent human life. 9. We support harsh criminal penalties for women convicted of using illegal drugs while they are pregnant, exposing their unborn to such drugs. This has been proven to increase the rate of birth defects. Article VII: Education

7. All schools should encourage patriotism and knowledge of the traditional values of Western civilization upon which our republic is based. We oppose using public dollars to fund attempts at social engineering contrary to the foundations on which our nation rests. We support daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools, and we believe every classroom should display an American flag and a copy of our national motto In God We Trust. 8. Republicans oppose mandatory sex education in public schools and believe sex education should not be included in any public school program without obtaining prior informed written parental consent from parents or guardians. Where sex education is included, we support teaching abstinence until marriage as the expected norm for acceptable sexual behavior. National studies have shown that the majority of Americans

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LOUSIANA, CONTINUED agree with this approach. The practice of abstinence until marriage is the only effective way to prevent teenage pregnancies, absentee fathers, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases. It is also the most effective way to create healthy relationships and healthy self esteem among young people.

9. We oppose the provision of school-based social services, including school-based clinics and mental health programs, which attempt to bypass parental authority and responsibility. 10. Learning must rely on moral principles supported by our deepest convictions. We support the right of students to engage in voluntary prayer in school and the right of others to pray as well at public occasions such as commencement exercises, without the fear of retribution or persecution. We also strongly support equal access to school facilities. 12. We oppose the restriction of free speech and free assembly by public educational institutions on ideological or religious grounds. Article VIII: Justice

11. Louisiana has traditionally provided affordable higher education to its citizens. But taxpayers should not be required to fund higher education for illegal immigrants.

6. We support measures to deny jurisdiction to federal courts in the areas of marriage and the right to life. MASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts still has the 2010 platform posted.

MAINE - Theirs did not include a bunch of stuff about gays, abortion or creationism, nor was there a bunch of one nation under God crap. MICHIGAN - The state convention will be held in September 2012. They do not have their platform posted. MINNESOTA Section 2 Restore and Defend Civil Rights

We support defending the right to life, protecting religious, political and economic liberties, and respecting personal privacy and property to preserve civil rights and ensure that government treats all of its citizens equally under the law. Defend the Right to Life

Republicans believe that every innocent human being, born and unborn, has an inalienable right to life from conception to natural death. Any policy or law that attacks that belief is wrong and should be opposed. The U.S. and Minnesota Constitutions should be amended to restore legal protection to the lives of innocent human beings from conception to natural death. To that end, members of the Minnesota House and Senate should introduce and support legislation defining conception as: when the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) of Mankind is joined. We should also urge them to introduce and support right to life legislation that

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MINNESOTA, CONTINUED establishes personhood at the time of conception. We oppose partial birth abortions and we should eliminate forced taxpayer funding of abortion or abortion providers and abortions performed on minors without parental consent. We advocate providing women considering abortions with information on alternatives as well as information on the repercussions of choosing abortion. We advocate prohibiting U.S. promotion or funding of abortion in any nation. Action should be taken leading to legislative guarantees and protection of the fathers inalienable right to decide against any unilateral or preemptive decision to terminate his childs developing life. Protect Religious, Political & Economic Liberties

We support protecting the right to religious expression for all peoples, including the public display of the Ten Commandments and the right to prayer at government events in the name of a specific deity. Everyone should have the right to form organizations based on their set of religious beliefs or principles including places of worship, charities, schools and hospitals. Religious organizations should not be compelled to act in conflict with their beliefs or teachings or fear losing their tax-exempt status because of their support for specific principles or political candidates. Organizations should have the right to set their own standards for membership and the right to maintain in their policies those aspects that support their fundamental and legal beliefs. Furthermore, we feel these rights extend to people of all nations and condemn religious, political, and ethnic persecution, including oppression, slave labor, torture and murder in any country.

We encourage respect for our American heritage and feel we should be defined as Americans, not divided into subcategories. We reject any form of preference or quota for employment, student admissions and faculty hiring, or set-asides in the awarding of government contracts. We call for the protection of Civil Rights statutes to be written to apply equally to all citizens of the United States, not to specific groups. We support prohibiting the collection and storage of data on any person by any government agency for the purpose of indentifying and discriminating among such groups. Section 4 Educate our Children

We support the belief that parents are responsible for their childrens education and that parents, teachers and local school boards can make the best decisions about our childrens education.

[In the parental choice subsection ] We are firmly against the establishment of universal pre-school programs in Minnesota. We believe that there should be no universal health screening of students in K-12 schools, pre-schools and in early infancy. We also oppose social and emotional outcomes being incorporated into the school curricula. Emphasize Traditional American Values We believe that every classroom should be required to display the United States flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily. In keeping with our heritage, all history classes should include information about the important role religion played in our Nations founding, including study of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and other original sources.

We should continue to encourage the voluntary expression of religious beliefs and traditions of students. Specifically, educators who discuss creation science should be protected from disciplinary action and science standards should recognize that there is controversy pertaining to the theory of evolution.

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MINNESOTA, CONTINUED We believe that K-12 public school teachers should not initiate discussion, teach lessons, or provide resources to students on the topic of family structure, human sexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, or transgenderism. Instead, we should require that K-12 public school teachers teach about sexual abstinence, that premarital sex and extramarital sex is wrong, and that the use of contraceptives is not safe sex. We oppose the dispensing of or referral for birth control drugs and devices in schools. Section 5 Strengthen our Families and Communities Protect our Families and Children We recognize the blessings that God has bestowed on this great Nation. We also recognize the sanctity of human life and the central role of the traditional family in our society. We work to defend those values in order to strengthen our families and communities.

As Republicans, we believe in the sanctity of human life and marriage, and the central role of the traditional family in our society. In order to protect our families and communities, we need to change laws regarding marriage, divorce, adoption, child support, welfare, taxes and others. Grandparents and other relatives should be the first option when children cannot live with their parents. Racial preference is wrong; in cases of adoption, Minnesota should make it easier and less costly for a traditional married couple to adopt a child of any race. In child custody cases, privileges of the father should be restored to comply with the 14th Amendment. We support restricting the production, sale and promotion of vulgar and obscene material to children, and support the use of pornography-blocking software in publicly-financed institutions. Defend the Definition of Marriage We believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that the U.S. Constitution and the Minnesota Constitution should be amended to this effect. We oppose civil unions or their legal equivalents between same-sex couples and, therefore, domestic partner benefits should not be publicly funded. Reform and Eliminate the Welfare System

People in need should be assisted primarily through private charity, including faith-based programs instead of government welfare programs. These programs should be encouraged through tax credits at the federal and state levels with the objective of replacing as much government-sponsored welfare with private incentives as possible. We believe in real welfare reform, which would require all able-bodied recipients to work in order to receive benefits, stop the practice of offering cash incentives for unmarried recipients to bear children, and require proof of legal citizenship and in-state residency and mandatory drug tests as a condition of receiving aid. Section 6: Protect Public Safety We seek to deny all state funds to ACORN, its derivatives and its affiliates. As Republicans we support the nullification of unconstitutional federal law in accordance with state sovereignty and we support restoring states rights under the 10th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The rule of Law in Minnesota is solely based on the United States and Minnesota Constitutions, not on international or Sharia law. Our legislators are our lawmakers. Judges are not to make or write law. When

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MINNESOTA, CONTINUED they act to do so, they need to be corrected by the Legislative Branch as provided by the Minnesota constitution. MISSISSIPPI - EDUCATION Mississippi Republicans support voluntary, student-led prayer in our public schools. We support creative ideas such as charter schools. While we may provide incentives and encouragement for voluntary early childhood education, we must respect families who do not choose that option. To help lower the dropout rate in Mississippi, students seeking a job-skills route rather than a college degree option should be encouraged to participate in dual enrollment program between high schools and community and junior colleges so they can better prepare for their career path. PUBLIC SAFETY Mississippi Republicans support the development of more church and community-based rehabilitation programs for non-violent offenders. We support the utilization of drug courts to ensure participants pay for their crimes while providing an opportunity to return addicts to better functioning, family-oriented, taxpaying members of society rather than a draining burden on the prison system. VALUES Mississippi Republicans believe in the traditional, conservative values that America was founded upon. We support making English the official language of the United States of America.

We believe that life begins at conception and that all life, regardless of age, is a precious gift from God, and must be protected. We believe in the traditional definition of marriage between one man and one woman. Adopted at the State Convention, May 19, 2012 MISSOURIS DRAFT --

WE BELIEVE that all of us are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is our fundamental belief that our morals, our values and our culture are derived from Almighty God. To quote the Psalmist, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12. Oppose Obamacare Education Empowering local school districts to determine how best to handle the teaching of creationism and the theory of evolution.

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MISSOURI, CONTINUED Faith & Family Families are the bedrock of Missouri. This question should measure every public policy: Does it strengthen or weaken our families? Policies that strengthen our families should be pursued. Those that would weaken the family structure must be discarded.

The Fundamental Right to Life God-given rights for all citizens including the fundamental right to life for born and unborn children, the aged, the terminally ill and the handicapped should be provided for in our laws and in our Constitution. We believe that life begins at conception and reaffirm our support for a human life amendment to the Constitution. We endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children, and encourage those institutions, including faith-based initiatives, that take a proactive approach in teaching sexual responsibility including abstinence to our young people. Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS: Legislation overturning Roe v. Wade and the appointing of federal and state judges that respect the sanctity of innocent human life. Legislation to prohibit assisted suicide; Marriage The traditional family is the foundation of our great history and critical to our future. Building futures through hard work and personal responsibility are American values that should be encouraged by government policy. Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS: Faith

Missouri's many and diverse faith communities are critical to the rich fabric of our society. Government has nothing to fear from people of faith and much to gain. Faith communities should be embraced and allowed to offer assistance to those in need without undue bureaucratic interference. The most powerful sources of charity, virtue, and shared prosperity in our society are not found in government, but in families, houses of worship, charities, and free markets. The Missouri Republican Party believes in protecting the religious freedom of citizens. Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS: Freedom to practice religion, as an individual choice, including the ability to pray in school. Protecting the acknowledgement of God in our public life. Keeping the phrase "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Keeping "In God We Trust" on our currency and in other public declarations. All efforts to honor and preserve America's religious heritage, including the public display of the 10 Commandments or other religious symbols.

Missouris constitutional amendment approved by more than 70 percent of Missourians clearly stating that only marriages between one man and one woman will be valid and recognized, whether performed in Missouri or any other state or nation. Efforts to promote healthy marriages. A permanent end to the marriage penalty in the tax code.

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TENTATIVE Montana Republican Party Platform 2012 Human Life

We affirm our belief in traditional family values and support the preservation of innocent human life at every stage of life beginning at conception through natural death. In concert with this belief: 1) We support efforts to provide parental notification and consent, and informed consent in all cases involving abortion; 3) We oppose assisted suicide; 2) We support those individuals and organizations seeking to provide positive alternatives to abortion, such as streamlined adoption; 4) We oppose partial birth abortion; 5) We support a moratorium on human cloning for any purpose; 6) We support non-embryonic stem cell research; 7) We support abstinence education. United Nations Agenda 21 and Land Use

We recognize the destructive and insidious nature of the United Nations Agenda 21 and hereby expose to the public and public policy makers the dangerous intent of the Agenda 21 plan. We encourage the State of Montana and its political subdivisions to engage in the coordination process with all federal government agencies that adopt policies under NEPA or other applicable federal law. Personal Rights and Liberties We affirm the unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all individuals. We affirm the sanctity of human life and the inherent dignity of each human being from conception to death. The people of Montana have voted to define marriage in our constitution as only between one man and one woman. We support the definition of marriage as only between one man and one woman NEBRASKA (no date given) EDUCATION The NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN PARTY reaffirms the role of education in the development of effective and responsible citizens.

We believe that decisions regarding the education of children properly belong to parents and guardians. We reaffirm our belief that control of all aspects of public education should rest with local school boards, not state or federal agencies. We believe each K-12 student should be provided with the opportunity for an

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NEBRASKA, CONTINUED excellent academic education. We believe moral training based on principles established by God, under whom we profess to be a nation, should be returned to its proper and traditional place in the public schools.

We strongly believe that every student has the right to determine his or her future concerning employment and/or profession. This right should not be infringed upon by tracking the student into career paths in the K12 grades. Federal monies should neither dictate nor affect the students career decision. We urge citizens to require fiscal and educational accountability from policy makers, educational institutions and educational professionals to assure that quality services are being rendered. We oppose physical, psychological, inventory or assessment testing without parental consent. We recognize and commend the dedicated educators and administrators who strive to prepare the students for future decision making that will directly affect the freedom and security of the United States. We encourage patriotism, respect for the American flag and an understanding of our nations ideals, which make our form of government the best in the world. We believe the family to be our countrys basic institution and as such should be encouraged to take a larger, not smaller, role in education. We support parental choice in education based on a program of vouchers or tax credits, thus creating better education through the principles of free market competition. These alternatives should include private, parochial and home schools. FAMILY

The NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN PARTY affirms the traditional, marriage-based family as the natural and indispensable institution for human development. A society is only as strong as its marriages and families, for the family nurtures those qualities necessary to maintain and advance civilization. We believe no-fault divorce should be limited to situations in which the couple has no children of the marriage. We believe the institution of marriage is crucial to the American family and that marriage should be defined as the legal union of one man and one woman, and we support a Federal Constitutional amendment to that effect. We believe America was built on the institutions of home, family, religion, and neighborhood. From these basic building blocks came self-reliant individuals, prepared to exercise both rights and responsibilities. We oppose laws that would intrude unnecessarily on the rights of the family, contribute to the dissolution of the family, or interfere with parental rights, but we also recognize the need to prevent child and spouse abuse. HUMAN RIGHTS

We urge Nebraska to continue to remove obstacles to the permanent placement or adoption of foster children in homes offering strong family life based on traditional values. The NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN PARTY reaffirms our commitment to the principle that all people have the inalienable right to human dignity and equal treatment under the law. We believe that the concept of equal rights and equal responsibilities under the law is basic to a free society. There should be no discrimination against anyone because he/she is physically or mentally challenged, or because of race, religion, color, creed, ethnicity, gender, age, marital status or national origin. We strongly support equality under the law and urge everyone to value and to treat all individuals equally. We oppose efforts to extend protected class status or special rights to anyone based on sexual or behavioral preference. We support equal compensation for equal work and encourage employers to rededicate themselves to that concept. We stand for the right of all persons to succeed based on merit rather than non-merit based considerations and, therefore, oppose preferences, set asides, or guaranteed equality of results.

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NEBRASKA, CONTINUED Mindful of our religious diversity, we reaffirm our commitment to the freedoms of religion and speech guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. We firmly support the rights of all citizens to openly practice the same, including the rights of individuals to engage in voluntary prayer in schools or in any other public institution. We believe that life begins at conception, and that all innocent human life is precious and should be protected. We support the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and an amendment to the United States Constitution banning abortions except those genuinely needed to save the life of the mother.

The NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN PARTY emphasizes its belief in personal responsibility and limited government interference in the lives of our citizens. We endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendments protections apply to the unborn. We oppose using public revenues for abortion, and our Party will not fund organizations that advocate it. We oppose the introduction, testing or use of abortifacients.

We are strongly opposed to any form of euthanasia or assisted suicide, and we believe that the traditional criteria for death should be applied before organ harvesting is allowed. We believe that the individual should make decisions regarding the artificial maintenance of his or her own life. NEVADA - (Their URL indicates that it is for the year 2010, but the page says its 2012.) Constitution

We recognize that our Creator, Almighty God, not government has endowed all mankind with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness as stated in the Declaration of Independence and secured by the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the State of Nevada, and the principles upon which they were founded. [] We believe the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was intended to prevent a state sponsored religion rather than a separation of God from government. Religious freedom is the first of our constitutionally protected rights. Attempts to force religious institutions to violate their conscience are contrary to the Constitution. Education We support returning control of the education system to local jurisdictions and parental control. We support eliminating the U.S. Department of Education. Family and Sanctity of Life

We support the family unit, recognizing the definition of marriage as only between a man and a woman as defined in the Nevada Constitution.

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We affirm the sanctity of life and the inherent dignity of each human being from conception to death. The unborn child has a fundamental right to life and should be welcomed into life and protected under law. We support the ban on partial-birth abortion.

We oppose taxpayer funding of abortion and for organizations that advocate or provide abortions. Medical professionals, health care facilities and insurers should not be forced to participate, provide or pay for abortions or conscience-violating or life-ending procedures. We support parental notification for minors considering abortion and enforcement of statutory rape reporting laws. We oppose assisted suicide, euthanasia and the non-consensual withholding of medical treatment.

We support scientific research that utilizes adult stem cells and/or stem cells recovered from the byproducts of live births for treatment and cure of disease and oppose embryonic stem cell research.

We oppose cloning of complete human beings. However, we encourage the development of cloning techniques to grow organs and tissue material that support life saving and life enhancing medical procedures. Limited Government We support eliminating the Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Education (ED), Department of the Interior, (DOI), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other bureaucracies that have consistently demonstrated wasteful spending and operational inefficiencies. We believe these functions, where needed, should be relegated to the States as defined by the Tenth Amendment. We support the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and returning the power of minting money to the Congress of the United States. NEW HAMPSHIRE - The NH GOP has posted a platform for 2011-2012. Some of the highlights include: I. PREAMBLE

We, New Hampshire Republicans, are united by our belief in God, individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, limited spending, limited taxes, economic opportunity, homeland security, compassion for the truly needy and our confidence in the strength of families, places of worship, communities and volunteerism. VIII. THE FAMILY Preserving Marriage and Family We realize that the family's most important function is to raise the next generation of Americans. We place our highest priority on promoting and preserving the family as the most important institution of human development by: Recognizing marriage as the legal union between one man and one woman

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NEW HAMPSHIRE, CONTINUED Opposing recognition by the State of New Hampshire of all other forms of civil unions, regardless of where such unions were formed (other states, U.S. territories, and foreign countries) Believing the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed upon; supporting a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorsing legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children In light of current court interpretations, requiring parental consent for minors seeking abortions; barring the use of public resources to fund or promote abortion; banning the procedure of partialbirth abortion; supporting the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life The New Hampshire Republican State Committee not supporting financially or by in-kind contributions, any candidate or nominee of this party who opposes measures to end partial-birth abortions Commending and encouraging those individuals and organizations who provide alternatives to abortion by meeting the needs of mothers through adoption, support, counseling and educational services Encouraging scientific research using adult and cord blood stem cells; opposing the use of embryonic stem cells; and supporting a comprehensive ban on human cloning, the creation of human embryos solely for experimentation, and the public funding thereof

Protecting Marriage and Family

Family life can nurture love of country and faith in God. To protect marriages and families as the central core in society for enhancing morality, integrity, responsibility and concern for others, we:

NEW JERSEY -- Nothing is posted on their website. NEW MEXICO Not until August. Last amendment was 2010.

Advocate a presumption in favor of joint custody and favor equitable treatment of both parents in child custody and child support determinations Oppose actions that inhibit and/or supplant the role of parents in the care and upbringing of children Will work to ensure due process rights of those accused of child abuse or neglect Ensure that children are placed only in loving, non-abusive homes Are committed to respecting our senior citizens by improving their financial security, physical well being and quality of life Oppose euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, and support increased implementation of appropriate pain management Oppose casino and video-lottery gambling because of the negative social consequences

NEW YORK Huge site but couldnt find platform.

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NORTH CAROLINA 2012 Report - Article I: Family

1. Our nations strength lies with the family. It is the first school of discipline, responsibility and good citizenship. It is a haven of security and understanding. It is the engine of economic progress.

2. The ideal environment for raising children is a two-parent family with a mother and father who are married and committed to that life-long relationship. We support policies and laws that encourage the stability of marriage. We oppose taxpayer-funded initiatives that support cohabitation, include taxpayerfunded benefit plans for unmarried partners.

3. We recognize the importance of having fathers in the home. Children in homes without fathers are more likely to commit crimes, drop out of school, become violent, become teen parents, use illegal drugs, become mired in poverty or have emotional, physical or behavioral problems. 4. We recognize that single-parent families succeed and that two-parent families sometimes fail. We praise the efforts of single parents who work to provide stable homes. We also salute and support the efforts of foster and adoptive families. We oppose adoption by same sex couples. 5. Strong parental rights serve as the keystone of the family unit. We oppose initiatives to erode those rights. We support parents rights to consent to medical treatment including mental health treatment, drug treatment, alcohol treatment, and treatment involving pregnancy, contraceptives, and abortion. Government, however, should protect children from abuse and neglect, balancing parental rights with the protection of a childs health and safety. We support private initiatives that provide services to dysfunctional families.

6. We support federal and State constitutional amendments to limit marriage to the union of one man and one woman. Article Ill: Individual Liberty 1. We believe that a primary role of government is to protect God-given inherent rights as recognized by our Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, including its Bill of Rights, and the North Carolina Constitution, including its Declaration of Rights.

2. The State must not interfere with freedom of religion. Public schools should not discriminate for or against any religion nor deny equal access to school facilities. We oppose efforts to remove the recognition of Almighty God from our schools, courts, currency and Pledge of Allegiance. We oppose efforts to remove prayer from our public meetings and governmental institutions. We support the right of religious institutions to refuse to provide contraceptive or abortion services consistent with their religious tenets and oppose government mandates to require such coverage. 3. Government should treat all citizens impartially, without regard to wealth, race, ethnicity, disability, religion, sex, political affiliation or national origin. We oppose all forms of invidious discrimination. Sexual orientation is not an appropriate category. Article IV: Sanctity of Life

1. We believe in the sanctity of all human life and that the government must respect and protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death.

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NORTH CAROLINA, CONTINUED 2. Unborn children have Constitutional rights to life and liberty. We urge the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. We support a human life amendment. We oppose efforts to mandate the provision of abortion or to fund with taxpayer dollars organizations that provide or promote abortion services. 3. We support adoption through significant tax credits.

4. We applaud the General Assembly for enacting legislation requiring a 24 hour waiting period, mandatory counseling before an abortion, and criminal penalties for harming or killing an unborn child when the mother is killed or injured. We urge the enactment of laws requiring written parental consent for abortion and contraceptives, to regulate abortion facilities as ambulatory surgical centers and to require abortion doctors to have admitting privileges in hospitals near their abortion clinics. 5. We support developments in biomedical research that enhance and protect human life. We oppose procedures that intentionally destroy innocent human life. We oppose human cloning and the destruction of human embryos. We strongly support adult stem cell research. 6. We oppose euthanasia. We support treating the infirm and elderly with love and respect, not as a burden. We urge the General Assembly to enact legislation criminalizing physician-assisted suicide. 7. We support the right of medical professionals and pharmacists to refuse to participate in abortions or dispense abortion-inducing drugs. We support the right of medical residency programs to refuse to provide abortion training.

8. We oppose infanticide. We urge the enactment of laws in this State to prohibit Partial Birth Abortion and to require medical care for babies who survive abortions. 9. We urge the recruitment and support of candidates who will work hard to protect all innocent human life. Article VII: Education 1. Parents have the right to educate their children. As dictated by the N.C. Constitution, the state has the responsibility to provide it. Parents should expect excellent public education. All children should have access to an education that empowers them to reach their full God-given potential and contribute to the betterment of our society. 7. Schools should encourage patriotism and other values of Western civilization. They should teach the facts of the foundation of the United States, including the Declaration of Independence and federal and state constitutions. Schools should teach economics and government so that students will be prepared to vote as informed citizens. 8. We support regular recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, display of an American and State flag and use of our national motto In God We Trust.

9. We oppose sex education in public schools without parental consent. No birth control devices or drugs should be distributed in public schools. We support teaching abstinence until marriage as the expected norm for sexual behavior. Abstinence until marriage is the most effective way to prevent teenage pregnancies, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases, and to create healthy relationships and self-esteem. Public schools should not be used to teach children about homosexual behavior.

11. We oppose school-based health clinics that provide referrals, counseling and related services for abortion and contraception.

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NORTH CAROLINA, CONTINUED 12. Schools should not ask children to answer offensive or intrusive personal non-academic questionnaires without parental consent. 13. We support the right of students to pray in school and at public occasions without censorship. 14. We oppose the restriction of free speech and free assembly by public institutions on ideological or religious grounds. NORTH DAKOTA - Quite generic, but their 2012 resolutions ( include: RESOLUTION NUMBER 14: FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FAITH, AND RELIGION

WHEREAS: North Dakota Republicans understand that one of the reasons freedom is disappearing from North Dakota is because in many instances freedom has been inadequately defended philosophically and theologically; RESOLUTION NUMBER 15: ORIGIN OF LIFE

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That North Dakota Republicans party strongly supports the right of North Dakota citizens to speak freely and to practice religious freedoms as guaranteed to all citizens under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

WHEREAS: There is scientific evidence and opinion for and against the theory of evolution and other theories about the origin of life, such as intelligent design theory; and WHEREAS: A person's beliefs about the origins of life have a great influence on their worldview; RESOLUTION NUMBER 19: SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party supports the rights of teachers to teach and discuss the scientific evidence for and against multiple theories of the origin of life, including intelligent design and evolution.

BE IT RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party supports the State definition of marriage as a union of one man and one woman. RESOLUTION NUMBER 22: ABSTINENCE EDUCATION WHEREAS: The best protection for men and women from sexually-transmitted disease is to abstain from sexual activity until marriage; and WHEREAS: When told the truth, young men and women are capable of making good decisions and are capable of controlling their natural desires;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party supports teaching about the true risks regarding pre-marital sexual activity for both men and women, and their future children. This should be taught whenever sex education is taught, including junior high, high school, and higher education; and

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NORTH DAKOTA, CONTINUED BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: When possible, the state should use this knowledge when making policy decisions that would encourage young men and women to abstain from sexual activity until marriage. RESOLUTION NUMBER 23: SUPPORT OF VOLUNTARY PUBLIC PRAYER AND DISPLAYS

BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party supports the rights to voluntary prayer and posting the Ten Commandments during any public meeting or activity.

RESOLUTION NUMBER 27: RIGHT TO LIFE WHEREAS: The founding fathers of our great nation dealt thoughtfully with the issue of life when they included the following statements in our country's Declaration of Independence: "We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness;" and WHEREAS: Our constitution, in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, reaffirms these rights with the following guarantee: "Nor shall any person be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;" and WHEREAS: The North Dakota Republican Party supports a ban on abortion. WHEREAS: The National Republican Platforms of 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2010 stated, in part: "The unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed." THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party reaffirms its long-standing support of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, and the National Republican Party Platforms, with respect to human rights and reaffirms its historic support for the sanctity of human life, from conception to natural death. RESOLUTION NUMBER 41: RELIGIOUS LIBERTY RESTORATION ACT WHEREAS: the religious liberty is a treasured freedom on which America was founded. As the First Amendment, our Founding Fathers chose to place our religious liberties first.

WHEREAS: the US Supreme Court handed down a ruling reducing the level of protection, diminishing our religious liberties, forcing each state to implement its own language restoring the first amendment rights penned by our Founding Fathers. WHEREAS: passage of the Religious Liberty Restoration Amendment will restore these freedoms by preventing government entities from infringing on a persons or religious organizations sincerely held religious relief. Therefore, the North Dakota Republican Party endorses a yes vote on Constitutional Measure #3, the Religious Liberty Restoration Amendment, on the June 12th Primary election ballot. OHIO not posted @

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OKLAHOMA Oklahomas last one is also 2011 ( As Republicans we believe:

1. Our rights of life, liberty, and property are natural rights granted to us by God and protected by the Constitution. 2. In the right to worship as we please without government intrusion or interference.

3. The federal governments power is constitutionally limited, yet responsible for protecting our sovereignty, establishing justice under law, and securing our liberty through a strong national defense and effective law enforcement. 4. God is the Author and Creator of life and that all human life, both born and unborn, should be protected. 5. In traditional marriage consisting of one man and one woman. I. FAMILY

Preamble: Traditional marriage, consisting of one man and one woman, is designed to provide for each family members physical, emotional, financial, spiritual, and social well-being. Both parents are needed to support and encourage happiness, health, and a good education for their children, creating the next generation of citizens who are constructive members of society. We believe God is the Author and Creator of human life and that each individual should be treated with dignity and compassion. We insist that any candidate receiving money and/or support from the Republican Party shall affirm and promote the Pro-Life concept. A. Marriage, Children, and Adoption 1. We believe that marriage between one man and one woman is a covenant relationship,instituted by God, and is fundamental to our very existence and survival as a nation. Therefore, we strongly support a U.S. Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

2. We believe that the family is the cohesive element that maintains social order and protects individual rights. The duty and privilege of nurturing our young people belongs to parents and the traditional family. We support the sole right and responsibility of parents to rear, educate, discipline, nurture, provide healthcare and spiritually train their children without government interference. We also acknowledge and support those who choose the vocation of homemaking. 3. We support tax policies, enactment of legislation, and public assistance policies that encourage a commitment to traditional marriage and to strengthening families. 4. We support Federal and State legislation, which prohibits recognition of same-sex: marriages, civil unions, or domestic partnerships. 5. We oppose efforts to redefine marriage. Employers and taxpayers should not be forced to violate their convictions or to bear the cost of granting same-sex marriages the benefits that are due traditional marriages. 7. Children are a special gift from God, and their safety and protection are paramount. We support strict adherence to due process of law during child abuse investigations. We oppose the immediate removal of 6. We believe that in order to encourage and protect family values, those promoting homosexuality or other aberrant lifestyles should not be allowed to hold responsible positions over children, which are not their own, or other vulnerable persons.

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OKLAHOMA, CONTINUED children from responsible family members unless abuse allegations are confirmed or the child is in immediate danger. B. Right-to-Life and Medical Ethics

11. We believe marriage should not be entered into casually and should not be dissolved easily. Therefore, we call for states to repeal no-fault divorce statutes. 1. We believe that at the point of conception, a person is granted the rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

2. We believe in the sanctity and value of human life from conception through natural death, unless forfeited by capital offense. We oppose abortion (including the use of RU-486 or other abortion-inducing drugs), partial-birth abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, mercy killings, embryonic stem cell research, cloning, distribution of cloned parts, and the funding of such by the government. We believe that human embryos created by Invitro-Fertilization (IVF) are fully human and if not wanted by the genetic parents, should be preserved until adoption. We support a Constitutional Amendment protecting innocent human life. 3. We support the right of obstetrical and gynecology residency programs to refuse to provide abortion training and the individuals right to refuse to perform or assist in abortions. We also support the right of hospitals, medical professionals, and pharmacists to refuse to participate in abortions or dispense abortioninducing drugs.

4. We recognize that learning of an unexpected pregnancy is a life-changing moment. Therefore, we desire that a mother-to-be have sufficient time to explore all options regarding this new life. We recommend at least a 14-day waiting period for a woman considering an abortion. We also strongly support and recommend that she be provided with: a. Time-informed consent. b. Information identifying the developmental status of the unborn child. c. At least one ultra sound. d. Evidence indicating that the unborn child can feel sensations of pain.

e. Information regarding the psychological and medical risks associated with abortion, including the link between breast cancer and abortion. f. Information on services available to mothers who choose to carry their children to birth. 5. We believe in and support the fathers parental rights and responsibilities from conception forward. 6. We support initiatives, which provide alternatives to abortion that respect life, including adoption.

7. As long as the unsafe practice of abortion continues, we insist that abortion clinics be required to comply with the same medical and safety standards required of hospitals. 8. As long as abortion is available, we support enactment of legislation to require parental notification and authorization at least 14 days prior to an abortion on a minor.

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OKLAHOMA, CONTINUED 9. We believe in the teaching of abstinence as the only effective way of preventing pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. 10. We further support parental notification before a minor is given birth control information and/or contraceptives. 11. We support legislation that prohibits using any unborn child for the purpose of harvesting and/or any service related to the donation or purchase or sale of organs and/or tissue. 13. We oppose unethical scientific experimentation.

12. We support the enactment of laws banning embryonic/fetal stem cell research and encourage adult stem cell, amniotic stem cell, and/or umbilical cord blood stem cell research. 14. We oppose the manufacture of human life through the process of cloning. E. Religious Freedom 15. No person shall have nourishment and/or water withheld, unless that individual has signed a written legal directive.

1. Our Founding Fathers based our Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and early laws on the Bible and on traditional Judeo-Christian ethics and values. We believe these documents are the basis for law, order, and behavior, allowing individuals, including government workers and officials, the freedom to involve God in all activities according to their conscience. 2. We believe the religion clause of the First Amendment was meant to protect individuals freedom of religion, not remove religion from public life. 3. We believe church leaders have the same freedom of speech rights as leaders of other organizations, without the threat of penalties, including the loss of tax-exempt status for their churches.

4. We oppose any government oversight, harassment, licensing, or taxation of religious institutions and their ministries. 5. We support retaining the religious significance of national holidays and the display of religious symbols in public places and oppose the removal of such. 6. We strongly support federal and state legislation to encourage and preserve inscriptions in or on public buildings, and on our currency that have references to God such as In God We Trust. 7. We strongly support retaining the phrase One Nation Under God in the Pledge of Allegiance. F. General

1. We oppose the promotion of homosexuality, the elimination of laws against sodomy, and the granting of minority protection or special status to any person based upon sexual preference or lifestyle choices.

2. We believe that homosexuality is not a genetic trait, but a chosen lifestyle. No adoption privileges therefore, will be afforded homosexuals. 3. We support limiting welfare benefits only to legal citizens of the United States, including military service members and their dependents. We believe in a welfare policy that promotes family unity, hard work, and

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OKLAHOMA, CONTINUED individual responsibility. Those who repeatedly misuse the system, or fraudulently misrepresent themselves, should forfeit further assistance. 4. We support the elimination of the state Lottery because of the negative effects on Oklahoma families. 5. We support drug testing for any person applying for or receiving any type of government aid. If illegal drugs are found to be present, all government assistance should be terminated until that person is drug free for at least six months. We believe anyone who is a habitual illegal drug user should not receive any type of government aid. 6. We support programs including faith-based organizations that promote traditional marriage, marriage enrichment, abstinence education, and encourage responsible parenting. 7. We call for individuals, families, churches, and private organizations to take responsibility in meeting the needs of the citizens of the community.

8. We encourage rigorous enforcement of all anti-pornography laws. Government agencies or tax-supported institutions, especially libraries and public schools, shall not provide access to pornography (e.g. sexually graphic images or statements) and/or shall provide adequate security to prevent such access. 9. We affirm the right of private associations to admit or deny membership based on what that associations conscience dictates. 10. We recommend the FCC strictly enforce rules and regulations currently governing indecency within visual media and all of the broadcast industry to include swift, severe and expensive penalties upon all parties involved. 11. We support citizens being active watchdogs on media, giving positive and negative feedback on shows by letter writing, supporting and/or boycotting advertisers. 12. We believe that government should not fund any organization that opposes the ideas and principles contained in the Republican Platform. II. EDUCATION 13. We appreciate Republican leaders who recognize that the family is the basic ingredient for a stable and strong community, city, state, and country.

Preamble: We acknowledge our dependence upon Almighty God and ask His blessings upon our students and their parents, teachers and nation. It is the right and responsibility of parents to direct their childrens upbringing and education whether public, private, charter, or home school, without interference, regulation, or penalty from the government. The primary goal of public schools should be to teach proficiency in the basic subjects of phonics-based reading, written and oral communication, mathematics, sciences, traditional history, founding documents and Godly heritage of our nation, and critical thinking skills. Locally elected school boards should have the authority to determine and implement all public school curricula, policies, and procedures for their districts. We demand excellence and accountability from all tax-funded institutions of education in Oklahoma. The federal government has no constitutional role in education; Furthermore, we support the creation of a free market education system. We believe Oklahoma students are among the best and brightest and deserve a quality education.

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OKLAHOMA, CONTINUED A. Philosophy 1. The traditional family unit, consisting of a (husband) man, (wife) woman and child(ren), is the foundation of our social structure. The Oklahoma Department of Education and various Boards of Regents should uphold and teach this definition of traditional family at all levels of public and higher education. 2. Funding of School-to-Work in any form should be eliminated. Individuals should have the right to choose their own education and career. We oppose any tracking system, which presumes to know what is best for the individual and economy or predetermine the occupations of students. 5. Parents have a natural right to home school their children. We oppose any and all regulation of home schooling. 4. Parents have a right to exempt their children from required school vaccinations for: medical reasons, religious reasons, or other reasons of conscience; nor should any child be required to take a medication as a requirement for attending a public school. 6. We affirm the right of students and teachers to the free exercise of religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment, including the right to wear and display religious symbols, voluntary vocal prayer, optional Bible and religious study, religious expression including holidays, and equal access to use of school facilities for these activities. 7. The American flag should be displayed in the classroom. Students should start the day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, including one nation under God, and be taught the history of and respect for our American flag. 11. We oppose the deliberate misuse of standard English and the alteration of historical facts. 10. The Ten Commandments should be posted in all public schools as a means of moral guidance along with our national motto In God We Trust and the Bill of Rights.

12. We believe in high educational standards with a goal of academic literacy. Promotion and graduation for all students in Oklahoma should be for demonstrated academic achievement. A high school diploma should represent a 12th grade level of proficiency in basic subjects.

13. Public schools shall not prohibit the Judeo-Christian worldview upon which our country was founded. Public schools shall be prohibited from promoting other worldviews such as, but not limited to, secular Humanism, New Age philosophy, deep ecology, reincarnation, psychotherapy, channeling, transcendental meditation, altered states of consciousness or any occult practice. 15. The imposition of national curricula, aptitude testing, and teacher certification or education standards on any Oklahoma school is not acceptable. 16. To comply with the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the Federal Department of Education should be eliminated and its functions transferred to the states, local communities, and parents. B. Curriculum

1. Basic school curricula should include reading, composition, literature, mathematics, science, history, and government. Reading shall include phonics instruction, and composition shall include grammar and spelling instruction. We encourage the teaching of art, music, foreign languages, sports/physical fitness, and the option of using the Bible as a history or literature text.

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2. American heritage should be taught in public schools and include representative government, limited government, the lives and beliefs of the founders, influence of the Bible and religion on our laws and principles, and the concept of free enterprise. Students should study directly from the primary founding documents, which teach the distribution of power among three branches of federal government and between federal and state government. 3. We support high morals and Character First Education as legitimate elements of public school curricula. 4. We believe that the scientific evidence supporting Intelligent Design and biblical creation should be included in Oklahoma public schools curricula. And where any evolution theory is taught, both should receive equal funding, class time, and material. Teachers should have the freedom to cover creation science without fear of intimidation or reprimand. 5. Local school boards should exercise their right to choose curriculum and textbooks without state limitations. 7. Any mandated sex education shall hold to the following guidelines: 6. Parents must maintain the right and responsibility to educate their children regarding sexuality and sexual conduct. Neither classroom instruction nor school-based health services shall usurp parental rights, in order to direct sex counseling or to dispense contraceptives. a. Neither homosexual nor extramarital sexual activity shall be presented as safe, nor shall they be presented as morally or socially acceptable behaviors. b. HIV shall be presented as incurable and fatal. c. No formal sexual education from birth through 11 years of age. Abstinence or lifetime fidelity shall be presented as the only safe sexual practice. d. All materials and instruction shall be open to prior parental review (opt in vs. opt out).

8. Fully informed parental consent shall be required for any psychological, medical or pseudo-psychological techniques including values clarification, any form of death education, self-esteem, or other social/emotional concepts. 9. We oppose the portrayal of homosexual or promiscuous behavior in a positive light in public schools. 10. Criteria for high school graduation shall be at least equivalent to the level of knowledge required for naturalized citizenship. (They want Teachers Unions banned) III. STATE

11. Multiculturalism promotes cultural segregation and should not be taught. We respect different cultures and support teaching our commonalities as U.S. citizens. Preamble: We believe all persons are responsible and should be held accountable for their actions. We believe in transparent and honest government with minimal intrusion, providing protection for all its citizens with fair and equitable treatment, enforcement, and justice. We realize without economic freedom there is no political

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OKLAHOMA, CONTINUED freedom. We believe the greatest incentive for the creation of wealth lies in the respect for private property rights and the free enterprise system is the best and most efficient distribution of resources. A. Crime and Punishment 1. We believe that the final solution to all crime is a change of heart and support the utilization of Christian faith-based and privately-financed programs to reduce recidivism and for the treatment of drug offenders as an alternative to prison. IV. FEDERAL Preamble: The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land and should be interpreted according to the original intent of the founding fathers. We call for reaffirmation of our Godgiven rights enumerated in the first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights. Our founding fathers based the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, Bill of Rights and early laws on traditional Judeo-Christian Bible, ethics and values. We believe these documents are the basis for law, order and behavior, allowing individuals, including government officials, the freedom to involve God in all activities according to their consciences. The Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches, separate but equal, are bound by the powers granted them by the Constitution, which limits the powers of the federal government and protects individual rights from illegal and excessive encroachment by the government. We support foreign policy that acknowledges the sovereignty of the United States and places the interests and values of its citizens above those of the United Nations or any international organization, public-private corporation/partnership or any private corporation. We believe in a strong national defense and support for our military. A. Defense 6. We oppose the erosion of our militarys readiness through: a. Gender-norming for training and promotion. b. Co-ed basic training and housing. c. Sensitivity training that supports or promotes the homosexual lifestyle. d. Openly practicing homosexuals serving in the military. D. Constitutional Issues

14. We support the freedom of military chaplains to provide religious services, including the name of Jesus.

1. We affirm our right under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution to exercise our freedom of speech including religious speech. We believe the First Amendments Establishment Clause was intended to prevent a state-sponsored or preferred religion, not to separate God from our government or to remove religion from public life. 8. We believe the United States Constitution empowers the judiciary to interpret law, not make law or create law through judicial activism. 9. We oppose the use of parliamentary procedure to avoid voting on the confirmation of any judicial nominee.

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10. We support the Tenth Amendment that states the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. 12. We support, recommend, and encourage the display of religious symbols, including the Ten Commandments in public places. 13. We support capital punishment.

11. We affirm the other provisions enumerated in the Bill of Rights, including the right to due process and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, nor should private property be taken for public use without just compensation. Therefore, we oppose the Patriot Act and call for its repeal.

14. We support the effort to amend 42 U.S. Code Section 1988 of the Civil Rights Act to rescind the authority of judges to award attorney fees in cases brought to remove or destroy religious symbols. 15. We support the present Constitutional requirement that the President be native born and a long form birth certificate be provided. I. Federal General 22. We support a Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to affirm legal protection for the unborn child. 7. Abolishment of the federal minimum wage. 17. Keeping the phrase In God We trust on U.S. Currency and support leaving Under God in our Pledge of Allegiance. 32. Retaining the religious significance of national holidays and the display of religious symbols in public places and oppose the removal of such. 34. Preservation of the National Day of Prayer. WE OPPOSE: 33. Drug testing for any person applying for or receiving any type of government aid. If illegal drugs are found to be present, all government assistance should be terminated until that person is proven to be drug free. We believe a habitual illegal drug user should not receive any type of government aid. 1. Discrimination based on race, creed, disability, or gender. 4. The Kyoto Accord Treaty.

2. Socialized medicine, Obama Care or any other nationalized health care system. 3. Stem cell research based upon cells obtained from embryonic or fetal material. 5. All congressional pay increases until the federal budget is balanced.

6. Statehood for the District of Columbia and allowing its representative a vote in Congress.

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OKLAHOMA, CONTINUED 7. A temporary assistance package for lenders or borrowers in mortgage foreclosures. The free market should be allowed to work. 8. The use of public/private partnerships to fund public infrastructure and services. 9. The so-called REAL ID Act is unconstitutional and amounts to an unprecedented grant of power to government in general, and the federal government in particular, we oppose implementation of a national identification card or any dermal, sub-dermal, internal or otherwise implanted device for the identification and tracking of any U.S. citizen or their personal property for any reason. 10. All bailout plans or transfer of wealth programs. 12. The federal creation of wage caps. 11. The creation of a new federal internal security force.

13. The seizure of control of the census process by the president and we call for it to remain under the control of the Department of Commerce. We oppose any non-citizen in the census. 14. The appointment and funding of presidential czars. 15. The designation of United States National Parks and Monuments as World Heritage Sites of the United Nations.

16. Any government oversight, harassment, licensing, or taxation of religious institutions and their ministries. We believe church leaders have the same freedom of speech rights as leaders of other organizations, without threat of penalties, including the loss of tax exempt status for their churches. WE BELIEVE: 1. The government should be required to operate within a true and accurate balanced budget with the elimination of earmarks.

2. Faith-based organizations and the return of tax dollars to citizens so they can fund the organizations work.

9. Individuals, families, churches, and private organizations should take responsibility in meeting the needs of the citizens of the community. 10. That while all crimes are abhorrent, any definition of a hate crime or harsher penalties based on those definitions are by their nature an infringement of the right of conscience guaranteed by the First Amendment. (All of OKs 46 pages here: 1.pdf)

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OREGON Last posted amendment from September 2011 PENNSYLVANIA currently only 2008 version posted. RHODE ISLAND CANT FIND STATE PLATFORM,


Unalienable Rights: We believe that man's rights flow from the Creator and the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable and cannot be legitimately granted or rescinded by men. Judeo-Christian Foundation: We believe in the guiding force of moral law as expressed by the JudeoChristian ethic and contained in the Holy Scriptures of these historic faiths. Self-Government: We believe that the only answer to the current moral decline in our nation is a return to the beliefs and standards of morality which our Founding Fathers placed into the Constitution. With the framers of that document we believe President Adams' statement that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people: it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." We understand that the concept of self-government begins with governing one's self first, then family, community, state, and nation. Family: We believe that the traditional American family, consisting of persons related by blood or adoption through the marriage of one man and one woman, is the cornerstone of our American society, and the government is duty bound to protect the integrity of the family unit through legislation and tax policies. Sanctity of Life: We believe that the preborn child is a human being possessing the same unalienable rights as all other people and entitled to the full protection of the law. SOUTH CAROLINA THE JUDICIARY The South Carolina Republican Party deplores the social engineering and legislating from the bench that the judicial activism of the United States Supreme Court has permitted and encouraged. Many of the problems faced by our society today, and the difficulties that we encounter in addressing those problems, arise from the Judiciarys grants of power to the government of the United States above and beyond the specific powers enumerated in the Constitution. Consistent with the concept of strict construction of the United States Constitution, all federal judges and justices are urged to exercise judicial restraint in their rulings. We specifically call upon the Supreme Court to return to its historic role of interpreting and applying the Constitution as understood and intended by its Framers. ETHICS IN GOVERNMENT The South Carolina Republican Party recognizes that American democracy is built upon our faith and confidence in the goodness and capacity of our citizens. The Party expects our public officials to live within the confines of principle, virtue, and law. Our state and nation cannot long survive without such standards. As James Madison, The Father of the Constitution, himself, has said We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to

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SOUTH CAROLINA, CONTINUED the Ten Commandments of God. Accordingly, our legislators must continue to move with dispatch toward establishing the boundaries where ethical behavior leaves off and abuse begins.

THE RIGHT TO LIFE The South Carolina Republican Party affirms the Jeffersonian declaration that life is the first inalienable right. We grieve the loss of over 35 million innocent lives lost to abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973. We acknowledge that all human life, born and unborn, has intrinsic worth. We believe that the unborn and the new born child have a fundamental right to life which must not be infringed. Accordingly, we believe that the Fourteenth Amendments protection should apply to unborn children. We support the reversal of Roe v. Wade through judicial action or through passage of a Constitutional Human Life Amendment. The Party is totally opposed to chemical, surgical, or any method of abortion on demand and the use of public revenues to pay for abortions or to fund organizations which advocate abortion. We find the procedure known as Partial Birth Abortion to be a particularly gruesome and we support the banning of this atrocity. We extend compassion to women who have experienced abortion and support pregnancy care centers across South Carolina as they help women in need. We anticipate the day when our unborn children will be classified as legal persons rather than as legal property. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY The South Carolina Republican Party considers the sacred institution of marriage as fundamental to the stability, betterment and perpetuation of our society. Many economic, emotional, and physical ills in our culture could be avoided if abstinence before and faithfulness in marriage were the standard of behavior. Because our childrens future is best preserved within the traditional understanding of marriage, we call for a federal constitutional amendment that fully protects marriage as a union of a man and woman, so that judges cannot make other arrangements equivalent to it(2008 Republican National Platform p. 53). We affirm that the same creator who endowed men with the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, also established marriage consisting of one man and one woman, that marriage so constituted is morally right, that any deviation from this is morally wrong. We reject the notion that marriage may legitimately be redefined based upon cultural preferences.

Likewise, the Party is concerned about the plight of the infirm and disabled - many of whom are elderly - who are often neglected, euthanized, and pressured into assisted suicide.

We oppose efforts to redefine the marriage unit to accommodate proponents of homosexual marriages and oppose any legislation that legally recognizes same-sex marriage, civil unions, or allows such couples to adopt children or provide foster care. Morally and pragmatically, the Party considers homosexuality a lifestyle detrimental to the health and well-being of individuals and therefore opposes its promotion as simply an alternate lifestyle. We applaud the state for prohibiting same sex marriage and adoptions, and consider such as detrimental to the peace and tranquility or our state. The Party considers the traditional American family to be the essential unit of our society. We oppose any governmental actions which tend to weaken the family, the family being the social unit of wedded man and woman with their natural-born or adopted children. We affirm the wonderful differences with which each gender is created and oppose efforts to blur or disregard the uniqueness of male and female genders. Furthermore, we affirm that ones gender is fixed at birth and that no citizen should be entitled to special treatment or accorded any special benefits not accorded to others of the same birth gender regardless of how they have altered their anatomy or appearance. We oppose federal, state, county, or municipal laws, regulations or ordinances that require a person to be granted special rights or protections based on his or her perceived gender identity.

Numerous scientific studies demonstrate that divorce negatively affects the physical and mental health, welfare, and economic status of the adults and children involved. Therefore, we believe that the laws of South

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SOUTH CAROLINA, CONTINUED Carolina regarding divorce should be tightened not relaxed in order to stabilize society by strengthening the family unit and protecting all children in its care.

We oppose efforts in education to redefine the meaning of family through its suggested curriculums and call on the State Department of Education and local school districts to uphold the traditional family as the model of behavior for children. We call upon all state agencies dealing with children to uphold the states definition of family in placing all children in its care. We oppose any legislation which offers financial incentives for mothers to leave home for the workforce or creates a scenario in which the state becomes the parent. We support the Republican concept of across-theboard tax relief for all parents of young children and the elimination of the marriage penalty tax. The Party is appalled by the increasing incidences of physical and sexual, child and spousal abuses, as well as the abandonment of families by one spouse. We offer our compassion and admiration to single parents, who carry out their parental duties in the face of great challenges. We call upon our legislators to protect such parents from further economic abuse through tighter laws and swifter means for collecting child and spousal support. We also encourage couples to make the commitment of marriage before they have children; studies show this commitment greatly benefits the children of that union.

The Party considers one of the extreme forms of familial abuse to be the killing of the defenseless unborn and the euthanizing of the elderly. We support legislation which protects the family and all of its members, from the youngest to the oldest, and hereby reaffirm our commitment to the Right of all human beings to live. RELIGION AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY The South Carolina Republican Party recognizes the importance of religion throughout the history of our state and nation and opposes any attempts to regulate religious institutions, or impinge upon personal religious freedoms. As George Washington said in his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation in 1789, Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor it is indeed the duty of every nation to obey the will of God. Furthermore, we affirm that many of the problems we face as a state and nation would not be exist if Gods will was obeyed.

The Party believes that every citizen has the Constitutional right to pray, read the Bible or any religious text, and discuss his or her faith in private and in public, including the public schools of this state.

We applaud the efforts of the S. C. General Assembly to permit the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools. We urge school administrators and teachers to inform our public school students specifically of their First Amendment rights to pray and engage in religious speech, individually or in groups, on school property. We support and strongly urge Congress to pass a Religious Freedom Amendment, which provides: Neither the United States nor any state shall prohibit studentsponsored prayer in public schools, nor compose any official student prayer or compel joining therein. We urge the legislature to end censorship of discussion of religion in our founding documents, and encourage discussing those documents (2010 Texas Republican Party Platform p. 20). We urge change of the Internal Revenue Code to allow a religious organization to address issues without fear of losing its tax-exempt status. We call for the repeal of requirements that religious organizations send the government any personal information about their contributors. The Party recalls other profound words of President George Washington,

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SOUTH CAROLINA, CONTINUED Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claims the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness - these foremost props of the duties of men and citizens.

We recognize the Judeo-Christian ethic embraced by our founding fathers and call upon our State and Nation to return again to the values that made America and the American people great. We oppose the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) through which the federal government would coerce business owners and employees to violate their own beliefs by affirming what they consider to be sinful and sexually immoral behavior.( 2010 Texas Republican Party Platform p. 10). We encourage our leaders to be godly examples for our youth, to fear and honor God in all their actions, to be strong when pressured to compromise principle, and to have the courage to stand alone, if need be, when Godly leadership is needed.

We urge Congress to sanction any foreign government that persecutes its citizens for their religion. (2010 Texas Republican Party Platform p. 22).Republican leadership has made religious liberty a central element of American foreign policy. Asserting religious freedom should be a priority in all of Americas international dealings. We salute the work of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom and urge special training in religious liberty issues for all United States diplomatic personnel.(2008 Republican National Platform p.6) We call on Congress and the President to use their constitutional powers to restrain activist judges. We urge Congress to adopt the Judicial Act of 2005 and remove judges who abuse their authority. Furthermore, we urge Congress to withhold Supreme Court jurisdiction in cases involving abortion, religious freedom, and the Bill of Rights. (2010 Texas Republican Party Platform p. 11). TEEN PREGNANCY The South Carolina Republican Party laments that historically our state has had one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the nation. Unwed teen pregnancy must be addressed in a compassionate manner by the private sector and public agencies. However, we must teach our children that sexual chastity prior to marriage is the only proper and safe course. This is crucial to the economic, social, and moral stability of the community as well as the individual. The party also understands that children often follow the model of their parents with regard to sexual behavior. We therefore call upon the adult population of this state to act with moral integrity on this critical issue. We hold that birth control devices, medication, and implants must not be administered to minors without full explanation of the risks involved and only with written permission from parent( s) or guardian( s). We oppose any distribution of contraceptives, including condoms, in our public schools. The Party also recognizes with alarm that many illegitimate births to teen mothers were fathered by adult men. We strongly remind such men that minor girls cannot legally give consent, and to engage in such behavior constitutes criminal sexual conduct. We call upon our justice system to prosecute such actions.

We are alarmed by the growing incidence of sexually transmitted disease in the teen community, especially HIV/ AIDS, which is no longer confined to the homosexual community and the drug- abuse sub-culture. We oppose holding out the myth of safe sex to our teens as it is morally debasing and medically questionable. Finally, we recognize the aforementioned problems involve morals and values and therefore cannot be addressed by governmental action alone. However, it is clear that such problems have been exacerbated by flawed and failed humanistic/relativistic attempts at solutions in our schools and other public institutions.

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SOUTH CAROLINA, CONTINUED EDUCATION To this end, we support the concept of school choice and affirm the right and responsibility of parents to make the best education decisions for their children, whether they home-school their children or send them to private or parochial schools of their choice. We embrace the healthy competition that will result from a comprehensive school choice plan that includes the private sector, and believe such a system should be instituted from kindergarten through 12th grade. In addition to improving public school performance, a system of school choice that includes tax credits, scholarship granting organizations, and vouchers would offer more compassionate and better opportunities for all children in South Carolina.

We believe children have the right to attend safe, drug- free schools wherever they may be. We applaud cultural sensitivity but oppose multi-culturalism as being divisive. We believe maintaining English as the standard language will enhance full participation of recent immigrants in our broad American culture and more effectively address their educational needs. As a reminder to children that our blessings as a free people stem from being one nation, under God, we call for the right to voluntary prayer and a requirement that the Pledge to the Flag be recited daily. We oppose any attempt to denigrate the historical role of religion in our history or to deny students the right to freely express religious convictions in the classroom. We support traditional, family- oriented, parent-approved sex education in our schools that is based on Judeo- Christian principles. We affirm the rightness and practicality of abstinence- based programs that encourage postponing sexual activity until marriage. We reject contraceptive distribution to students and school-based health clinics. Although we support tolerance, we do not agree that unhealthy sexual practices ought to be legitimized or promoted in the classroom. Clubs and observances that are based in sexual orientation are inappropriate for academic institutions. SECTION VI Secure The Blessings Of Liberty The South Carolina Republican Party firmly believes that sound moral and fiscal principles are complimentary to one another, not antagonistic. By emphasizing the importance of family and personal responsibility, and by focusing on what we can do for our communities and ourselves rather than on what government should be doing for us, we can strengthen the moral fiber of our society. It is our firm, Godinspired belief that the full implementation and application of the foundational principles set forth by the South Carolina Republican Party in this Platform will permit us to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity. SOUTH DAKOTA -

4.0 Education and Cultural Affairs 4.4 The South Dakota Republican Party supports sex education classes that include instruction to students on the social, psychological, economic, and health gains to be realized by abstinence from sexual activity until marriage. No state-sponsored sex education should glamorize or support adolescent sexual activity to students.

4.10 The South Dakota Republican Party supports the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools and opposes deletions, changes or amendments to the Pledge. The Party supports the display of the South Dakota Motto - "Under God, the People Rule" - in our schools. The Party also supports display of the Ten Commandments in our schools.

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SOUTH DAKOTA, CONTINUED 7.0 Family and Community Values 7.1 The South Dakota Republican Party recognizes the family as the central core of society and the foundation of our state and nation, and supports the family as it nurtures the spiritual growth that fosters generosity of spirit and responsible citizenship.

7.2 The South Dakota Republican Party recognizes that our country was founded in faith upon the truth that self-government is rooted in religious convictions. The Constitution guards against the establishment of statesponsored religions and honors the free exercise of religion. The courts must respect this freedom and the original intent of the framers of the Constitution. 7.3 The South Dakota Republican Party encourages parents/guardians, schools and libraries to secure their computers against online pornography and predators. 7.4 The South Dakota Republican Party opposes music, videos, printed or electronic media that glamorizes illegal drug usage and the exploitation or abuse of adults and children. 7.5 The South Dakota Republican Party believes that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and must never be redefined to include civil unions of same-sex couples, or groups of individuals. To defend the sanctity of marriage, we support the passage of the Federal Marriage Amendment and appropriate South Dakota laws. We affirm that it is in the best interest of children to be raised by a mother and a father. 7.6 The South Dakota Republican Party reaffirms its long-standing historic support and respect for the sanctity of human life, including the unborn, the elderly, the chronically ill and the terminally ill. 7.7 The South Dakota Republican Party opposes partial birth abortion and supports the congressional ban on sex selection and partial birth abortion. We support those who provide alternatives to abortion or offer adoption services. 7.8 The South Dakota Republican Party, consistent with South Dakota law, opposes funding abortions with public resources. 7.9 The South Dakota Republican Party opposes all embryonic stem cell research. The Party, however, supports alternatives such as adult stem cell research that do not involve the killing of human embryos. TENNESSEE not posted - The Texas platform is a 22 page document (stored separately). Selected portions include: PREAMBLE

TEXAS - They actually let you download a Word Document -- We STILL hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The embodiment of the conservative dream in America is Texas. Throughout the world people dare to dream of freedom and opportunity. The Republican Party of Texas unequivocally defends that dream. We strive to preserve the freedom given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. We recognize that the traditional family is the strength of our nation. It is our solemn duty to protect life and develop responsible citizens. We understand that our economic success depends upon free market principles. If we fail to maintain our sovereignty, we risk losing the freedom to live these ideals.

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TEXAS, CONTINUED PRINCIPLES 1. We, the 2012 Republican Party of Texas, believe in this platform and expect our elected leaders to uphold these truths through acknowledgement and action. We believe in:



Strict adherence to the original intent of the Declaration of Independence and U.S. and Texas Constitutions. 2. The sanctity of human life, created in the image of God, which should be protected from fertilization to natural death. 3. Preserving American and Texas Sovereignty and Freedom. 4. Limiting government power to those items enumerated in the U.S. and Texas Constitutions. 5. Personal Accountability and Responsibility. 6. Self-sufficient families, founded on the traditional marriage of a natural man and a natural woman. 7. Having an educated population, with parents having the freedom of choice for the education of their children. 8. Americans having the right to be safe in their homes, on their streets, and in their communities, and the unalienable right to defend themselves. 9. A free enterprise society unencumbered by government interference or subsidies. 10. Honoring all of those that serve and protect our freedom. 11. The laws of nature and natures God as our Founding Fathers believed.

Affirmative Action - Inasmuch as the Civil Rights Movement argued against using race as a factor in American life, affirmative action reintroduces race as a divisive force in American life. The Republican Party of Texas believes in equal opportunity for all citizens without regard to race or gender. To that end, we oppose affirmative action. Free Speech for the Clergy - We urge amendment of the Internal Revenue Code to allow a religious organization to address issues without fear of losing its tax-exempt status. We call for repeal of requirements that religious organizations send the government any personal information about their contributors. Government Regulation of Religious Institutions - The state should have no power over licensing or training of clergy. The State should withdraw all imposed regulations. The Rights of a Sovereign People - The Republican Party of Texas supports the historic concept, established by our nations founders, of limited civil government jurisdiction under the natural laws of God, and repudiates the humanistic doctrine that the state is sovereign over the affairs of men, the family and the church. Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) - We oppose this act through which the federal government would coerce religious business owners and employees to violate their own beliefs and principles by affirming what they consider to be sinful and sexually immoral behavior. REFORMING THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM

Judicial Restraint - We urge Congress to adopt the Constitutional Restoration Act and support the principle of judicial restraint, which requires judges to interpret and apply rather than make the law. We support judges who strictly interpret the law based on its original intent. We oppose judges who assume for themselves legislative powers.

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TEXAS, CONTINUED Remedies to Activist Judiciary - We call Congress and the President to use their constitutional powers to restrain activist judges. We urge Congress to adopt the Judicial Conduct Act of 2005 and remove judges who abuse their authority. Further, we urge Congress to withhold Supreme Court jurisdiction in cases involving abortion, religious freedom, and the Bill of Rights. HONORING THE SYMBOLS OF OUR AMERICAN HERITAGE

Religious Symbols - We oppose any governmental action to restrict, prohibit, or remove public display of the Decalogue or other religious symbols. STRENGTHENING FAMILIES, PROTECTING LIFE AND PROMOTING HEALTH CELEBRATING TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE

Pledge of Allegiance - We support adoption of the Pledge Protection Act. We also urge that the National Motto In God We Trust and National Anthem be protected from legislative and judicial attack. Family and Defense of Marriage We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between a natural man and a natural woman, which is the foundational unit of a healthy society, and we oppose the assault on marriage by judicial activists. We call on the President and Congress to take immediate action to defend the sanctity of marriage. We are resolute that Congress exercise authority under the United States Constitution, and pass legislation withholding jurisdiction from the Federal Courts in cases involving family law, especially any changes in the definition of marriage. We further call on Congress to pass and the state legislatures to ratify a marriage amendment declaring that marriage in the United States shall consist of and be recognized only as the union of a natural man and a natural woman. Neither the United States nor any state shall recognize or grant to any unmarried person the legal rights or status of a spouse. We oppose the recognition of and granting of benefits to people who represent themselves as domestic partners without being legally married. We advocate the repeal of laws that place an unfair tax burden on families. We call upon Congress to completely remove the marriage penalty in the tax code, whereby a married couple receives a smaller standard deduction than their unmarried counterparts living together. The primary family unit consists of those related by blood, heterosexual marriage, or adoption. The family is responsible for its own welfare, education, moral training, conduct, and property. Judicial Activism in Marriage We support marriage and oppose the assault on marriage by judicial activists. Enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act We support the enforcement of the State and Federal Defense of Marriage Act by state and federal officials respectively, and oppose creation, recognition and benefits for partnerships outside of marriage that are being provided by some political subdivisions. Family Values We support the affirmation of traditional Judeo-Christian family values and oppose the continued assault on those values. Human Trafficking The Republican Party of Texas adamantly opposes any form of human trafficking.

Marriage and Divorce - We believe in the sanctity of marriage and that the integrity of this institution should be protected at all levels of government. We urge the Legislature to rescind no-fault divorce laws. We support Covenant Marriage. Supporting Motherhood We strongly support women who choose to devote their lives to their families and raising their children. We recognize their sacrifice and deplore the liberal assault on the family.

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TEXAS, CONTINUED Homosexuality We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our countrys founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable alternative lifestyle, in public policy, nor should family be redefined to include homosexual couples. We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction or belief in traditional values. PROTECTING INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE Party Candidates and the Platform on Protecting Innocent Human Life - We implore our Party to support, financially or with in-kind contributions, only those candidates who support protecting innocent human life. Further, we strongly encourage the State Republican Executive Committee to hear and recognize the longstanding and overwhelmingly consistent voice of the grass roots and revise its by-laws to make this action binding on our Party. Partial Birth Abortion - We oppose partial birth abortion. We recommend that Congress eliminate from all federal court jurisdictions all cases involving challenges to banning Partial Birth Abortion.

Right To Life - All innocent human life must be respected and safeguarded from fertilization to natural death; therefore, the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We affirm our support for a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution and to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendments protection applies to unborn children. We support the Life at Conception Act. We oppose the use of public revenues and/or facilities for abortion or abortion-related services. We support the elimination of public funding for organizations that advocate or support abortion. We are resolute regarding the reversal of Roe v. Wade. We affirm our support for the appointment and election of judges at all levels of the judiciary who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life. We insist that the U.S. Department of Justice needs to prosecute hospitals or abortion clinics for committing induced labor (live birth) abortion. We are opposed to genocide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. We oppose legislation allowing the withholding of nutrition and hydration to the terminally ill or handicapped. Until our final goal of total Constitutional rights for the unborn child is achieved, we beseech the Texas Legislature in consideration of our state's rights, to enact laws that restrict and regulate abortion including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. parental and informed consent; prohibition of abortion for gender selection; prohibition of abortion due to the results of genetic diagnosis licensing, liability, and malpractice insurance for abortionists and abortion facilities; prohibition of financial kickbacks for abortion referrals; prohibition of partial birth and late term abortions; and enactment of any other laws which will advance the right to life for unborn children.

Harassing Pregnancy Centers - We urge legislation to protect pregnancy centers from harassing ordinances to require pregnancy centers to post signs in violation of their Constitutional rights. We further oppose any regulation of pregnancy centers in Texas which interfere with their private, charitable business. Protection of Womens Health - Because of the personal and social pain caused by abortions, we call for the protection of both women and their unborn children from pressure for unwanted abortions. We commend the Texas Legislature for the passage of the Woman's Right to Know Act, a law requiring abortion providers, prior to an abortion, to provide women full knowledge of the physical and psychological risks of abortion, the characteristics of the unborn child, and abortion alternatives. We urge the state government and the Department of State Health Services to ensure that all abortion providers are in compliance with this informed consent law and to ensure that all pregnancy centers and other entities assisting women in crisis

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TEXAS, CONTINUED pregnancies have equal access to the informational brochures created by the Department of State Health Services.

Alternatives to Abortion - We urge the Department of State Health Services to provide adequate quantities of The Womans Right to Know Resource Directory to anyone that works with pregnant women. RU 486 - We urge the FDA to rescind approval of the physically dangerous RU-486 and oppose limiting the manufacturers and distributors liability. Morning After Pill - We oppose sale and use of the dangerous Morning After Pill.

Gestational Contracts - We believe rental of a womans womb makes child bearing a mere commodity to the highest bidder and petition the Legislature to rescind House Bill 724 of the 78th Legislature. We support the adoption of human embryos and the banning of human embryo trafficking.

Fetal Pain - We support legislation that requires doctors, at first opportunity, to provide to a woman who is pregnant, information about the nervous system development of her unborn child and to provide pain relief for her unborn if she orders an abortion. We support legislation banning of abortion after 20 weeks gestation due to fetal pain. Unborn Victims of Violence Legislation - We urge the State to ensure that the Prenatal Protection Law is interpreted accurately and consider the unborn child as an equal victim in any crime, including domestic violence. Abortion Clinics - We propose legislation that holds abortion clinics to the same health regulations as other medical facilities and that subjects clinics to the same malpractice liabilities. We oppose any public funding for Planned Parenthood or other organizations/facilities that provide, advocate or promote abortions. Abortion Requirements for Hospitals - We propose legislation that entitles hospitals to refuse to perform abortions because government has no moral authority to require such an abortion. Conscience Clause - We believe that doctors, nurses, pharmacists, any employees of hospitals and insurance companies, health care organizations, medical and scientific research students, and any employee should be protected by Texas law if they conscientiously object to participate in practices that conflict with their moral or religious beliefs, including but not limited to abortion, the prescription for and dispensing of drugs with abortifacient potential, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, eugenic screenings, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the withdrawal of nutrition and hydration. We call on the Texas Legislature to pass legislation to strengthen and clarify the current conscience clause in the Occupational Code to include the above-mentioned persons and practices. We further encourage legislation that requires hospitals and clinics to inform all health care personnel of their right to refuse to become involved in abortion or euthanasia, and their protection from prosecution and retaliation under Texas law. Fetal Tissue Harvesting - We support legislation prohibiting experimentation with human fetal tissue and prohibiting the use of human fetal tissue or organs for experimentation or commercial sale. Until such time that fetal tissue harvesting is illegal, any product containing fetal tissue shall be so labeled. Stem Cell Research - We oppose any legislation that would allow for the creation and/or killing of human embryos for medical research. We encourage stem cell research using cells from umbilical cords, from adults, and from any other means which does not kill human embryos. We oppose any state funding of research that destroys/kills human embryos. We encourage the adoption of existing embryos. We call for legislation to withhold state and/or federal funding from institutions that engage in scientific research involving the killing of human embryos or human cloning.

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TEXAS, CONTINUED EDUCATING OUR CHILDREN American Identity Patriotism and Loyalty We believe the current teaching of a multicultural curriculum is divisive. We favor strengthening our common American identity and loyalty instead of political correctness that nurtures alienation among racial and ethnic groups. Students should pledge allegiance to the American and Texas flags daily to instill patriotism. Classroom Discipline We recommend that local school boards and classroom teachers be given more authority to deal with disciplinary problems. Corporal punishment is effective and legal in Texas. Controversial Theories We support objective teaching and equal treatment of all sides of scientific theories. We believe theories such as life origins and environmental change should be taught as challengeable scientific theories subject to change as new data is produced. Teachers and students should be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these theories openly and without fear of retribution or discrimination of any kind. Knowledge-Based Education We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the students fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority. Private Education We believe that parents and legal guardians may choose to educate their children in private schools to include, but not limited to, home schools and parochial schools without government interference, through definition, regulation, accreditation, licensing, or testing.

Sex Education We recognize parental responsibility and authority regarding sex education. We believe that parents must be given an opportunity to review the material prior to giving their consent. We oppose any sex education other than abstinence until marriage. Religious Freedom in Public Schools We urge school administrators and officials to inform Texas school students specifically of their First Amendment rights to pray and engage in religious speech, individually or in groups, on school property without government interference. We urge the Legislature to end censorship of discussion of religion in our founding documents and encourage discussing those documents. Textbook Review Until such time as all texts are required to be approved by the SBOE, each ISD that uses non-SBOE approved instructional materials must verify them as factually and historically correct. Also the ISD board must hold a public hearing on such materials, protect citizens right of petition and require compliance with TEC and legislative intent. Local ISD boards must maintain the same standards as the SBOE.

Traditional Principles in Education We support school subjects with emphasis on the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded and which form the basis of Americas legal, political and economic systems. We support curricula that are heavily weighted on original founding documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and Founders writings. U.S. Department of Education Since education is not an enumerated power of the federal government, we believe the Department of Education (DOE) should be abolished.

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TEXAS, CONTINUED PROMOTING INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM AND PERSONAL SAFETY Judeo-Christian Nation As America is a nation under God founded on Judeo-Christian principles, we affirm the constitutional right of all individuals to worship in the religion of their choice.

Safeguarding Our Religious Liberties We affirm that the public acknowledgement of God is undeniable in our history and is vital to our freedom, prosperity and strength. We pledge our influence toward a return to the original intent of the First Amendment and toward dispelling the myth of separation of church and state. We urge the Legislature to increase the ability of faith-based institutions and other organizations to assist the needy and to reduce regulation of such organizations. Religious Liberties Abroad We urge Congress to sanction any foreign government that persecutes its citizens for their religion. Health and Human Services Mandates We strongly oppose any federal or state requirement or other mandate to provide abortions or contraception and sterilization, since this would clearly violate many individuals, businesses, churches, and non-profit personnels faith and beliefs. Government must obey the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution! Equality of All Citizens We deplore all discrimination. We also deplore forced sensitivity training and urge repeal of any mandate requiring it. We urge immediate repeal of the Hate Crimes Law. Until the Hate Crimes Law is totally repealed, we urge the Legislature to immediately remove the education curriculum mandate and the sexual orientation category in said Law. Boy Scouts of America We support the Boy Scouts of America and reject any attempt to undermine or fundamentally change the ideals of the organization. PROTECTING CITIZENS FROM CRIME

Child Abuse We recognize the family as a sovereign authority over which the state has no right to intervene, unless a parent or legal guardian has committed criminal abuse. Child abusers should be severely prosecuted. We oppose actions of social agencies to classify traditional methods of discipline, including corporal punishment, as child abuse. As a condition of funding, publicly funded agencies are to report all instances of abuse. Unborn Victims of Violence We believe a person who injures or kills an unborn child should be subject to criminal and civil litigation. STRENGTHENING THE ECONOMY

We support the principles regarding the public economy as stated in the Republican Party Platform of 1932 to wit: Resolution Regarding the Public Economy

Whereas, constructive plans for financial stabilization cannot be completely organized until our national, State and municipal governments not only balance their budgets but curtail their current expenses as well to a level which can be steadily and economically maintained for some years to come. We urge prompt and drastic reduction of public expenditure and resistance to every appropriation not demonstrably necessary to the performance of government, national or local.

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TEXAS, CONTINUED The Republican Party established and will continue to uphold the gold standard and will oppose any measure which will undermine the governments credit or impair the integrity of our national currency. Relief by currency inflation is unsound in principle and dishonest in results. The dollar is impregnable in the marts of the world today and must remain so. An ailing body cannot be cured by quack remedies. This is no time to experiment upon the body politic or financial. Source: Republican Party Platform of 1932 June 14, 1932 GOVERNMENT SPENDING

Funding Special Interest Organizations We oppose any government support of special interest organizations, such as ACORN and the ACLU.

Education Spending Since data is clear that additional money does not translate into educational achievement, and higher education costs are out of control, we support reducing taxpayer funding to all levels of education institutions. Faith-Based Charities We oppose any restrictions by any government agency on taxpayer contributions to churches and faith-based charities. Minimum Wage We believe the Minimum Wage Law should be repealed. BUSINESS AND THE ECONOMY

Federal Reserve System We believe Congress should repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. In the interim, we call for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve System and an immediate report to the American people. Sound Money Our founding fathers warned us of the dangers of allowing central bankers to control our currency because inflation equals taxation without representation. We support the return to the time tested precious metal standard for the U.S. dollar. DEFENDING SOVEREIGNTY AT HOME AND ABROAD MILITARY AND SPACE EXPLORATION FOREIGN POLICY Traditional Military Culture To protect our serviceman and women and ensure that America's Armed Forces remain the best in the world, we affirm the timelessness of those values, the benefits of traditional military culture and the incompatibility of homosexuality with military service.

Israel We believe that the United States and Israel share a special long-standing relationship based on shared values, a mutual commitment to a republican form of government, and a strategic alliance that benefits both nations. Our foreign policy with Israel should reflect the special nature of this relationship through continued military and economic assistance and recognition that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths. We believe that the US Embassy should be located in Jerusalem. In our diplomatic dealings with Israel, we encourage the continuation of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, but oppose pressuring Israel to make concessions it believes would jeopardize its security, including the trading of land for the recognition of its right to exist. We call on the U.S. to cease strong arming Israel through prior agreements with the understanding of delivering equipment to them to defend themselves in exchange for future diplomatic concessions, such as giving up land to the

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TEXAS, CONTINUED Palestinians on the West Bank. We support the continuation of non-recognition of terrorist nations and organizations. Our policy is based on Gods biblical promise to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel and we further invite other nations and organizations to enjoy the benefits of that promise. UTAH - PREAMBLE We, the Republican Party of the Great State of Utah, affirm our belief in God and declare our support for government based upon a moral and spiritual foundation. We affirm freedom for every individual as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Constitution. We believe that citizens needs are best met through free enterprise, private initiative, and volunteerism. We support the Rule of Law and believe in upholding the law of the land. UTAH, CONTINUED FREEDOM OF RELIGION FAMILY VALUES RIGHT TO LIFE We claim freedom of religion for every citizen and expect the protection of government in securing to us this unalienable right. We affirm the right to religious expression, including prayer, in both private and public. We recognize the traditional family as the fundamental unit of society. We affirm that parents have the fundamental right and primary responsibility to direct the upbringing of their children and to provide nurturing care, discipline and training in moral values.

We believe in the right to life for both the born and unborn. We strongly oppose abortion, except to preserve the life of the mother or in cases of rape or incest. We believe the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We believe all human life is sacred regardless of age or infirmity, and therefore we oppose abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the public funding of any of these abhorrent practices. VERMONT - Vermont Republicans are united by our belief in one nation under God, individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, limited spending, limited taxes, job creation through free market economic opportunity, homeland security, and compassion for the truly needy. SECTION VII STRENGTHENING VERMONT FAMILIES

Vermont Republicans believe that strong families are the necessary foundation of the strong, tight-knit communities that contribute to Vermonts quality of life. Families are primarily responsible for raising the next generation of Vermonters. The family is the place where the values, morals, beliefs, ethics, respect, sense of personal responsibility and strengths of our youth should be formed. We believe that the family is the most important institution to nurture these qualities including the support of the parental right to choose the educational setting for their children.

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The Vermont Republican Party strongly opposes actions by government that inhibit and/or supplant the role of parents in the care, upbringing and protection of their children. Vermont Republicans support parental notification before a minor can undergo an abortion. Vermont Republicans oppose partial birth abortion and do not support the use of taxpayer dollars to organizations that provide abortions.

Vermont Republicans support the enactment of a fetal homicide law, which is a type of law that recognizes the death of a fetus resulting from a criminal act.

Vermont Republicans support an individuals freedom to select the health care insurance coverage best suited to their needs. Vermont Republicans oppose a publicly-funded healthcare monopoly. We support the immediate repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act of 2010, commonly known as Obamacare. Vermont Republicans support efforts to achieve affordable healthcare by allowing individuals to purchase insurance across state lines, enacting tort reform measures, and other measures that would reduce the costs of medical care without rationing or making drastic cuts to programs that provide care to the most vulnerable Vermonters. We respect our senior citizens and are committed to their financial security, physical well-being and quality of life. Vermont Republicans oppose any legislation that promotes a culture of death. SECTION VIII EDUCATION As a general rule, welfare recipients should be required to work in exchange for benefits.

Vermont Republicans believe that our education system should require a focus on personal responsibility, science and mathematics, and the importance of civics, American history and the principles of American government. American history must be taught at all grade levels and should start with our original historical and religious values, and the principles of American government. Primary source documents such as the United States Constitution and the Federalist Papers shall be used. We recognize the importance of instilling in our youth a respect for the fundamentals of our system of government, pride in our nation, and appreciation of our constitutional rights, freedoms and opportunities. Virginia {Cant find}

State of Washington -

The Washington State Republican Party is dedicated to preserving a constitutional republic through active participation by citizens for the protection and preservation of conservative values including: the sanctity of human life; preserving a free society, free markets, and free trade; limited government; low taxes; minimal bureaucracy; strong national defense; and private property rights.

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We believe that government should do for individuals only those things they cannot do for themselves and should be based on respect for each persons ability, dignity, and liberty. Good citizenship begins with protected rights and ends with accompanying responsibilities.

We reaffirm the words in the Declaration of Independence, That all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness -That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed. It has been over two centuries since our Founders established the American creed government under God and accountable to the people. We believe their vision is best preserved by supporting the policies outlined below. Section 1: We believe CIVIL and RELIGIOUS LIBERTY protect the sovereignty of the individual citizen.

Civil and religious liberties recognized in the U.S. Constitution are God-given and therefore unalienable. These fundamental liberties are protected in the Bill of Rights and reaffirmed in Article I of the Washington State Constitution. It is the obligation of government at every level to observe and respect these liberties. The role of the judiciary is to uphold the law in a manner faithful to the original intent of the state and federal constitutions. It is essential that the judiciary honor legislative intent and understand that the power to write law is vested in the legislature or the people. SECTION 7: We believe the FAMILY unit is the cornerstone of a free and moral society. It is the duty of parents, not the state, to guide their children to be responsible citizens. Governments responsibility is to uphold and respect traditional institutions, such as marriage between one man and one woman; to protect the elderly and children from the harmful elements of society; and to defend the unalienable right of human life, from conception to natural death. Section 8: We believe EDUCATION is critical to equip our children to be productive and responsible citizens. Priority needs to be given to each family to guide and influence the education and training of their children. This is best achieved by offering various ways families can provide for their childs education through home schooling, private schools, public schools, school choice through vouchers, and charter schools; AND by giving parents a voice on school boards to determine education priorities and materials with minimal state guidance and freedom from union and federal intervention. Where state guidance is used, it should be limited to promoting the basics of reading, writing, science, math, civics and founding documents, history, and economics. A strong higher education and vocational training system is critical for economic vitality. State supported institutions need to give priority access to Washington state students. Colleges and universities should focus on promoting academic freedom by emphasizing courses that promote understanding and practical application of each discipline and avoid indoctrination and political correctness. Section 11: We believe that upholding our RULE OF LAW and JUSTICE, based upon our Constitution and Judeo-Christian heritage, that recognizes INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, best protects and promotes a moral society. We support an individuals 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear Arms as the first line of defense to maintain the rule of law. Laws should reduce and deter crime through strong and appropriate punishment. Effective criminal justice

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systems respect each citizens right to not be held without charges or representation, and include the appropriate use of the death penalty, strict punishment and control of sexual predators, deter recidivism and, whenever possible, require criminals to fully compensate those they have harmed. Section 16: We believe the preservation of LIBERTY is dependent upon the sanctity of our NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY. The US Constitution is our supreme law of the land. The President shall not negotiate and the Senate shall not ratify any treaties, U.N. resolutions, agendas or foreign law, religious or otherwise, that are contrary to the US Constitution. Agenda 21, the Kyoto Protocol, Sharia Law, and others threaten our sovereignty. Therefore, judges, state and local authorities must be barred from using foreign agendas, laws, and resolutions for the purposes of interpreting United States law. WISCONSIN - We believe that our natural rights as embodied in the Constitution begin at conception and continue until death. We believe separation between Church and State does not mean there can be no references to God in government- sanctioned activities or public buildings. EDUCATION They want reduced role of Department of Education but.

We believe academic freedom of each student must be protected so that every student has the right to study without fear of reprisal. We believe public schools should develop curriculum which is content rich, fact-based and encourages critical thinking. We support the expansion of educational options that meet the needs of students and the marketplace through technical training opportunities.

We believe history courses should include the study of the founding fathers, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers and natural law. We believe we should dramatically increase our emphasis on math and science education.

Constitutional Rights

We believe that our natural rights as embodied in the Constitutional begin at conception and continue until death.

We believe it is important to have references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance. As it states in the Declaration of Independence, we are endowed by our Creator with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which makes clear that certain rights cant be taken away by government.

We believe statements regarding religion and morality made by the Founding Fathers are as important today as they were over 200 years ago.

We believe the language in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Declaration of Independence are very important and must be protected. We reject the idea that because the times change so must the meaning of the language in the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

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Freedom of Religion Separation between Church and State does not mean there can be no references to God in government sanctioned activities or public buildings.

We believe statements regarding religion and morality made by the Founding Fathers are as important today as they were over 200 years ago. We believe the phrase- One nation under God- in the Pledge of Allegiance is perfectly in line with the United States Constitution, protected by the First Amendment. We believe the Founding Fathers understood that religion and morality were important to creating and building this country and talked about it regularly.

We believe the best way to ensure religious freedom is to protect all religious references and symbols; including those on public buildings, lands, or documents. This includes prayer in public schools, thanking God in a graduation speech, and religious symbols being placed on public property during their appropriate holiday season. Adopted Resolutions from Wisconsin:

We reject that this violates the U.S. Constitution and discriminates against those who are of other faiths or are not religious. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Wisconsin, in convention assembled, calls upon the Governor and the state legislature to examine changes in our education process, including virtual schools and the use of parental choice in choosing the schools their children attend regardless of where they live, and vouchers and tax credits for those who select private or home schooling over government schools, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Wisconsin, in convention assembled, calls upon the Wisconsin State Legislature to eliminate all state funding for 4K programs in Wisconsin; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that curriculum of schools receiving taxpayer funding must include studies of the founding fathers, the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers, Northwest Ordinance of 1787, Declaration of Independence, United States Constitutional Convention, Rulers Law v Peoples Law v no law, and the 28 basic principles identified in the Federalist Papers that are appropriate for each grade level.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Wisconsin, in convention assembled, endorses that the U. S. Department of Education should be abolished, leaving education decision making at the state, local or personal level, urges legislation adopting alternative standards for teacher licensing that do not require a degree in education or student-teaching experience but have practical expert experience in a given subject area as determined by local school boards, and believes that school boards should have discretion as to the teaching of intelligent design within their districts. WYOMING - Crime and Law:

4. In God We Trust The Wyoming Republican Party believes that In God we trust should not be removed from any currency or public building.

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Land, Agriculture and Environment:

5. EPA in Wyoming The Wyoming Republican Party believes that the federal Environmental Protection Agency should have no control over the land and water in Wyoming Government and Budgets: Education: 6. Prayer as Demonstration The Wyoming Republican Party opposes the state policy which classifies public prayer in a state building as a demonstration that requires a permit. 3. Abolition of the Department of Education The Wyoming Republican Party believes in the elimination of the United States Department of Education.

5. Teaching About Sexuality The Wyoming Republican Party believes that sex education is primarily the responsibility of parents so any sex education offered must include the parents and be optional and opposes any teaching or encouraging of homosexuality or any other alternative lifestyle in all public schools and opposes distribution of contraceptives in schools. 6. Teaching Historical Documents The Wyoming Republican Party supports the teaching of the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the state of Wyoming, the Declaration of Independence, and other United States founding documents as well as the factual history and heritage of the United States in Wyoming schools and the historical evidence of the role of faith and biblical principles in the founding of our nation. Health and Society: 3. Definition of Marriage The Wyoming Republican Party believes that the definition of marriage is the union of one man to one woman.

4. Right to Life The Wyoming Republican Party asserts the inherent dignity and sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. 5. Family as the Basic Building Block of Society The Wyoming Republican Party believes in the sanctity of the family and that the family is the basic building block of society, and that the parents have the fundamental right and responsibility to rear, guide, discipline, provide for, and make medical decisions including choosing whether or not to vaccinate their children.

7. Right to Refuse to Perform Abortions/Conscience Clause The Wyoming Republican Party believes that any healthcare provider, including pharmacists, has the right to refuse to participate in an abortion procedure, including prescribed abortive drugs without occupational repercussions. Conclusion We remind our elected and appointed officials that these are the terms under which they exercise the power which we have entrusted to them. With this knowledge, we place our fate and that of our state and nation in

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the hands of God so that the Creator of all may be with us in our battle to preserve this bastion for good which is America. West Virginia still has its 2008 platform posted:

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