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According to Merriam Webster dictionary, art is the conscious use of skill

and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects. Art appears in
many different forms, from paintings and sculptures to crafts and even tattoos. It also
deals with music, dance, architecture, drama, and literature.

Art is my favorite subject since I started schooling. I like to draw, paint, color,
sing, dance and even though I'm not good at it, I still love doing it. My father is good at
drawing flowers and he believes that practice makes everything perfect, so at home I
am all equipped with art materials from crayons, to watercolors, to sketchpads. When
our teacher Prof. Monsalud told us that we will be making a portfolio containing our
products, my brain started to think of ideas and my imagination reached the outer
space. I was so excited to start my portfolio and when I listed everything and try to
think of better ways on how to express my thoughts. I asked my cousin to help me with
it, since she was the very artistic one in the family but then she remind me of her trip to
Manila for her review. So I ended up doing it alone.

My goal is to make my portfolio one of the best yet not too costly so I started as
early as possible. I thought this art project will be a piece of cake, but it wasn't. Getting
started with my paper weaving took me 3 hours figuring it out and another 3 hours to
finish. Making my stained glass was one of the hardest since I'm not really good at
using the cutter and I was so happy that it turned out neat. Origami or paper folding
was easy and very familiar to me, I think I'm just good at figuring it out and following
directions. I had help from my little cousins in making my foot and hand painting since
mine won't fit the paper. I really enjoyed making it and they also asked me to make
one for them. My finger painting was inspired from our shih tzu named Sachi and my
crayon etching and texture rubbing was inspired from two of my favorite singers. I am
longing to go to Japan and see the beautiful cherry blossoms so I made it in my paper
crumpling and also to ride a hot air balloon at Clark, Pampanga so I used the idea for
my paper quilling.

I feel so proud and happy when I finally finished everything and while writing
this reflection I came to realized that art really takes a lot of time and effort. It would
really test your patience in doing things. But aside from that, art is also a way on how a
person express his/her thoughts, ideas and feelings. Art could really help students with
special needs in many ways. There’s no doubt that the arts are fun for kids. Art therapy
has proven to be a successful form of treatment for students with special needs like
kids with behavioral, emotional or psychological issues. In art, student could express
their feelings and ideas better than other subjects in school . Arts don’t just develop a
child’s creativity but it also helps their cognitive development when they are asked to
tell the class about their work. Simple things like holding a paintbrush and scribbling will
help the student with special needs to develop his/her fine motor skills. It also helps
the child with ADHD in maintaining his/her focus at something. Art could also enhanced
self-confidence and self-worth like what it did to me. We teachers should appreciate art
and teach our students how to appreciate art too.

The process of making this art portfolio wasn't that easy. I've been to waking
nights, drank a lot of coffee just to finish my products and brainstorming thinking of
what theme will I use for my project and that could fit all my ideas. The story behind
my art portfolio were inspired from my favorite things, dreams, and random things I
often see around me and I captured them using a polaroid camera. So why a polariod
camera instead of a normal camera? The answer is, art is like a polariod camera, it has
its own beauty, it is unique, and it never fades. Art is an expression of what one thinks
is beautiful and captivating.
Tinkerbell is a sassy disney fairy. she is Peter Pan's sidekick in the movie "Peter
Pan" 2003. Like a common tinker fairy, she is small, slender, hand sized, and wears a
green dress paired with her green shoes that has white puff balls. she glow every time
and has the amazing ability to make others fly using her magical pixie dust.

Tink is fearless, determined and would always tag along with Peter and his adventures.
Being a tinker fairy, she is very skilled and very talented in mending pots, kettles and
acorn caps. she can create things out of acorn caps and invent machines. Tink is very
stubborn and hot tempered and would always turn to red whenever she gets pissed and
angry at someone. She is not the kindest fairy in the world but has a lot of friends and
stands up for the fairies she cares for.

I am like Tinkerbell, not because I am also a fairy and has pixie dust but because
I am a tinker like her. I love to use scraps in creating things. I see other uses of the
objects around me like a tissue dispenser out of supersticks container. I would always
appreciate the saying "may pera sa basura" for I believe that we can still recycle things
and make use of them. When I was a kid, my Grandmother taught me
how to sew clothes and I would always sit on her lap whenever she
uses the sewing machine. Whenever I have a new doll, I would ran to
her and we would make dresses for my dolls using my old clothes.
People say I am like my Papa. My father is the artistic one in the
family, he knows how to draw and he is also a tinker. When i joined
the character impersonation contest when I was in elementary playing
the role if Tinkerbell, he was the one who designed my dress, decided
what materials to use and he also made me wings out of wires and

Just like Tink, I am also fearless and adventurous. I am not

afraid of heights and would go mountain climbing together with my
cousins and friends. I am also stubborn and hot tempered at times. I
always make sure to do my best at every task. I enjoy making friends,
being with my family and I always show my love for them. I am also
not the kindest girl you'll met, and I would always stand up for the
people I love.

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