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Tune : You Are My Sunshine Tune : You Are My Sunshine

There are twelve months of the There are twelve months of the
year, year,

From January to December, From January to December,

Let’s all we learn them together, Let’s all we learn them together,

So that we know them all better. So that we know them all better.

Tune : Shalalalala Tune : Shalalalala

January, J A N U A R Y, January, J A N U A R Y,

February, F E B R U A R Y, February, F E B R U A R Y,

March, March, M A R C H, Maaarch, March, March, M A R C H, Maaarch,

April, April, A P R I L, April, April, April, A P R I L, April,

Maaay, M A Y is for May, Maaay, M A Y is for May,

Juuune, J U N E is June, Juuune, J U N E is June,

July, July, J U L Y is July, July, July, J U L Y is July,

August, August, A U G U ST, August, August, August, A U G U ST, August,

September, S E P T E M B E R, September, S E P T E M B E R,

October, O C T O B E R, October, O C T O B E R,

November, N O V E M B E R, November, N O V E M B E R,

December, D E C E M B E R. December, D E C E M B E R.

Uuuuu.. Shalalalala, shalalala in the Uuuuu.. Shalalalala, shalalala in the

morning, morning,

Shalalalala, months of the year just Shalalalala, months of the year just
for you… for you…

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