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A visión of how will be Flying Buildings on the future

Describing the problem

Nowadays ,Floods and extreme weather are more frequent, more severe and getting worse.
Take for example In the US alone, over the past 30 years the average loss of property to
flooding is over $10 Billion per year. Another problems such as earthquakes or tremors causes
destruction around the world , principaly in Japan , wich in only 15 years had four of the most
importants earthquakes in the history. Lots of lifes lost and many injureds on that tragedies
that will happen again in a pair of years or decades. What if i told you that the damage can be
minimaze or even avoided?

Announce the Product

The SAFE Foundating System (Self-Adjusting Floating Enviorement) it is a system that is being
developed by the company ARX PAX.

Describing the product

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