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O poveste care vinde trebuie sa contina:

1) Un erou: baiatul bun sau clientul sau chiar oponentul, un tip din punctul de vedere al caruia
poate omul sa vada povestea. Eroul trebuie sa fie acelasi gen de om ca audienta ta.
2) Eroul trebuie sa intampine o problema pentru care nu exista o solutie la indemana.
Care ti-e obiectivul? Ce vrei ca omul sa faca dupa ce iti citeste povestea?
Inspira-te de la alte povesti din bransa ta sau gandeste-te la o poveste pe care o stii.
Daca nu ai o poveste reala, inventeaza una care sa para reala,dar ceilalti sa stie ca e
inventata,altfel iti pierzi credibilitatea.
Cum sa incepi sa le spui povestea:
Nu-ti cere scuze ca urmeaza sa le zici o poveste, nici macar nu le spune ca urmeaza sa le zici o
poveste. Cuvantul poveste e asociat cu lucruri neadevarate,imaginare, minciuni.
Trebuie sa setezi un context: unde s-a intamplat sic and.
Poti sa te pui pe tine ca si erou,dar s-ar putea sa pari arrogant,deci nu e indicat.
Ce vrea eroul principal sa realizeze.
Tine cont de cei 5 w: who,what,when,where,why.

Cu ce te ocupi:

Nu le spui: Sunt Ionut, medic nutritionist, ci le spui sunt Ionut, eu ajut oamenii sa slabeasca.

Alta modalitate e sa povestesti o situatie in care ti-ai ajutat un pacient si cum.

Fa clientii sa-ti spuna povestile lor:

1. Povesti despre cine sunt

2. Povesti despre ce probleme au(si ai putea tu sa le rezolvi)
3. Despre produsele de care sunt ff multumiti si de ce sunt asa multumiti

Cumparatorii au nevoie sa simta ca esti cinstit cu ei, asa ca daca ai gresit ceva sau nu poti sa faci spune-
le ca nu te-ai mai intalnit cu situatia asta, dar incerci sa gasesti o solutie.

Spune-le ceva de genul: am facut greseli in trecut si eu nu ascund greselile. Orice merge in neregula, vei
stii sit u de el.
Spune-le ca pentru ei esti dispus sa muncesti extra ore.

Povesti despre companie:

1. Cum s0a fondat, dar nu cu statistici si facts, ci cu povestea companiei, ideea de la care s-a plecat
si cum s-a expansionat.

Uita-te pe facebook, linkedin la omul caruia urmeaza sa-I vinzi ceva si include ceva despre hobbyurile lui
in povestea ta.

Nu e bines a faci povestile despre tine pt ca lumea o sa creada ca esti arrogant. Fa despre parinti frati
surori, prieteni, oricine altcineva.

Tap into fucking common fears. Fa-l pe om sa inteleaga ca are nevoie de produsul tau, ca fara el s=ar
putea intampla ceva naspa.

Sunt bune cand sunt puse la locul lor si povestile despre cum a fost infiintata firma, ce problema vrea sa
resolve, care e ideea ei cea buna si sufletista. Cand prezinti problem ape care firma ta o rezolva, nu
ajunge sa fie ceva formal, clientul tre sa inteleaga problem ape care o are intr-un mod mai visceral,
profund, sa se cace pe el de frica ca nu scapa de problema daca nu-ti cumpara produsul tau.

Un alt tip de poveste este a unui client care ti-a folosit produsul si foarte multumit si si-a rezolvat
problema. Sunt diferite de testimoniale. Tre sa pui si povesti deastea si testimoniale. Cea mai mare
incredere o au clientii in ceea ce zic alti oameni, apoi in influenceri, apoi in jurnalisti si cea mai putina
incredere in reclame si teleshop. Cel mai bine e cand clientul isi spune poveste la persoana 1, nu cand
spui tu la pers a 3-a despre el. Povestea asta asigura social prooful de care e atata nevoie. Cel mai bin
ear fi ca aceste povesti sau testimonialele sa fie filmate,in format video. Astea sunt cel mai de incredere.

Daca exista alte povesti de success care s-ar potrivi,de la alti oameni, poti sa le spui, dar doar daca au
legatura cu ce vinzi tu.

Exista povestile cu 2 drumuri: un drum pe care-l allege personajul(cumparatorul) si nu duce undeva bine,
si apoi o ia pe drumul produsului tau si-I merge blanao.

cum sa adaugi valoare unui produs(pig island example)

p 55

cauta si paul smith pe youtube, are canal

ce sa faci cand clientul spune nu

AS MOST SALESPEOPLE have learned, the real selling doesn’t start until the buyer says no. As a result,
salespeople use a number of time-tested models for handling objections, such as LAIR (Listen,
Acknowledge, Identify Objection, Reverse It), LACE (Listen, Accept, Commit, Explicit Action), LAARC
(Listen, Acknowledge, Assess, Respond, Confirm), and Feel-Felt-Found.1 Some sales experts swear that
if you just stay quiet for a few seconds, prospects will answer their own objections.2

cand vrei sa inchizi o vanzare trebuie sa faci o poveste sau sa spui ceva ce creeaza o senzatie de urgent clientului.

I really wish you could meet Mary Lou at Rover High School across town. You’re familiar with that school, right? Well,
she’s just
like you. Her students are very similar to yours, and they’re struggling with the exact same issues. In fact, they’ve
been facing it
longer than you—more than a decade. Well, I got a call from her a few weeks ago and she said, “Tia, you won’t
believe it! Go get a
copy of today’s newspaper. There’s an article about our school!” She was so excited.
Then she told me about the article. “It showed our newest test scores, and they’re amazing! We’re up fifteen percent
since last
year, and we had sixty more students placed in colleges. The programs you helped us put in place in the fall are
really working. This is
the biggest news about our school in a decade!”
Then Tia closes the story by asking this question: “Would you like to be able to make that phone call a
year from now?”
The answer, of course, is always a resounding yes. And it sends her champion off to the school board
meeting with an inspired purpose and a story to tell.
Tia believes the key to having a great “feeling story” is the phrase “just like you.” This makes the
in the story relatable to the audience. If her prospect is a poor, rural school district struggling
elementary reading levels, telling them about a wealthy suburban school struggling with college
is not going to make a good story. That means Tia has to have a lot of stories so she can pull
out exactly
the right one when she needs it. And if you’re going to do this well, you’ll need several, too.

Dupa ce ai inchis o vanzare poti sa mai spui o poveste, fie s ail convingi sa mai cumpere ceva,
fie sa il fidelizezi ca si client sau ca sa to summarize the sale(nush sa o traduc in romana).


1. O lectie importanta
2. Un erou. O persoana care sa fie personajul principal in povestea ta si in care cumparatorul sa se
regaseasca. Nu folosi eroi gen sgteve jobs, bill gates, pt ca sunt prea departe de oamenii
normali. Omul normal stie ca n-o sa ajunga niciodata ca aia si nu se va transpune in poveste.
Pune un om care sa semene cat mai mult cu clientul tau tipic.

3.O intriga. The challenge is an obstacle or opportunity the hero confronts. The challenge plays the role of the
in the story. Without a proper villain, it’s hard for the audience to care about the hero or her struggle.
Consider this example from Karen Dietz and Lori Silverman in Business Storytelling for Dummies:
Mary goes to the store (we don’t care)
to buy some milk (we still don’t care)
for her baby (we care a little)
who is sick (we care a little more)
and hasn’t eaten in days because a neighborhood bully stole most of her money on the way home
from work (we care a lot).1
It’s the challenge or villain that makes us care about our hero. But that doesn’t mean the villain has to
be a person. The obstacle could be:
An entire company (like one of your competitors)
A thing (like the mountain you’re trying to climb)
A situation (like Pig Island having no food for the pigs, or the Iceland volcano erupting in 2011)
Yes, you could be the obstacle in your own story. Consider Steve Blair’s story about losing the
Valentine’s Day sale at the White Sox game in Chapter 10. (This is also the case in the “I’ll tell you when
I made a mistake” story that we discussed in Chapter 6.)
1. And the challenge doesn’t necessarily have to have a negative connotation.

Trebuie sa fie un challenge, o provocare in care sa se regaseasca audienta. Adica daca tu vinzi la femei nu
e ok sa fie challengeul sa aiba cea mai puternica masina, pt ca nu le pasa.
O oportunitate, pe care tu le-o oferi prin produsul tau.
3) Trebuie sa fie un struggle. Trebuie din momentul in care da de obstacol si pan ail invinge sa se chinuie, sa-
si stoarca creierii pana gaseste Solutia. Struggleul poate fi si intern, propriile sentimente si trairi, ala tot
struggle e si merge.


Step 1: Define your objective—What do you want your audience to think, feel, or do as a
result of your story?
Step 2: Look for a relevant success, failure, or moment of clarity surrounding that main
Step 3: Make one up—This is if you strike out otherwise. Just make sure your audience
knows you’ve made it up.
Step 4: List and choose—Pick the story that best delivers the main message. If all deliver
it equally well, pick the one with the most relatable hero, most relevant obstacle, and
most engaging struggle.

1. Definirea obiectivului inseamna sa definesti ce lectie vrea audienta sa invete in

urma povestii
2.Once you’ve defined the objective, the most productive way to search for an appropriate story is to look
for a relevant success, failure, or moment of clarity surrounding that objective. In other words, think of
times in the past when you or someone else has done that thing very well or utterly failed to do it, or when
you learned that lesson the first time.
Obviously, a story about someone successfully doing what you want your audience to do illustrates the
behavior you’re trying to encourage and probably also shows the benefits of doing it. A failure story can
show the downside of not following your advice. We know that humans often learn more from our failures
than from our successes. That’s why they make good fodder for stories.
A moment of clarity could be a success or a failure, but often is neither. It’s just a moment in time when
something happened that taught you or the main character a meaningful lesson. And if it did such a good
job of teaching that lesson when it actually happened, it can do a great job of teaching that lesson to
1. when it’s recounted in a story.

Poti sa si inventezi o poveste, dar sa stie lumea ca e inventata. Ca sa faci asta incepi povestea
cu sa prespunem ca, sau ce-ar fi daca, sau imaginati-va ca…
I’d like to ask over the next minute for all of us in this room to be parents. And as a parent, I want to talk about how some of us
might someday get that nightmare call that we all hope we never get. On the other end of the phone, someone says, “Your child has
been hit by a car. She’s been taken to Children’s Hospital.”
In an instant, your entire world changes.
You jump in your car and start racing to the hospital. You can’t seem to focus or see straight because your emotions are running
wild, just hoping your child is still alive when you get there.
You arrive at the hospital, burst through the emergency room doors, and you’re met by a trauma counselor who says to you calmly,
“I know who you are. I know your daughter, and I know where she is. You can’t go in to see her right now, but I’m going to stay with
you. And I’m not going to leave you. I’m going to go in and check on her every few minutes and come back and let you know how
things are going. And then I’m going to stay with you. And I will not leave you. No matter what happens, I’m going to stay with you
and keep you up to date.”
That life-changing scene is going to happen three times today, and it’s going to happen almost a thousand times this year. But
without a trauma social service professional, what would probably happen when that parent gets to the emergency room is this.
be met by a security guard and told, “You can’t go in. Just have a seat here in the lobby.” And that’s where they’ll sit and wait.
Scared. Worried. Grieving. Confused. And alone.
Trauma counselors are a vital part of the hospital staff. Unfortunately, insurance companies won’t pay for their services.
Government agencies don’t either. So it makes no financial sense for any hospital to employ someone like that. Yet it makes
profoundly important human sense. The only way to pay for trauma social services is for people like you to make a donation. And
that’s what I’m asking you to do tonight.
Cum sa treci de la vorbirea normal la poveste:
Cum sa NU treci: nu-ti cere scuze spunanad ca urmeaza sa spui o poveste, nu-I intreba daca poti sa le spui o poveste,
nici macar nu le spune ca urmeaza sa le spui o poveste.
Nu le spune de la inceput morala povestii sau cum se termina, nu o face prea detaliata.
2. contextual
1. cand si unde s-a intamplat, cine e personajul principal. Daca vrei sa faci o poveste despre o companie, nu
pune compania ca erou principal, ci ia cativa oameni si povesteste experienta companiei prin ochii lor. Asa
devine mult mai personal si mai aproape de client. Eroul principal poate fi produsul/serviciul sau clientul.
Povestile in care cumparatorul e eroul sunt mai puternice decat cele in care produsul e.
Nu te pune pe tine,cel ce vinzi eroul pt ca o sa pari arrogant.
2. Ce vrea eroul principal sa indeplneasca.
3Challenge:aici apare o problema, eroul se intalneste cu dusmanul, cu problema.
4Conflictul, actiunea, struggleul, traseul indeplinirii obiectivului. Asta e cea mai importanta parte a storyului, de aceea
ocupa cam jumate din poveste. In parte de conflict cea mai buna schema e arrive late, leave early: nu-I povestesti
cumparatorului tot struggleul, ci cand e aproape sa-l resolve sic and il rezolva, si apoi il lasi putin in suspans cu ce s-a
intamplat dupa.
5 Rezolutia: in final ii spui cumparatorului ce s-a intamplat cu eroul, daca a castigat, daca a pierdut.
6 explica morala lectiei si apoi da-I o comanda cumparatorului

I think what I learned from that was . . .

That’s when I realized . . .
So, that explains why . . .
What I’ve since come to realize is . . .
Eroul principal trebuie sa simta niste emotii, sa I se descrie niste emotii astfel incat si publicul sa simta emotiile alea.
1.spune pur si simplu cum se simtea,descrie
2descrie locul unde se simtea emotia asta
3 poti sa fol si dialoguri, nu numai descrieri
4cand povestesti o poveste, nu o povesti cu emotie, povesteste-o cat de neutru poti tu. Cumparatorul trebuie sa-si puna
propriile emotii pe poveste.
5daca povestea e intr-un filmulet,pune o melodie pe fundal
6intre terminarea povestii si lectia ce tre invatata lasa un moment de tacere
7cand termini tot nu-I da direct comanda de cumparare, da-I un funnel de curatare, adica spune-I sa se gandeasca un
minut la intamplarea asta
8invita-l pe celalalt sa vb despre povestea auzita
9la final trebuie sa aiba o surpriza ca sa fie retinuta mai bine.

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