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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Excelency, Mr. H. M.Nur Ullinnuha, S.Pd As the head master of MI. Sunan Ampel Bangorejo
Respectable, Mr. Deny Mustofa as the directure of Moslem Center
Honorable, All tutors, teachers, staffs and the guests
Unforgatable, All my friend whom I love

Happy brothers and sisters

First of all, let's pray and thank unto ALLAH SWT for the mercies and blessings so we can
gather in this place with good condition.
Secondly, may peace and solutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who
has guided us from the stupidity to the cleverness.
Thirdly, I din't forget to say thank you very much to the master of ceremony who has given
me chance so I can deliver my speech.
Well ladies and gantlement,
In this occasion I will explain the benefit of internet for education and for students.
Happy brothers and sisters,
the term internet is combination of computer networks in a wide scale and large. Each user of
the computer can communicate each other with other people just by using a language network. At
this time, the internet has become very important technology for many aspects especially for
education. There are 3 benefits of internet for education. They are:
1.educational institutions
2.for educational institution, internet has some adventages, they are
3.- to promote the institution through internet
4.- to hire employees economicly
5.- to make easier to attract students and new students
7.for teachers, the adventages of internet are
8.- to find teaching material for students
9.- to seek access to information sources
11.for students, the adventages of internet are
12.- to give motivation and strengthen instruction and improve environmental psychology
13.- to stimulate and motivate students in developing intellectual property so that it csn develop the
research and apply good science
14.- to save time on doing tasks and research

Dear brothers and sisters

the internet is expected to help accelerate the development of education. But as a student we
have to use internet wisely, we have to be able to control our coriousity.
Finally, as human being, i realize that i can't avoid the mistakes, so i apologize to you all and

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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