Created by Lifechanyuan

Lifechanyuan - Soul Garden

The most severe crisis of mankind is the crisis of soul. As long as we have solved man’s crisis of soul, we can solve all the crises faced by mankind. The building of Soul garden is a matter of urgency for mankind. The pursuit of pleasure and happiness in reality begins with the restoration of spiritual perception and the cleansing of soul. Only if the frequency of our souls are the same as that of the Greatest Creator and resonates with it, can we enjoy infinite pleasure and happiness. Even the discomfort and diseases in our flesh are caused by the dirt in our souls. The diseases will disappear when the souls are cleansed. If through self-improving and self-refining, one can achieve a body and soul of integrity, he can have real spirit and great talent and great virtue concentrated in himself. The best recipe for keeping a beautiful soul is following teachings of Jesus Christ and Sakyamuni. The next approach is to conduct self-improving and self-refining in Lifechanyuan.