Florida Evacuation and Storm Surge Maps

These county-wide evacuation route and zone maps are based upon the most up-to-date regional evacuation studies and are intended for general reference. Please note that within many counties, there may not be designated evacuation zones. DURING AN EMERGENCY, YOUR LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SHOULD ALWAYS BE CONSULTED REGARDING EVACUATION ORDERS. These county-wide storm surge zones maps are based upon the most up-to-date regional evacuation studies and are intended for general reference. Please see storm surge zone atlases below for detailed maps for those counties for which such atlases are available. Please also note that for many counties, there are no storm surge zones. DURING AN EMERGENCY, YOUR LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SHOULD ALWAYS BE CONSULTED REGARDING EVACUATION ORDERS. Evacuations are ordered by evacuation zones. For many counties, detailed storm surge zone atlaes are availabile. These maps are also based upon the most up-to-date regional evacuation studies and are a component of those studies. Please note that some of these files are very large and may take some time to download. Please also note that not all Regional Plannng Councils have their storm surge zone atlases online yet, and atlases are primarily produced for coastal counties. Documents from: http://floridadisaster.org/publicmapping/index.htm