Pepin County Corruption

I am using this page to let the people of Pepin County know what their county officials are up to. Jon Seifert, the District Attorney has failed to be fair, unbiased, or professional. There has been a neighbor dispute that has gone on for OVER A YEAR! He does nothing to the aggressor-nothing at all. We have police reports that states he tells the police he's going to shoot us and nobody would care. DA doesn't even charge him with disorderly conduct. He shot a gun to scare us right before he stated that to the police. The only charged him with possession of a firearm by a felon. So you only charge because he wasn't supposed to have it, when he is shooting off his gun in a residential neighborhood with children around? I have him on tape after a restraining order was put in place, talking to me clearly, and Chief Deputy Kim Seipel would not do anything at all, defying the orders of the Judge and the restraining order granted. Jon Seifert maliciously prosecuted my husband because his private law firm partner at Seifert, Schultz, and Seifert, had lost a connected jury trial a year before. There was an incident last night after the acquittal, where this man scared me from his fence line by the road while checking my mail. When I hysterically called 9-1-1 because he had threatened to come in my home, it took them almost a half hour to respond. The officer that arrived told me he wasn't even going to speak to the accused perpetrator because 'he wasn't causing a problem right now'. When my husband called back to the Sheriffs dispatch and asked for a 'real' cop, we were put through to the Sheriff himself. Mr. Andrews told me he didn't need to do anything. When I hysterically told him how I felt, he laughed and chuckled and said 'Do I need to come babysit you myself?' Is this the reaction you would want someone in authority to give your daughter who had a problem? I have been told numerous times that he isn't doing anything wrong. Even with numerous video tapes that clearly show him speaking to me after a restraining order is in place. Why won't these people help us? Because they don't like us. I think law enforcement and prosecutors should have to do their job fairly. They should have to take their personal feelings bout the situation and people out of it. But maybe these cops,district attorney,and perpetrator all go hunting together? Just maybe they do! No wonder the DA won't prosecute. The Sheriff is friends with the property owners, so he doesn't feel the need to do anything of substance or resoluteness. Pepin County has let this go on for OVER A YEAR and the harassment, stalking, threats and etc. have still not stopped. Pepin County has yet to take care of the 'problem'. This man is a danger to the community and it is overlooked because he is in the pockets of these people. Also, because Jon Seifert has a malicious personal agenda against my husband and I due to his dislike of prior cases and event. I bet if this man was doing this to one of the DA's kids, the cops kids, or the Sheriffs kids-their tune would be different. But because you don't like us you violate our civil rights and your ethics as an attorney? FAIL! Is this what you want the DA to let go on in our community? Do you want this man doing these things to your child? Would you be happy if he went virtually un-prosecuted even though several events are caught on tape? Bet not. Personal feeling about people and prior situations have no professional place in the DA's, Sheriffs, and government staff positions. Yet, our civil rights are continually stepped on? Share this page to stop this kind of BULLYING by vicious prosecutors with a personal agenda. We had to leave our home for over two months this summer because this kept happening and nobody will do anything!