Created by HEET_Cambridge

Honest Book of Home Energy Savings

HEET's Honest Book will help you save energy and money in your New England home. It is meant for our climate, building stock and energy use. HEET’s Honest Book has clear directions with more than 250 photos showing the work step by step. It explains how long each task will take and what tools you’ll need. Whether you are a renter or homeowner, the Honest Book can help. The Honest Book includes links to sites that sell the best materials and shares with you HEET's discounts with manufacturers. The book lists state by state of available rebates and free services. It explains how to find a good contractor, as well as check the job was done right. HEET (Home Energy Efficiency Team) is an EPA-award-winning grassroots nonprofit. It has worked in hundreds of buildings from tiny homes to historic churches and taught over 3,000 volunteers hands-on skills. HEET knows how to save energy and water, as well as how to teach these critical skills in clear and simple language. HEET gets the majority of its energy and money saving information from Michael Blasnik, a renowned energy-efficiency expert who has seen more energy bills than anyone else in the country.