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Nurturing the Developing Brain in Early Childhood

Lisa Freund, Ph.D. The National Institutes of Health

The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Bethesda, Maryland U.S.A.

The Brain is Still a Mystery




20 SEMANAS DE GESTAO 100 NASCIMENTO 400 18 MESES 800 3 ANOS 1100 ADULTO 1300 - 1400

O Neurnio

Crescimento cerebral
Ao nascimento a maior parte dos neuronios est presente cerca de 100 bilhoes Por volta dos 2 anos, o tamanho do cerebro cerca de 80% do adulto O que continua crescendo?
Outras celulas cerebrais (glia) Novas conexoes neuronais
aprox. 1000 trilhoes de conexoes aos 3 anos de idade

Eventos da maturao
Superproduao de neuronios e conexes entre neuronios Reduo seletiva de neuronios e conexoes entre neuronios Ondas de intensa ramificao e conexoes seguidas por reduo de neuronios
Antes do nascimento at 3 anos de idade Novamente aos 11 a 12 anos de idade


Areas principais do cerebro

Auto-regulao, soluo da avaliao, goal setting, cognio social

Viso e percepo

Percepo sensorio-motora Habilidades espaciais

Audio, Linguagem, Memria, Funo social-emocional

Cortical thickness development from birth to 54 mos



6 mm

4.5 mm

3 mm

1.5 mm

1 mm under

Visao lateral direita e superior da maturao da substncia cinzenta na superfcie cortical.

Viso direita da maturao da susbtancia cinzenta na superficie cererbal entre as idades de 4 a 21 anos

Como as areas cerebrais estao se desenvolvendo

Estudos anatomicos do desenvolvimento cererbal mostram Occipital lobes show earliest pruning Os Lobos Frontal e Temporal lobes apresentam crescimento de conexoes neurais mais tardias do que outras areas do cerebro at 3 anos de idade Frontal and Temporal lobes show pruning of connections longer than other areas of the brain Greatest change between 2 years and 5 years

Synaptic production and pruning correspond with overall brain activity

Young childrens brains work harder and less efficiently than adults


Velocidade de conexo Inicio ao nascimento, evoluo aumenta at 2 anos Continua a evoluiu mais lentamente at 30 anos de idade


O crebro de crianas pequenas tem menor numero de conexoes nervosas E trabalham mais lentamente do que os do adulto

Como as funes cerebrais estao se desenvolvendo?

Areas do cerebro associadas a periodos mais longos de organizaa e que se relacionam com autorregulao, Resoluo de problemas linguagem/comunicaao Social bonding Mostram crescimento vigoroso, pruning, connecting, and activity occurs between 1-1/2 anos at 3 ou 4 anos de idade

As neurosciencias nos contam que este pode ser um dos mais importantes periodos para o desenvolvimento de comportamentos associados a autorregulao, resoluo de problemas , domnio social-emocional, linguagem/comunicao

Nature and Nurture

Genes e ambiente interagem ao longo do desenvolvimento cerebral
Genes formam neuronios, conexoes entre as cerebrais principais Ambiente e experiencia refinam as conexoes; enhancing algumas e eliminando outras

Experiencia pode modificar a estrutura do crebro

Desenvolvimento cerebral atividadedependente Cada experiencia excita alguns circuitos neurais e deixa outras isolados Circuitos neurais over and over strengthen, those that are not used are dropped resulting in pruning

Diferences na atividade cerebral (areas coloridas) entre um leitor tipico e uma criana com dificuldade de leitura

Experience Can Change Brain Development

The brain is undergoing explosive growth in the first years of life and needs organizing experiences to facilitate development. Learning results in more consolidation of neuronal activitybrain activity becomes more efficient

Neglect Impedes Brain Development

Limited exposure to language, touch or social interactions Emotional or cognitive neglect Structural Changes
Lack of brain growth beyond effects of poor nutrition Neuronal death beyond pruning

Brain activity of a normal 5-year-old child (left) and a 5-year-old institutionalized Romanian orphan who was neglected in infancy (right).

What early experiences promote healthy brain development?

Important areas of brain development are associated with
Self-control or Self-regulation Language/communication Learning Social emotional function

Research shows that everyday experiences with caregivers or other children can optimize the development in these areas

Social Basis of Early Brain Development

Early experiences create brain neuron connections Parent-child interactions are key And when are they most effective? Neuroscience and other research says between birth and 3 to 4-years old


Regulao da emoo Capacidade para identificar sentimentos Empatia Manejo de emoes fortes Inibio comportamental Postergar gratificao Controle dos impulsos


Ateno e Regulao do Pensamento (Funo Executiva) Orientar a ateno Representao Mental Planejamento Foco na meta Monitorar aes; informao Corrigir aes Identificao e uso das estrategias

Interaes precoces pais-crianas do a base para as habilidades de autorregulao que so internalizadas pela criana Direcionar ateno Identificar metas Monitorar aes da criana Corrigir aes da criana Modelando estrategias

Parent-child Interaction with Infant or Toddler

Parent who supports optimal development

Is sensitive to childs cues Responds to childs distress Takes advantage of simple, everyday activities to stimulate learning

Parent-child Interaction with Infant or Toddler

The child can influence interaction through

Clarity of his or her cues Responsiveness to parent Activity level

Parent-child Interaction with 3- to 5-year-old

With 3- to 5-year-old
Directing attention Suggesting strategies Monitoring, evaluating actions Staying directed toward goal Feedback is less directive

Reading Comprehension


Research has Shown that Successful Scaffolding Results in Healthy Brains Ready to Learn
Faster rates of language learning Increased task persistence Increased self-control More appropriate requests for help Increased self-monitoring during tasks Increased ability to learn Moderates risk factors

Implications for Early Education

Nos sabemos que.

Crianas mostram melhor desempenho acadmico
Com instrues planejadas e intencionais nos anos pre-escolares. Quando the literacy environment at home and in school can engage the child. With consistent reading aloud When preschool teachers receive high quality training.

We know that
Just as parents who provide scaffolding promote healthy development, so can preschool teachers provide scaffolding in the classroom

Classroom Scaffolding
What types of teacher scaffolding can result in optimal outcomes for children? Providing print and materials that foster their understanding of concepts Responding to childrens requests and signals promptly and sensitively Maintaining and expanding on childrens interests in meaningful learning activities Providing children with choices and prompting children to make thoughtful decisions

To Promote the Foundations for Reading

Phonological awareness --ability to notice and work with the sounds in language. How quickly children learn to read depends on how much phonological awareness has developed during toddler and preschool years.

To Promote Phonological Awareness

Teachers and Parents can

Chose books to read aloud that focus on sounds, rhyming, and alliteration
Invite children to make up new verses of familiar words or songs by changing the beginning sounds of words Play games where children isolate the beginning sound in familiar words, and generate rhyming words

Promote Knowledge of Letters

Research shows it is important for young children to be able to: Recognize and name letters Recognize beginning letters in familiar words (especially their own name) Recognize both capital and lowercase letters Relate some letters to the specific sounds they represent Teachers and parents can reinforce learning about letters by providing letters in a form children can touch, by playing games with letters, and by helping children write letters.

Read Aloud To Promote Interest in Reading

Establish a pattern of reading aloud frequently to children. Ask children questions as you read. Encourage children to talk about the book. Read aloud many kinds of books. Reread aloud favorite books.

Teachers and Parents

Research has shown
preschools that support the parent in promoting the childs cognitive development and learning show greatest child achievement in elementary school and beyond

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