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Cell Biology Course

Department of Biochemistry

Semester (1)

12 weeks Practical Theoretical

2 hrs 1 hr

25 marks 65 marks

Dr Ahmed Salah Ibrahim (6 hrs)

Cell theory and cell structure Cell signalling and communication

Prof. Dr. Liala Eissa (6 hrs)

Cell Cycle Apoptosis


BIOLOGY The science of LIFE =__________________ = Study of living things ________________


Creatures or Organisms?

The term creature implies a Creator! So, it is best to call them creatures. Modern textbook authors that deny God do not like to use the term creature.

What are the characteristics of living things?

What does it mean to be living? People, plant, and animals are all alive; stones, sand, and wind are not. But what are the fundamental properties that characterize living things and distinguish them from nonliving matter?

The answer begins with a basic fact that All living things are made of cells: small, membrane enclosed units filled with a concentrated aqueous solution of chemicals and has the ability to create copies of themselves by growing and dividing. The simplest forms of life is the cell.

Intro into Cell Biology

-> All living organisms are made out of cells -> Cells are the smallest living unit

Human egg cell + sperm

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Cell Theory
Schleiden and Schwann proposed the cell theory in 1838, sine then cell biology research was forever changed. The cell theory states that: 1-All life forms are made from one or more cells. 2-Cells only arise from pre-existing cells. 3-The cell is the smallest form of life.

Cells are divided into two main classes, initially defined by whether they contain a nucleus:

1-Prokaryotic cells (bacteria) lack a nuclear envelope 2-Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus in which the genetic material is separated from the cytoplasm.

Prokaryotic cells are generally smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells; in addition to the absence of a nucleus, their genomes are less complex and they do not contain cytoplasmic organelles or a cytoskeleton

Intro into Cell Biology

Cell Types


: Cell biology

cell biology is the sciences that study all life processes within cells.. Understanding the cell biology is important for many applications in medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, and biomedical engineering. Striking examples include the development of new drugs specifically targeted to interfere with the growth of cancer cells.

Biochemistry & Biophysics: study of the structures and behaviors of molecules

Microbiology: study of prokaryotic cells and viruses

Cell Biology: study of the structure and function of eukaryotic cells

Developmental Biology: study of how communities of cells form tissues, organs, and build an organism

Anatomy & Physiology: study of the structures and functions of tissues and organs

Zoology & Plant Biology: study of the organisms

Ecology: study of how organisms interact with each other and with their environments

Levels of Biological Complexity

Biochemistry & Biophysics Microbiology Cell Biology Developmental Biology Anatomy & Physiology Zoology & Plant Biology Ecology
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

Tools for studying Cell Biology

Research in cell biology depends on the laboratory methods that can be used to study cell structure and function 1- Microscopy methods 2- Biochemistry and molecular biology methods

Section 2: Discovering Cells

Microscope = makes small objects appear larger. The first cell sightings were possible because of the invention of the microscope. * An Electron Microscope = does not use light, but uses a beam of electrons instead. Light Microscope:
- Convex lens = a lens with a curved shape - Magnification = how large image appears under the scope. - Resolution = is how clear or sharp the image is.

Compound Light Microscope = a light microscope with more than one lens.

Light Microscopy
Robert Hooke first coined the term "cell" following his observations of a piece of cork with a simple light microscope in 1665
Using a microscope that magnified objects up to about 300 times their actual size was able to observe a variety of different types of cells, including sperm, red blood cells, and bacteria. Current light microscopes are able to magnify objects up to about a thousand times. Since most cells are between 1 and 100 pm in diameter, they can be observed by light microscopy, as can some of the larger subcellular organelles, such as nuclei, chloroplasts, and mitochondria However, the light microscope is not sufficiently powerful to reveal fine details of cell structure due to limited resolution

Hookes Microscope

The cellular structure of cork as observed by Hooke

Fluorescence microscopy
It is very sensitive method for studying the intracellular distribution of molecules A fluorescent dye is used to label the molecule of interest within either fixed or living cells. The fluorescent dye is a molecule that absorbs light at one wavelength and emits light at a second wavelength. An important recent advance in fluorescence microscopy has been the use of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) of jellyfish to visualize proteins within living cells.

Fluorescence microscopy of a protein labeled with GFP A microtubuleassociated protein fused to GFP was introduced into mouse neurons in culture and visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Nuclei are stained blue

Electron Microscope
The electron microscope can achieve a much greater resolution than that obtained with the light microscope because the wavelength of electrons is shorter than that of light. There are two types of Electron microscope: 1- Transmission Electron microscopes 2- Scanning Electron microscopes

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) involves a high voltage electron beam. The electron beam that has been partially transmitted through the very thin specimen carries information about the structure of the specimen. Transmission electron microscopes produce two-dimensional, black and white images.

Unlike the TEM, where the electrons in the primary beam are transmitted through the sample, the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) produces images by detecting secondary electrons which are emitted from the surface due to excitation by the primary electron beam. In the SEM, the electron beam is scanned across the surface of the sample, with detectors building up an image by mapping the detected signals with beam position. Because the SEM image relies on electron interactions at the surface rather than transmission it is able to image bulk samples and has a much greater depth of view, and so can produce images that are a good representation of the 3D structure of the sample.

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