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MR. Rathjen
Spain’s on Top
• Charles V is king in 1516 and inherits two
crowns, Hapsburg Empire
– Holy Roman Empire, Netherlands
– Spain, American colonies
• Proved too troublesome. He abdicates in
– Religious wars with Protestants in
Germany/Muslim Ottoman
• Empire is divided b/w son and brother
Philip II
• Expanded Spain’s influence, made Catholic
Church stronger, and his power ABSOLUTE.
• Every part of the government was responsible to
• Believed he had DIVINE RIGHT.
• USED Marriage to gain power!
• Battled many wars
– Ottomans, rebels in Netherlands, rioters against
Inquisition (Dutch Netherlands is formed)
Armada and the End
• Chief Enemy: Queen Elizabeth I of England
– Helped the Dutch, encourage sabotage of Spanish
• Philip prepares ARMADA to attack in 1588
– 130 ships, 20,000 men
– Goes down in defeat!
• Downhill for Spain!
– Less able leaders, economic problems, distractions
overseas, expulsion of labor (Jews, Muslims)
• 16.2
• Write 12 test questions.
– 4 t/f
– 4 mc
– 4 sa
• Questions should have some “depth” to
• What can we say thus far about what you
have read and the tests you have
FRANCE ~ late1500s
• France is battling with Charles V over
religious matters
• 1560’s-1590’s religious strife in the
– Huguenots vs. Catholics
– St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572)
• Catholic royals kill 3,000 H’s
• What would this mean for France?
Henry IV
• Huguenot Prince takes throne in 1589
• Ends violence by converting to
Catholicism –
“Paris is well worth the Mass”
• Edict of Nantes of 1598 protects the
• “repaired” France, reaching into every
area of French life (what does this sound like?)
• Killed by assassination in 1610
Post Henry IV
1. 9 year old son takes over (Louis XIII)
2. Nobles gain control
3. Cardinal Richelieu appointed to help
restore Royal authority
4. Wanted to destroy power of Huguenots
and nobles
5. Policy of toleration, but was tough on
cities, castles of enemies
6. Louis XIV arrives in 1643
Louis XIV
• Disorder ensued immediately, Fronde
• Mazarin (Richelieu’s successor) dies and
Louis vows to take complete control
“I have been pleased to entrust the
government of my affairs to the late
Cardinal…it is now time that I govern
them myself”
5. Believed in Divine Right
What do we know so far?
• What two countries have we spoken of
thus far? (remember the flags)
• And their leaders?
• What is the main theme of our
• What seems to be a reoccurring “reason”
to fight in wars?
-Medieval council made up of all social classes
-What does this move demonstrate?
-French styles in writing, painting, architecture
became model for all of Europe
-Ballet is introduced/Academies established
-Levée, “rising”
-both at night and in the morning
-Rituals served a vital purpose: kept the nobility in
check. WHY Might that be???
-Originally a hunting lodge, built by Louis XIII
-Made up of over 300,000 men disciplined to
carry out policies at home and abroad
-Appointed intendants (carried out policies in
It All Comes Crashing Down.
Downhill From Here…
1. $$$$ - Money Problems (Versailles, wars, etc)
2. Balance of Power – Alliances begin to form
against France
• Grandson, Phillip V came to power in Spain in 1700
• Many nations were fearful of Spain and France
• The war of Spanish Succession weakened France
3. Revoked Edict of Nantes
• Problem: Huguenots were some of the hardest
working Frenchman and thousand fled the country
Quiz_Section 1/2
1. Charles V of Spain “abdicated” the
thrown in 1556 b/c it proved to
troublesome and widespread a job.
What does “abdicate” mean?
2. Charles V divided his kingdom into two
parts, giving a huge stake to both his
brother, Ferdinand, and son
1. Use answer to #2….This ruler, like many
during the Middle Ages, believed he got
his power from God…what is the formal
name for this?
2. True/False: The Spanish Armada against
England was successful.
3. Who were the Huguenots?
4. How did Henry IV end the conflict
between the Huguenots and Catholics in
5. What symbol did Louis XIV use?
1. What characterizes an “absolute” ruler?
2. The Palace at Versailles was originally
built by Louis XIII as a _____________?
3. T/F---Louis XIV and the Estates General
met numerous times to find
compromises to their disagreements.
4. EC – This NY Yankee recently admitted
to using steriods
5. EC – This Connecticut woman is being
scrutinized for her pet ______________,
who recently mauled and mangled her
Parliament Triumphs

The Tudors
• 1485-1603 = England is ruled by Tudor
– Henry VIII, Elizabeth I
– They had history of working with Parliament
• 1603 – Elizabeth is childless, relative
James Stuart takes control
• A century of Revolution begins. A battle
b/w the King and Parliament.
Your Turn.
• P 517 – Use bold-faced
paragraph headings to
outline this “century” of
• In 15 MIN, will come around
and check your progress
4. The Stuarts Issue a
A. ------
B. ------
A Century of Revolution Begins
1. The Stuarts Issue a Challenge
A. James I angers Parliament with his views on
Divine Right
B. James I often dissolved Parliament when he
wanted to avoid issues (money, wars, etc.)
C. Clashed with Puritans (dissenters) and
vowed to get rid of them
1. Parliament Responds
A. Charles I is in power and continues absolute
B. Parliament forces him to sign Petition of
Right that forces him to consent them to
raise taxes. He ignores for 11 years
C. Creates bitter enemies, and soon had to
summon Parliament for more funds
1. The Long Parliament Begins
A. 1640 – Long Parliament, as it was called,
ushered in period of revolution against
B. Executed heads of gov’t, and vowed it could
not be dissolved w/o its own consent
C. 1642 – Charles sends troops into House of
Commons to arrest leaders. They escape
Fighting a Civil War
• When?
– 1642 -1651
• Who?
– Cavaliers v. Roundheads
– Roundhead leader = OLIVER CROMWELL
– “New Model Army”
• What Happened?
– Charles I is executed by Parliament
• What now?
– Abolished Monarchy, set up Commonwealth, or
Republic under leadership of CROMWELL!
• Problems:
– Attacks from Charles II
– Cromwell’s brutality against Catholics
– Levellers wanted a voice
– Cromwell becomes “Lord Protector”
• Puritan Influence
– Civil War paved way for social change
– “Lord’s Day” laws, marriage, schooling
• The End
– Cromwell dies in 1658
– People are tired of strict laws, military rule
– They invite Charles II back, called the “Restoration”
Your Turn.
• P 520-522 – Use bold-faced
paragraph headings to
• In 15 MIN, will come around
and check your progress
4. Charles II
A. ------
B. ------

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