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Cancer rehabilitation is a process that helps the patient to maintain best possible physical, social, psychological, and occupational functionality with the limitations that the illness and treatment create

Rehabilitation MODEL of breast cancer patients

Concerns & problems Physical discomfort
Psychosocial & Spiritual discomfort Physical & cosmetic Informational Psychosocial Cognitive behavioral Physical activity Education Support Complementary therapy

Types of Rehab


Quality of life

Physiopsychosocial Functional adjustment Recover meaning of life

Breast cancer treatment can result in pulmonary and upper extremity morbidities with early or late manifestations. complications following cancer treatment, such as lymphedema, scar adherence, pulmonary complications, range of motion, and muscle strength, are of major importance.

Lymphedema : - swelling , aching , tightness in arm , restricted ROM , may lead to cellulitis - Complete decongestive physiotherapy : * Manual lymphatic massage * inelastic compression bandaging * Therapeutic exercises * meticulous skin care

treating related diagnoses

Rotator cuff tendinitis : - common disorder , result from weakness of the rotator cuff musculature ,due to radiation and chemotherapy , associated with lymphedema. * stretches and range of motion exercises that help restore flexibility * strength-building routines to help stabilize the shoulder.

overuse injuries of the unaffected site : - Early and aggressive physical therapy can help women avoid overuse injuries. - each woman should be evaluated for adaptive equipment and/or assistive devices

Neck pain : - is a common musculoskeletal condition among women, second only to back pain. The risk of developing neck pain increases for women after breast cancer treatment due to physical deconditioning. - Restore ROM , improve upper body strength

managing pain
The goal of most pain treatment is to ameliorate the pain and maintain optimal function. Aware the pt about side effects of medications traditional physical and/or occupational therapy can often help women manage their pain. Integrative treatments, such as acupuncture, heat/cold therapy, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy, may also be beneficial.

breast cancer patients suffer from emotional distress The most frequent psychosocial interventions in breast cancer rehabilitation are: (a) social support (b) psycho-education of patients with distress and aversive symptoms , (c) emotional support (d) cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Psychosocial interventions Approximately 50% of all

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