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CSE 381 Advanced Game Programming Bullet3D

Physics Engine rigid body soft body

Created by Erwin Coumans (previously of Sony) Professional-grade library Open Source Free for commercial use

Physics Features
Continuous & Discrete Collision Ray & Convex Sweep Test Flexible Algorithm Selection System. Ex: Broad Phase: Sweep & Prune Narrow Phase: GJK

Collision Shapes
Concave & Convex Meshes All basic Primitives

Advanced Features
Rigid body dynamics constraint solver Vehicle dynamics Character controller & solver Ragdoll physics Soft body dynamics cloth rope deformable volumes

Integrated with various tools

Blender3D Maya And support for multiple formats: Collada (.dae) Wavefront (.obj)

Bullet3D uses Right-Handed Coordinates

Bullet3D Components

Physics Engine Obligations

Perform collision detection

Resolve collisions & other constraints Provide objects' updated world transform

Bullet Setup
#include btBulletDynamicsCommon.h

include Bullet/src path (VS) build using these libs: BulletDynamics BulletCollision LinearMath

Integrating Bullet in your App

Look at Hello World Demo

Learn to create:
btDiscreteDynamicsWorld btcollisionShape


Each frame: call stepSimulation on dynamic world use world transform to render your object

Default Use of Bullet3D

Create a Bullet World Create a Rigid Body

Create a Collision Object

Update the simulation each frame Use object's world transform to render

Create a Bullet World

btDiscreteDynamicsWorld OR BtSoftRigidDynamicsWorld Both subclasses of: btDynamicsWorld What does a world do?
manages your physics objects & constraints implements the update of all objects each frame

Create a Rigid Body

Add it to the btDynamicsWorld

Create a Collision Object


mass (0 if static) collision shape material properties
frictional coefficient coefficient of restitution

Collision Shape Options


Sphere Cone
Convex Hull Triangle Mesh

Selecting the Best Bullet3D Collision Shape

Update the simulation each frame

Call stepSimulation
will do frame's physics updates the world transform for active objects
via their btMotionState's setWorldTransform

uses internal fixed timestep of 60Hz performs interpolation for variation

Use Object's World Transform to Render

World Transform contains: position orientation

Basic Bullet Data Types

btScalar: - float
define BT_USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION to use as double

x,y,z,w for 3D positions and vectors

btQuaternion & btMatrix3x3

for 3D orientations & rotations

More Bullet Types

cross-platform array

like stl's vector

measures time to microsecond accuracy 1/1,000,000 sec

Key Bullet Files/Classes

btTransform for positioning & orienting geometry no scaling or shearing allowed

btTransformUtil & btAabbUtil

provide utility functions

Default Memory Management

allocate 16 byte aligned data

free allocated memory

Key Collision Data Structures

a world transform

a collision shape

box, sphere, convex hull, triangle mesh\
a single collision shape can be shared among multiple collision objects

stores all collision objects

Collision Margin
Minimum Separation

creates small gap Bullet3D uses 0.04 4 cm can be changed, but don't set to 0

Bullet Tips
Avoid very large and very small collision shapes

minimum: 20 cm max: 5 m

Avoid large mass differences

Go through the demos

You'll be using Bullet3D in your games

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