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Steady State Processing Plant Simulator

Review 1.2 of the 01-04-06


Split Engineering LLC.

110 S. Church Avenue, Suite 8312 CP 85701 Tucson Arizona, USA Fono: (1)-(520)-3273773 Fax : (1)-(520)-3267532

Split Engineering Chile Ltda.

Eduardo Marquina #3937 oficina 1201 Casilla 19158 - Correo 19 Vitacura - Santiago, CHILE Fono: (56)-(2)-2064674 Fax : (56)-(2)-2064668

Developed after 3 decades of experience in modelling for the Australian Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, JKMRC. The JKMRC is the scientific and technologic development center of the Queenslands University - Australia. In 1986 born the JKTech, the commercial division of JKMRC. Split Engineering is the software official distributor for Latin America.

Simulate grinding process. Simulate clasification process. Allow the characterization of a mineral processing plant. Optimization of existings flowsheets. Make conceptual desing studies. Evaluate the suitability of different flowsheets to reach the wanted operation objectives. Be a tool for Process Engineers in flowsheet analysis.

System Description
JkSimMet is a software that facilitates the simulation of mineral processing plants operations. JKSimMet Gives to the engineer the capability to design and improve any grinding-clasification circuit. JKSimMet makes steady state simulations of a serie of grindingclasification operations.

System Description
JKSimMet includes processing models for equipments, such as: Crushers (Jaw, Cone, Rolls, Gyratory) Mills (Ball, rod, SAG, AG) Hydrocyclone Etc. JKSimMet alows to make some adjust to models for characterize your plant. JKSimMet allows to make mass balancing

Software License.

A PC (Personal Computer) with next minimal requirement: Operative System :Microsoft Windows 98/NT4/2000/XP. Processor : 400 Hz. RAM Memory :128MB (recommended 256MB). Hard Disk :2 GB with 100 MB free space. Monitor :Graphic SVGA (15). CD Drive. Floppy disk drive (3.5 inch). Mouse and keyboard A person who has attended in a formal trainning.

JKSimMet has security (Dongle) Parallel port USB port PCMCIA (SIC) port keys

Components Simulation
It is based on the capability to create a representative model of the plant.

Model fitting
This modality makes the model created get fit, as much as posible, to every specific plant and operative condition.

Mass balancing
It is use to make a balance of sizing data, chemical analysis data and flow rate data, taken from a steady state condition survey.

The software structure consists in: Proyect: Contains one or more flowsheets and data associated for streams and units. Flowsheet: Graphical representation of a section or complete mineral processing plant. Equipment and Ports: the ports represents the connections between equipment. Units: It is call unit to any equipment of processing like a ball mill or hydrocyclone. Streams: Is a description of any flow of material in terms of tph or solids % or size distribution, etc.

The mineral processing can be simplified as a cycle that involves design, implementation, measurement of results and comparison stages, at the moment, because of JKSimMet this is a iterative and interactive process. JKSimMet allows analysis of every one of this stages to measure their results as a set. COMPARISON




Actions Definition
Objectives, operation conditions

Flowsheet Design, data

Performance predicts analyze and


Flowsheet optimization and data analysis

Design criteria Available data Performance objectives Available Equipment models Default parameters model

Modelling and simulation Performance characterization Visualization Available Simulation Model fitting Mass balancing

Results and observations Available Data copy to clipboard Statistical methods Comparation between predicts and measurement data Graphical representation of data

Standardizes the flowsheet configuration Flowsheet simulation Results optimization Available Simulation Model fitting Mass balance Size distribution graphs Configurable Reports Online help files

JKSimMet Operation
Flowsheet Design

The simulation process involves a representative flowsheet definition, input of available data, followed by fitting parameters model and data for simulation.
JKSimMet has a common structure for all the analysis tools, the users utilize the same flowsheet and follow the same procedures for all modes

Mass Balancing

Data Input

Model Fitting


Results Analysis

JKSimMet Operation
Flowsheet Design
Add Equipment In this stage the users select the flowsheet equipment for the representative processing plant

JKSimMet Operation
Model parameters: Includes the mill scalling (diameter, fraccion de llenado, lenght, critical speed, work index, ball top size), Rate/Discharge function parameters, funcin de rompimiento.

JKSimMet Operation
Data input (flow rates and size), it can be done writing one on one every data or by copy-paste functions.

JKSimMet Operation
Model fitting
For a real mineral processing operation, the best fitted values are different to the default values given by the system. Every model has a list of adjustable parameters for fitt.

Parameters: Equipment depending parameter.


Ore depending parameter

Work Index Specific gravity Breakage function

JKSimMet Operation
Model fitting

Parameters: Measured or calculated operative parameters

Depend of a combination of equipment, ore and flow rate parameters. For example: feed preassure of a cyclon

The figure, shows some model parameters that can be fitted for a ball mill and Cyclon.

JKSimMet Operation
Model fitting How the model fitting program works
Works calculating the difference between experimental and predicted data. Derives a value that represent the weigthed sum of squares (WSSQ).

JKSimMet Operation
Simulation JKSimMet technique simulation

The JKSimMet makes a steady state simulation of a serie of grinding-clasification operations, by using model process for all equipment involved in such process.

This units can be combined in flowsheets and allows to the engineer to simulate the operation of a plant or subsections of a plant. A simulation can be controlled by specification of model parameters, the selection of process model and the specification of operation data.

JKSimMet Operation

JKSimMet capabilities
In adittion to the simulation capacities descrived before, the JKSimMet has a lot of functions for use and archive a set of data. The JKSimMet is a powerfull tool for the process engineer and metalurgist in terms of conceptual design, refining/alignment and monitoring of processing plants. It makes possible the simulation of a number and variety almost indefinite of circuit design. The simulation capacities can be improved making a model fit for plant conditions.

JKSimMet Operation
Mass Balancing Concept
The mass balancing mode calculate the best adjusment of all selected flows and calculates the more small adjusment to make data congruents. The sum squares difference between measured and adjusted data is taken as a goodness measure of the model fit.

The mass balancing program adjust the flow rates selected by user to find the best set of flow rates to make that the balance result become closer to the lab measurement.

JKSimMet Operation
Mass Balancing
How the mass balancing program works
It is a special case of the adjusting of the non-linear least squares. It is a easily calculation solution. It doesnt require initial calculations of flow rates, excepting a flow rate that is used like initial data.

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