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food by transferring genes

It is the alteration of from one organism to another; which can be related or belong to a different group.

To insert a gene from vegetal or animal species that carries a desired trait into another, to make it

taste better, grow faster or last longer


Quality and quantity guaranteed, in a smaller piece

of land Fast production

An environmetally friendly alternative to pesticide.

Less: 1. Inscecticide use 2. Weeds 3. Insects 4. Pests Feeding the hunger

Soil damages
Less workers required Allergic reactions Cancer in animals Early launch No legal control Political and economical problems

A world wide company that sells

altered seeds on a massive scale.


The products are not adequately tasted. In Argentina, it monopolises the beans market. It is not verified by the State. The company was fined because of bribery.

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