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Golgi Apparatus & Lysosomes

By: Olivia F

Golgi Apparatus

Basic Information
Modifies and finishes products of the endoplasmic reticulum Sorts all of the finished products Ships the products off to proper destinations

The USPS of the cell

One of the first organelles to be discovered 1898- Camillo Golgi
Discovered while investigating the nervous system

Originally called Internal Reticular Apparatus

1910- Officially called Golgi Apparatus

Found in the cytoplasm of plant and animal cells Consists of flattened membranous stacks of sacs, or cisternae

Typically 40 to 100 stacks with 4 to 60 cisternae

Each cisterna has special enzymes to modify the proteins that flow through it

Structure Cont.
Two main sides
Cis- near the ER- receive the membrane and other products from the vesicles cavity (lumen) Trans- gives products to vesicle, pinches off, travels to other sites

Modify and sort proteins and other materials transferred from the rough endoplasmic reticulum Send out the finished products to different parts of the cell

Receives materials from the rough ERs vesicles on the cis side The materials, mainly proteins, move their way through the cisternae, from cis to trans. During their travels, the materials become modified and packaged by the Golgi apparatus many enzymes
The enzymes catalyze the addition/removal of sugars, sulfate groups, and phosphate groups in proteins.

Process Cont.
The cisternae put the finished products into vesicles and send them out through the trans face of the Golgi. 4


Basic Information
Means to separate bodies The cells waste disposal system Digests some macromolecules and bacteria

1955- Christian Ren de Duve
During the study of an enzyme called glucose 6phosphatase

Using a staining method, he confirmed the existence and placement of the organelle in the cell He won the Nobel Prize in 1974

Spherical organelle covered by a single layer membrane Contains lysosomal and hydrolytic enzymes
Hydrolyze proteins, polysaccharides, fats, and nucleic acids

Work best in an acidic environment of about pH 5

Maintained by moving H+ from the cytosol to the lumen

A space where cells can digest macromolecules safely Break down excess organelles, food, waste and other organic materials to make building materials for the cell Helps the cell renew itself

The enzymes and membranes needed are made by the rough ER and processed through the Golgi apparatus. Once the lysosomes are constructed, they float in the cytoplasm until they are needed. When they digest food, they release simple sugars, amino acids, and other monomers for cell nutrients.

Process Cont.
Lysosomes recycle their own organic material in a process called autophagy. They engulf other organelles and cytosol, break them down into monomers, and release them into the cytosol
Known as Suicide-Sacs

Programmed destruction of cells for development

Ex. Tadpoles and human hands

Lysosome Rap

Wrap-Up Video

Bibliography s.html Campbell and Reece- Biology Sixth Edition

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