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The Why-Why Study (5Why)

By: Hirofumi Shizuyama

Li-Ion Battery Division Battery Pack Production Promotion Department Quality Control Section


Effect of using Why5

Example supply difference material from HW It often see it many Factories. In that time we from WH staff Because many kind of materials is there that way I took wrong one Are you agree this Answer? Wrong point of this Answer is [many material] and [took wrong material]. It is not link. Not theory. If Answer of theory is correct, occur many wrong shopping at supermarket. problem is that material is similar face. Operator realize to know correct material from its.

Took wrong material

Many kind of materials Difficult to know the correct materials

Problem is many kind of materials is there??

Visual is similar

Why-Why analyze is method of find root cause then stop reoccurrence Operator can not do this thinking way immediately. But they think with this method many time, thinking circuit will cleat in their brain. In the bingeing, it is difficult and need long time. But after few month, it will be more smooth and short time.


Point of thinking why-5

ISSUE and WHY be simple


out flow battery without inspection (at electrical inspection process)

If Issue sentence is Red box, it difficult to think next why1. Because no-clear the bad point. In this Case, make sentence like blue boxes (without inspect battery) flow to next process Many batteries on table. Then I pass without inspection flow to next process many battery on the table. Next process had Visual NG many at next problem. Then I could process. then process not put its to nest table time

I work hard. I could not see well

Took without inspection battery by next process staff

Operator did not pointed operation

Could not see different Place of before and after inspection is not clear Before inspection battery was on nonindication place Did not put keeping indication on the line (problem is no-rule of make keeping mention) Previous operator did not follow putting place (training is not enough) Mention board was gone Did not know the re-install process Putted a board with weak method Did not have training

Pass non-inspection battery to next process

Rework battery back to behind of inspection

Re-install process is not clear

No mention the reinstall process

This sentence case, wrong point is not clear


Point of thinking why-5

Point WHY1 should become reason of occurrence
Phenomenon price on receipt and price mentioned on stand in shop was difference This case, key word was 3. price on receipt price mentioned on stand in shop difference Then we need to think why1 from them like below blue box price on receipt and price mentioned on stand in shop was difference price on receipt and price mentioned on stand in shop was difference Bad Example Why1 code input was wrong Bad Example Why wrote wrong price on stand WhyPrice on receipt was difference Why price mentioned on stand in shop was difference

Point confirm from opposite. Then check theory is OK Red: Red box case, it is something strange if read from opposite. All new operator will not find all NG? No!!! Even new operator, they will find it. So Please check it from opposite side after make it

Inspection did not find NG

Inspector was new operator Inspector did not understand limit Inspector did not check NG area

Inspection did not find NG



Point of thinking why-5

Point confirm no-possibility occur if up each Why My wallet is not usual place (right pocket of jacket) I put it on the table in my home Drop it from jacket Only 2? I put it on the table in my home Drop it from jacket I put in other pocket of jacket I put in pocket of other jacket

My wallet is not usual place (right pocket of jacket)

Pink column mention 2 possibility. But you think other possibility, dont you? actually, we can not guess all possibility We need to think that problem will not again occur if all list up items will not be occur. Example, we did preventive action. But we had a same problem again again again. In this case , we need to think previous Why-5 sheet. What was lack? Probably we did not list up something.
) Confidential

Point of thinking why-5

Point 5 expand why with consider the target of analyze Just write issue of necessary improvement] As below MTG hold After 5 minute] is not problem. Think problem cause with lack of.

MR,A run corridor

excuse Even MTG will be hold 5 minute later, He leaved his room 5 minute before

It was before 5 minute

Is it problem?

Why 1

Why 2

He spend time by preparation of file for MTG

MR,B touch hot solder iron


Need to change solder iron Is changing problem?


Even iron is hot, He try to change solder iron


He did not realize iron was hot.


Point of thinking why-5

Point 6 make common understanding sentence
Do not use is badis wrongis abnormality Mention the appropriate condition. Then make understanding for all about different point more kindly

Angle of sensor

Other staff could not understand

Make more understandable

Permissible range of sensor Distance between sensor to target Speed of Judgment by sensor Sensitivity of sensor Did not check it

Sensor was wrong

Checking by inspector was not enough

Make more understandable

Could not check it Difficult to find it

Procedure of making Parameter is not fix yet

Parameter was unclear

Make more understandable

Not available the Parameter Precarious parameter No Parameter (from rule)


Point of thinking why-5

Point 7 mention the comparison if you use adjective Some time we use adjective on WHY sentence as - is first- is high- is big But we usually did not mention the comparison. Therefore we should make a sentence as below. Then make easy understanding for everyone. Then you also realize what is problem

Weight of Cargo is more heavy than capacity of lift Weight of Cargo is heavy mention the comparison

or capacity of lift is less than Weight of Cargo

Rightness of solder temperature is higher than temperature of soldering iron

Temperature of soldering iron is high

mention the comparison

temperature of soldering iron is less than rightness of solder temperature


Point of thinking why-5

Point8 Think other way if private issue (simple human error) usual simple human error case, we should not step next why. Example tired, sleepy. In This case, we use below 2 way to think next step of why
He did not know XXX He forget XXX He decide that He dose not need to do XXX He could not do XXX operation of XXX difficult
Operator stick opposite Operator take label with opposite direction Operator did not realize about taking label opposite direction Line leader stick opposite After operator stick the label, he did not realize direction

did not do necessary action (Necessary action was done but) it was wrong action
Stick label with opposite

Issue as wrong XXX case, probably cause is remaining on the production. That why, we need to follow right step analyze. Then we need to consider that which process occur wrong.

Step of Wrong judgment by human






Point of thinking why-5

Point 9 : continue until find preventive actions = what is preventive action? We are doing the prevention when we have problem. But sometime we just did only tentative actions. So we need to confirm what is tentative and permanent. If you reach only tentative action, You need to think more until deep reason and find permanent action.

Goods was not arrive at customer Wrote wrong number

Send goods to customer


Re-write number

tentative permanent

mening of preventive actions are below categorys No more occur

IF do item1, it is perfect

Less occurrence and be findable until small loss, Also prepare the action list with correct action
-1 findable
Hard mode visibleauto alarm systemmodify to easy daily checking

soft define rule and re-structuretrain rule -2 skill up about realizable and doing actions Train need understanding the route cause. Also train doing action quickly
) Confidential

Point of thinking why-5

Point 10 Go occurred field. Check and measure its Enough skill staff also can be judge without see GENBUTSU(NG Battery, Field

Then sometime they could not find cause.

So, We need to go occurred field and check NG by your eye. Then measure related items. It is better is figure (dimension, pcs, force, etc) instead of feeling 1) Image of why be figure
wrong potion ,measure dimension. And write 2mm instead target as 1mm )

2) Evaluation by figure

(just measure. If target is no-measureable, check failure rate

Choice method of examine from below

Observationtouchwatchshift listing disassemble and checking measure reproductive experiment

Left test result must be record on paper Below is reason 1) We need to check method of measuring later 2) occur same failure after action, we need to refer previous result data.

Action priority order will be decide by below DemandEffectionCostdifficulty level


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