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1. apprise v. I want to apprise you of the fact that I am supposed to get off early today. I sent in my request two months ago. 2. exasperation n. She was in complete exasperation after being informed of her husbands death.

3. consignment n. This item is on consignment. The owner is allowing the seller to sell it for a portion of the proceeds.
4. discern v. I was able to discern your hostilities toward the proposition. It was pretty easy to see. 5. blunder n. He made a few blunders during his speech. He had no clue what the topic was about and looked confused.


6. rectify v. You need to rectify this situation. You caused this problem; fix it. 7. restitution n. I was ordered to pay restitution for breaking my neighbors mailbox. I needed to repay him 5,000 NT.

8. incorporate v. Be sure to include a receipt with each order.

9. amend v. This draft needs to be amended. It is full of errors. 10. remittance n. Proper remittance must be paid before the order is processed. Services will be rendered after payment.

Reading Strategy #3: Topic Sentence The topic sentence of a passage is often the first or the second

sentence. It gives us the main idea

of the passage; the following sentences add further information.


Skim the letter on the next page. What is its main purpose?

To lament about the quality of nuts To protest about a late delivery To elucidate an urgent misunderstanding To underscore some oversight in an order


Hoovers Chocolate Inc.

The people who make the chocolate you love

January 9, 2009
Re: PO Number 312 Mr. Roosevelt, I am writing to apprise1 you of my complete exasperation2 regarding your companys actions, with the consignment3 order that we received. I was able to discern4 that a number of blunders5 were made and would like for you to rectify6 them up as soon as possible.


Essentially, we have only received nine of the twelve 40 kg bags of walnuts we ordered; you have delivered three extra 20kg bags of almonds, but that can hardly be called restitution7.In addition, the ten bags of cashews we

ordered were not incorporated8 on to the purchase order.

Please deliver the extra walnuts and cashews as soon as possible. Also make sure to include a new, amended9


purchase order to ensure that proper remittance10 will be made. We do not expect to be charged any additional shipping fees for the second delivery.

Jim Monroe Hoovers Chocolate Inc. 5475 Lincoln Street Des Moines, IA USA 46981

READING COMPREHENSION CHECK 1. According to the letter, what was wrong with the order

Choose the correct answer

of walnuts?

A. The quality was atrocious.

B. The bags were of mammoth proportions. C. The prices were extravagant. D. There was a deficient number of bags. 2. What does Mr. Monroe say about the cashew nuts? A. Although he ordered ten bags, he received zilch.

B. He was charged for ten bags, but he never ordered

any. C. He ordered ten bags but only received nine. D. Too many bags were delivered, and he wants to dispatch them back.

READING COMPREHENSION CHECK 3. What does Mr. Monroe request from Mr. Roosevelt?

Choose the correct answer

A. An exemption on all future deliveries B. A second delivery of extra cashews and almonds C. Another purchase order with the revised total D. Compensation for his companys losses 4. The word delivered in paragraph 2, line 2, of the letter is closest in meaning to __________. A. lost

B. ordered
C. corrected D. sent


What would you do in a similar situation?

If you were supplier, how would you prevent something like this from happening?

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