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Gender Equality Promotion Focused on Social Partners Adopting Equal Treatment on Workplace PHARE Twinning Light CZ

Communicating Gender Equality to Media & Public

Twinning Light Project CZ l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

Talking about gender equality for instance means

talking about gender talking about sex talking about gender & sex talking about work-life balance talking about parental & maternal leave talking about equal treatment at workplace talking about equal pay talking about sustainable development and last but not least to talk about the strategy of gender mainstreaming to implement gender equality in all fields.
Twinning Light Project CZ l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

Basics about public relation campaigning & awareness raising strategies

Public relation seeks to influence attitudes by presenting controversial meanings & different techniques.Public relation is not paid advertising but a communication tool. Press & media work turns your story into news by press conferences & press releases. Campaigning starts for certain purposes it transfers political and business information with different communication instruments & actions. Awareness raising is a method to get problems & aims accepted by dissamination of convincing information.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

Credos & beliefs of communication strategies

Credo of public relation !to be credible Credo of product communication !be different & true Credo of political communication !be credible & true Credo of political awareness rising as an additional task !Clear messages & visions
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

Types of policy instruments & resources

Informational and endorsing instruments: campaigns, guidelines, trainings, educational activities, conferences & seminars Partnering instruments: networks, partnerships & dialogues
Mandating instruments: laws, regulations & decrees

Information resources: studies, websides, reports

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Press & Information Kit Example

Initiative on Equal Pay

Press Release Posters prepared on Equal Pay Campaign OPEN WAGES Frequently asked questions (FAQs) Legal background of gender equality in CZ Women's rights and gender equality in the EU Development of the Initiatives history & self portraits of organizations & governmental authorities and activities of in the field of equal pay. Background information about gender equality development in Czech Republic in the framework of The European Year of Equal Opportunities for All. Photos and Clippings
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

Example for an information campaign Czech Awareness Initiative on Equal Pay (IEP)

Within the Twinning Light Project we prepared two posters, which may be distributed by the Ministry and the Social Partners as one instrument of an information campaign on gender equality focussed on equal pay. We thank the Gender Unit of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for its generous support and the recommended agency Creative Bazaar to work with. The basic idea of the posters was to personalize for raising awareness about unequal pay and to place the equal pay messages in the context of gender equality. Personalization in communication and advertisement is one of the basic instruments, because you give messages a face to identify with. At least you take motives, which are transporting facts and figures with an emotional touch.
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Now its up to you...

Information by poster visualization

First Poster - shows laboratory situation with a women and a male worker. After a long time of research we took this more anonymous motive, because real people we asked feared about their jobs. The anticipated imagination was: in the laboratory women and men do work of equal value, but they are not paid equal.The question of the poster is: Can you see any difference between work done by a man and a woman? The answer is quite simple: The salary slip makes the difference. Subtitles state the fact, that there are laws in Czech and the EU concerning equal pay. The naming of the supporters named as awareness initiative should indicate: there is something going to happen. Second Poster shows a best practice example: Mrs. Pavilkova from the Language School Channel Crossings represents a new generation of undertakers who are informed and aware of gender equality and its meanings. And she was awarded for her family-friendly company in 2005. Her saying/message is: There are languages even I dont understand, but as a Czech undertaker I think it is normal to pay men and women equal for the same work.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

Instruments for campaigning gender issues

Research & background information about state of the art of gender equality in your organisation prepaped for your information kit Fact sheets with facts & figures prepared for media Frequently asked question on gender equality & equal pay (FAQs) prepared for your press kit Press releases prepared for media Information materials, flyers and brochures prepared for public and media Posters & give-aways (as t-shirts, free postcards, pencils etc.) Argumentation aids sheets for your contraries in public & media Presentation of master layout and designs of the campaign TV- , radio- and cinema spots
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Further instruments for campaigning gender issues

Placing of interviews & statements in media Targeted Placing of prominent person (s) with quotations & testimonials in media Developing understandable information on the results of reasearch and studies for public & media Placing of (sponsored) adverstisements, but: you get better effects with an article in the newspapers, with radio or TV-shows on air. Planning events, actions & contests about gender equality key issues as for instance equal pay, stereotypes & diversity for public & media. Welcoming of partners & cooperations named for media & public. Building Advisory Boards for gender equality with well known, accepted and prominent persons. Installing Information-Newsletters (online) for public & media Creating Awards (...)
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Useful tools for communicating with media

Online Public Relationis an upcoming instrument but some journalists still prefer papers. Your media listcontents an up dated list of print, television and radio reporters and media. You know exactly which representatives of media are most likely to cover your story. The benefit of clippingsis to know what the others are campaigning in and how popular your campaign is. This is the tool of your media monitoring to know, if you did target the right media.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Keep in mind when designing your campaign or built a plan of action

What kind of coverage are you looking for? How much energy can you reasonably undertake? Which are newsworthy projects? List the tasks required to get the publics attention Before you start: go for cooperations & networking. Creating public awareness means to brainstorm creatively. Mention costs and budgets.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Success story in PR & Campaigning

The Greenpeace history of campaigning started according to the motto We want to be big followed by the Greenpeace UK slogan: The optimism of the action is better than the pessimism of the thought. Todays headline is actually big:
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Best Practice in Communicating

Gender Equality & Gender Mainstreaming & Diversity & Equal Pay
EU (Campaigning instruments): RESPECT Austria (Communicating gender mainstreaming to the cities public): Gender City Vienna EU (adopting diversity policies): _16s.pdf +++ diversity at work UK (joint campaigning) : +++15% off why are women workers still going cheap? 10 EU countries (aids for companies et al in communicating gender): +++BETSY B (ICFTU- briefing for a worlwide call): +++ Pay equity now GER (BMFSFJ Press Release on audit awards),did=77322.html +++ Audit awards for family friendly companies get more and more popular GER (information platform for carreer orientated women) Gender dax
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Instruments of RESPEKT campaign

Poster competition breaking stereotypes ends in exhebition opened by EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities Vladimir Spidla. New information materials produced to reflect the national situations.
Interactive website on anti-discrimination succeeds. To win: an antidiscrimination kit including trendy stop-discrimination T-shirt, shopping bag, pen, sticker, pin, and notepad. Wide media offers - from electronic press kits to media updates, press releases, online-services and a journalist award.

Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Further instruments of RESPEKT campaign

Campaign cooperation with . The TV spot provided the campaign in 2005 with a new look and feel and reached almost 300 million people across the EU. The Truck Tour visited 15 countries with 22 stops. The Run for Diversity continued. Awareness of the Journalist Award was increasing. General awareness rising is supported by a conference.

Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Gender City Vienna

Slogan: Share our city fair
In autumn 2003 the city authorities of Vienna decided to initiate a new sort of game: Interested men and women, boys and girls, scholars, politicians and experts took over the roles of citizens, city planners and politicians to learn by gambling how "Gender Mainstreaming" is implemented according to typical planning situations in the city. City space is influencing the every day life in various ways. The purpose of "Gender City" was to find out how city planning should be - on the different views of men and women because it affects them different.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Gender City Vienna - Share our city fair

The City authorities declared by using the slogan Wishes do have a sex: Gender Mainstreaming as a strategy wants living together with equal chances, equal rights and equal duties of both sexes. This needs a city which offers good conditions for both sexes. Authorities found out: 60 % of all footways in Vienna are done by women. Under the motto Divide our city fair a former councilwomen and a city planner startet a Gender Mainstreaming model quarter in Mariahilf, where many things changed in 2003 for instance: electricity was increased to make Mariahilf more safe for women at night Crossings were made safer to travers, school ways safer for school kids The altitude of the sidewalks was minimised for elderly people Narrow sidewalks where widened for mothers with shopping bags and kids An elevator was installed between to streets to reach only with steep stairs before. ...and so on.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Excurse: Diversity at work - 8 steps for small and medium-sized businesses

This recommended publication for small and mediumsized businesses publication was an initiative of the European Union. It was written by Dr. Peter Garside and Bob Townley from the Centre for Economic Research and Intelligence of Kingston University, London. Step 6 named Image and reputation stresses: Use your commitment to diversity tool (which contains gender equality!) in terms of reputation, PR and winning business (particulary from larger and public sector firms) _A5_8steps_EN_16s.pdf
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Commission for Equal Opportunities/Scotland

15% off why are women workers still going cheap? This series of posters about equal pay was produced as part of a joint campaign with the National Union of Students (NUS). By despiting female students as if they were on sale at a discount price, they drew attention to the absurdity of the pay differences facing men and women leaving college.

Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

This website is the fruit of three EU projects in ten countries that have developed aids for companies and organisations wishing to work towards equal pay.
The knowledge acquired is being disseminated via this self-instructive site free of charge. Funded by the European Commission as part of its common strategy for gender equality, the site has been established through contacts with the employment sector and with the projects extensive network of researchers, experts and professionals. The aim is to promote awareness of the fact that equal pay is a human and legal right that leads to long-term added value and profitability.

Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

BETSY Good luck in the hunt for equal pay!

We have jointly developed tools, tests, research findings and good practices.The tools consist of checklists and descriptions of method. We have downloaded examples of good practices from organisations that are well on their way to achieving equal pay. News: Here you will find information and news about books, conferences and research on equal pay. A network of persons who work with or have a strong interest in equal pay issues sends the information to us. Good practices: Here are some good practices from companies, trade sectors and unions. Perhaps there is something you can use at your own workplace? A contact whom you can phone or write is included with each example Links: This section includes research material, statistics and other useful information, and links to other sites. You will also find a presentation here of the three projects involved: the European Project on Equal Pay, BETSY, and the Gender Pay Gap at Sectoral Level.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

Pay equity now

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions

On March 8 (2001), International Womens Day, and as part of the Global Unions Womens campaign, the trade union movement is launching a worldwide call for Pay Equity Now! The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions has released a "briefing" entitled Equality throug pay equity, illustrating with figures and concrete examples of how this shameful reality continues to persist. The new ICFTU publication also explains ways in which trade unions are taking action on many fronts to pursue pay equity: these include promoting proactive legislation, legal action, collective bargaining and decent minimum wages. The briefing evokes the union struggle to make pay equity a reality in law, by actively voicing womens demands.

Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

Good practices in promoting familiy friendly workplaces


Audit awards for family friendly companies get more and more popular Federal Minister Ursula von der Leyen awarded family friendly companies and institutions: Familiy friendly companies are role models. They have more productive and motivated employees and link the best heads, because they work more efficient and flexibel Mrs. von der Leyen said on the occasion of of awarding companies with the certificate of the audit Family and profession of the nonprofit Hertie-Foundation in Berlin. (...) 141 companies and institutions in Germany were awarded. The first awards were given in 1999. Since 2002 the audit is also present at universities. Meanwhile more than 280 companies, institutions amd universitie with 550.000 employees have passed the inquiry, more than 140 ideas of family friendly measures were collected. Leading associations of the german economy like BDA, BDI, DIHK und ZDH recommend the audit, because it stresses the economic and operational advantages of a family friendly personnel policy.

25 Kbke Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel

genderdax - Information Platform
genderdax is a new information platform on the internet, providing career-oriented women with a comprehensive overview of working conditions and opportunities within German companies.

genderdax - For Career-Oriented Women

Career-minded women frequently have great expertise, lots of practical experience and are often highly motivated. genderdax offers online information about companies who actively support female careers.

genderdax - For Companies

genderdax offers companies a unique opportunity and platform to specifically target career-oriented women. With regard to equal opportunities top companies registered in the genderdax gain a clear competitive advantage on the labour market.

genderdax - Application Form

Companies can immediately apply for registration in the genderdax. Use your chance of becoming a genderdax company and raising your attractiveness for females with high potential.
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Excurse: Gender equality in German Media

Google in November 2006 counts 95 articles and reports on gender equality in german media. These articles mainly deal with: general aims in politics concerning equality which is not reached yet equality for disabled people equality concerning sexual orientation the lack of women in leading positions and public life despite our cancelor and some women in TV... requiring an european gender institute ...and in 1 article: !the tough call for equal pay stating Germany does not play a pioneering role at all refering to an EU-study which mentioned an average of 23 % less earnings by women in Europe.

Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke

Pick up a new drive in 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All
The European Commission has designated 2007 as 'European Year of Equal Opportunities for All'
framework strategy designed to ensure that discrimination is effectively tackled, diversity is celebrated and equal opportunities for all are promoted. The strategy is set out in a Communication adopted by the European Commission today. Vladimr pidla, said: "Europe must work towards real equality in practice. The European Year of Equal Opportunities for All and the framework strategy will provide a new drive towards ensuring the full application of EU anti-discrimination legislation, which has encountered too many obstacles and delays. Fundamental rights, non-discrimination and equal opportunities will remain key priorities for the European Commission."
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The four core themes of the European Year of Equal Opportunities proposed by the Commission

Rights raising awareness of the right to equality and non-discrimination Representation stimulating a debate on ways to increase the participation of under-represented groups in society Recognition celebrating and accommodating diversity Respect and tolerance promoting a more cohesive society

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Communication with the media in general

Good news for your media...tells public something unknown before, features human beings & has serious human interests. Choosing your special media contacts... be clear, which media you want to target and make a personal contact. Setting up a press conference or an exclusive talk with selected media participants? The number of people invited makes the difference - and whom you can catch.
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Proposal for press & information kit (10-pager) on equal pay & gender equality
Page 1: Press release (be aware of gender sensitive use of language) Page 2: Quotations of prominent & gender aware person/s of public interest Page 3: Freqently asked questions (FAQs) Page 4: Basics about legal background of equal pay (or your special gender equality issue) in CZ referring on general EU treaties Page 5: Developement of the Initiative & your history or self-portrait Page 6: Details & time schedule of campaigning Page 7: Poster copies (adding flyers & brochures available) Page 8: Naming & description of partners and network Page 9: Essential points & background information about gender equality in the framwork of The European Year of Equal Opportunities for All (or information about your specific gender equality item) Page 10: Photos & Clippings (max.3)
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Professional preparation means: Take your time. Know your messages and material inside out. Be aware of the target group of the media. Be ready for good examples & your objectives to tell. Correct imputations immediately. Speak clearly and simple & give short answers. Listen to the questions, but: not every question needs an answer... Do not count on media reporting word by word. You may insist on being correctly quoted, but you should not correct the journalists opinion.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke



The mediation of politics

Most people do not experience politics at first hand. Their perceptions of political figures and issues are shaped principally through the news media. So the media have considerable power to frame peoples understanding of public life, key issues and the role of politicians both male and female.
Media with its obligation to reflect the diversity and variety of the audience it serves, has a particular responsibility in this respect. New values and priorities, the choice of languages and images and the overall journalistic framing of individuals and issues all come together in a complex process to produce particular representations of women and men in public life. The Portraying Politics Project aims to intervene in that process, to make visible the media practices involved in it, and to promote critical reflection and change. Portraying Politics call to media is to present a balanced representation of women and men and to ensure a fair and diverse portrayal of all groups in society.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke



A European Partnership Project with financial Support of the European Commission, 2005

It is not an exeggeration to say that women are relativly invisibel in the news media. The 2005 Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP)found women were just 21 % of all news subjects those whom are interviewed, or whom the news is about. In other words: for every women in the news there are four men. If it comes to politics, women fare even worse. The same global study showed that only 12 % of politicians in the news were female. Europe actually lags behind the global average: women accounted for a mere 10% of politicians in the European news media. Expert opinion in the news is overwelmingly male. Men are 83 % of experts and 86% of spokespersons. Women in the news tend to appear in a personal capacity as eye witnesses (30%), giving personal views (31%) or as representatives of popular opinion (34%) The news agenda is dominated by stories of government , economics, crime and defense. By comparison social issues receive little coverage as for instance health accounts with 3% on the news, ecucation 2%, human rights 1%. These are the so-called soft areas of news and politics.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


PORTRAYING POLITICS Showing invisible Women & breaking conventional stereotypes

Newsnight.BBC.23.02.2005: A report on immigrants to the UK the item begins with a

full frame graphic showing passport-sized phots of the people who will be interviewed. Every one of them is male. In fact, women are the majority of immigrants to the UK. (Modul invisible women)
ARD, Sabine Christiansen, Political Talk Show,18.04.2004: A popular weekly talk show in

which six guests are invited to discuss a topic of current concern. With 10 countries mainly from central and Eastern Europe about the become member states of the European Union, this edition tackles the issue of EU enlargement. No women is invited to give her point of view.
News.TVM.Malta.23.03.05: A General Workers Union seminar whose topic is women in

the workforce. The Secretary General of the Union is invited to speak and he uses the occasion to make an extend statement about the Unions response to the suspension of energy workers. Only at the very end of the item does he briefly address the seminar theme.
News.BBC.16.11.2004: A portrait of Condoleeza Rice it traces her background and

her relationship of trust with President Bush the report avoids obvious stereotypes: Rices gender, marital status and ethnicity are not singled out for special attention.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


Topics of todays discussion with media representatives

The Global Media Monitoring Project 2005 found that across all media worldwide, women are only 21% of news subjects. The percentage is highest in television (22%) lowest on radio (17%) and in newspapers it is 21%.
How to communicate effectively with the press? How journalists can be attracted reporting for gender issues? How difficult is it in Czech to find female participants and experts and to persuade them to appear on television (radio or in the newspapers)? How to involve media for instance in an equal pay information campaign?
How to built an communication & information network? and of course your very special questions.
Twinning Light Project l November 2006 l Gundel Kbke


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