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Overdenture (OD) is the partial or removable

complete dentures that covers and rests on one
or more natural teeth, tooth roots, and / or
dental implants (Soestijo, 2012).
Some of the teeths
root was retained
after apexification
(Soestijo, 2012)
Advantages of overdenture
1. The treatment is easily accepted by patients
2. Maintain alveolar bone
3. Proprioceptors still exist
4. Good retention and stabilization
5. Occlusion and good aesthetics
6. Design an open palate

Disadvantage of overdenture
OD treatment is relatively more expensive
compared with conventional denture, because
usually require periodontal treatment,
endodontic restorations such as fluorine and
protector, glass ionomer, composite, coping and
retention installation (magnet, etc).

The usage of OD prone to caries and periodontal
disorders in the rest of the elements covered
dental prosthesis, beside it will form plaque
retention areas, therefore, should do a series of
prevention efforts. The basic principle is that a
good oral hygiene and periodic controls (Soestijo,

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