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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Information & Computer Science Department

ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms


ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Reading Assignment
M. Alsuwaiyel, Introduction to Algorithms:
Design Techniques and Analysis, World
Scientific Publishing Co., Inc. 1999.
Chapter 13, Sections 1, 2 and 4.


ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms


Coping with Hard Problems

There are three useful methodologies that could be used to
cope with problems having no efficient algorithm to solve:
A methodic examination of the implicit state space induced by the
problem instance under study.
suitable for problems that exhibit good average time complexity.

A probabilistic notion of accuracy where a solution is a simple

decision maker or test that can accurately perform one task (either
passing or failing the alternative) and not say much about the
complementary option. An iteration through this test will enable the
construction of the solution or the increase in the confidence level in
the solution to the desired degree.
Obtain an approximate solution
Only some classes of hard problems admit such polynomial time

Backtracking belongs to the first category.

ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms


A systematic technique of searching
To reduce the search space
Can be considered as an organized exhaustive

ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms


3-Coloring Problem
Optimization Problem
Input: G = (V, E), an undirected graph with n vertices and
m edges.
Output: A 3-coloring of G, if possible.

A coloring can be represented as an n-tuple (c1,

c2, ..., cn)
The number of different possible colorings for a
graph is ...........
These possibilities can be represented as a complete
ternary tree

ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

3-Coloring: Search Tree

Search tree of all possible colorings of

a graph with 4 vertices
(When could this be for a graph
with 5 vertices?)


ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms



ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms


In the example
Nodes are generated in a depth-first search
No need to store the whole search tree, just the
current active path
What is the time complexity of the algorithm in
the worst case

ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Algorithm 3-ColorRec


ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms


Algorithm 3-ColorIter


ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms



The General Backtracking Method

Assume that the solution is of the form (x1, x2,
..., xi) where 0 i n and n is a constant that
depends on the problem formulation.
Here, the solution is assumed to satisfy certain
i in the case of the 3-coloring problem is fixed.
i may vary from one solution to another.

ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms



The General Backtracking Method: Example

Consider the following version of the Partition
Input: X = {x1, x2, ..., xn} a set of n integers,
and an integer y.
Output: Find a subset Y X such that the sum
of its elements is equal to y.
For example, consider X = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}
and y = 50. There is more than one solution to this
problem: What are they and what is their length?

ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms


The General Backtracking Algorithm (1)

Each xi in the solution vector belongs to a finite linearly

ordered set Xi.
The backtracking algorithm considers the elements of the
Cartesian product X1 X2 ... Xn in lexicographic order.


Initially starting with the empty vector.

Suppose that the algorithm has detected the partial

solution (x1, x2, ..., xj). It then considers the vector v = (x1,
x2, ..., xj, xj+1). We have the following cases:
1. If v represents a final solution to the problem, the algorithm
records it as a solution and either terminates in case only one
solution is desired or continues to find other solutions.
2. (The advance Step): If v represents a partial solution, the
algorithm advances by choosing the least element in the set

ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms



The General Backtracking Algorithm (2)

3. If v is neither a final nor a partial solution, we have
two sub-cases:

If there are still more elements to choose from in the set

Xj+1, the algorithm sets xj+1 to the next member of Xj+1.

b. (The Backtrack Step): If there are no more elements to

choose from in the set Xj+1, the algorithm backtracks by
setting xj to the next member of Xj . If again there are no
more elements to choose from in the set Xj , the algorithm
backtracks by setting xj1 to the next member of Xj1, and so

ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms




ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms




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