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Behaviour Driven Development

Introduction of BDD
History of BDD
Setup Environment And Pre-requisites
BDD Concept
BDD Annotations
Practical Examples

BDD - Introduction

Test-driven development focuses on the developers opinion on how parts of the

software should work.
Behavior-driven development focuses on the users opinion on how they want your
application to behave.
BDD Overview
1. Write Story
2. Map Steps to Java
3. Configure Stories
4. Run Stories
5. View Reports

BDD - History

2003: agiledox, the ancestor of BDD, is a tool generating technical documentation

automatically from JUnit tests, written by Chris Stevenson
2004: in order to test his hypotheses about de-emphasizing "test" terminology in favor
of "behavior", Dan North releases Jbehave
2006: in collaboration with Chris Matts, North proposes the given-when-then canvas to
expand the scope of BDD to business analysis and documents the approach in
"Introducing BDD
2006-2009: several new tools are released confirming the community's investment in
BDD, such as RSpec or more recently, Cucumber and GivWenZen

Why BDD?

In TDD whole bunch of test cases fails because of change of implementation.

In BDD officially test cases are not broken as user change the behavior of the
BDD locks the behavior of the application instead of locking the implementation.

Why BDD? - Sorting

Bubble sort
Selection sort
Given a list of numbers

Insertion sort

When I sort the list

Shell sort

Then the list will be in numerical order

Comb sort
Merge sort
Quick sort

BDD - Concept

BDD revolves around the concept of a Story, which represents an automatically
executable increment of business functionality.
At its core a Story comprises of one or more Scenarios, each of which represents a
concrete example of the behaviour of the system.
Each Scenario comprises of a number of executable steps. These Steps can be of
three types: Given, When and Then are also called BDD Keywords

BDD Jbehave Setup Environment And Pre-requisites

Add following dependencies in pom.xml file

Pre-requisite Technologies for Jbehave Framework

1. Spring
2. Maven

BDD Jbehave Annotations

Stories Annotations
The @BeforeStories and @AfterStories annotations allow the corresponding
methods to be executed before and after a collection of stories
Story Annotations
The @BeforeStory and @AfterStory annotations allow the corresponding methods
to be executed before and after each story

Scenario Annotations
The @BeforeScenario and @AfterScenario annotations allow the corresponding
methods to be executed before and after each scenario

BDD - Jbehave Annotations

Step Annotations
1. @Given What has happened before
2. @When - What actions the user performs
3. @Then - The desired outcome for the user
4. @Alias Execute same method with the different step
@When("the item price is $price")
@Alias("the item price becomes $price") // single alias
public void theItemPriceIs(double price) {}

5. @Aliases - Execute same method with the different steps

@When("the item price is $price")
@Aliases(values={"the item price becomes $price"
"the item price equals to $price"}) // multiple aliases
public void theItemPriceIs(double price) {}

6. @Pending - Annotation allows steps developers to mark any step method as

pending. E.g. the step has yet to be implemented.
@When("the item price is $price")

BDD - Jbehave Annotations

Parameter Annotation
1. @Named - Parameter annotations are used in parameter injection.
@Given("a stock of symbol $symbol and a threshold of $threshold")
public void aStock(@Named("symbol") String aSymbol, @Named("threshold") double aThreshold) {}

Configuration Annotations
1. @AsParameterConverter
2. @Configure
3. @UsingEmbedder
4. @UsingSteps
5. @UsingGuice
6. @UsingNeedle
7. @NeedleInjectionProvider
8. @UsingPico
9. @UsingSpring

BDD For Developers

Lets go through Practical Example

BDD For Testers

Lets go through Practical Example


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