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Elevi: Ene Roxana


Prof.: Stoian Carmen

Gheorghe Andreea


Thanksgiving Dayis a nationalholidaycelebrated
in Canada and the United States as a day of giving
thanks for the blessing of the harvestand of the
preceding year. It is celebrated on thesecond
Monday of Octomberin Canada and on thefourth
Thursday of Novemberin the United States. Several
other places around the world observe similar
celebrations. Thanksgiving has its historical roots
in religious and cultural traditions and has long
been celebrated in asecularmanner as well.


One of the best things about Thanksgiving

is spending time with family. Many people
live far from family members and travel long
distances by car, train, or plane to be with
their loved ones. Thanksgiving is the
busiest travel day of the year!

The Feast
Traditional foods are a large part of Thanksgiving
celebrations. Many families include the entire family
in the food preparation. Traditional foods include
turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread,
mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Many
people serve pie for dessert at the end of the meal.
Popular pie flavors are pumpkin, pecan, sweet
potato, and apple. Some families choose to serve
vegetarian Thanksgiving dinners instead of a stuffed
turkey. Some people eat vegetarian turkey, which is
made out of tofu. Others prefer to eat squash,
salads, or other fruit and vegetable dishes

The Wishbone

Some families include breaking the turkey's

wishbone as part of their celebration. The
wishbone is found attached to the breast meat in
the turkey's chest. After the meat has been
removed and the wishbone has had a chance to
become dry and brittle, two people each take one
end of the bone, make a wish, and pull. Whoever
ends up with the larger part of the bone gets
their wish!

The Turkey Pardon

Each year at Thanksgiving, the President of the
United States receives a gift of a live turkey (along
with an alternate in case something happens to
the official turkey). At a White House ceremony,
the president traditionally "pardons" the National
Thanksgiving Turkey and the alternate turkeys,
allowing them to live out the rest of their lives on
a farm.

After the Meal

After the feast families often do

additional activities. Some like to take
walks after eating such a large meal.
Some people take naps. Others sit
down together to play board or card
games together.

Helping Others
Many generous folks use Thanksgiving as
an opportunity to help the less fortunate.
Some people volunteer to serve food at
homeless shelters on Thanksgiving Day and
others donate to shelters or participate in
canned food drives.


The traditional Thanksgiving parade probably

started with President Lincoln proclaiming it an
official day. The full- dress parade is a way to
display the country's military strength and
discipline. The main aim of such parades is to lift
the spirits of the spectators, provide them with
wholesome entertainment. In the present day,
parades are accompanied with musical shows
and celebrities.

Thanksgiving International
Many countries all over the world celebrate a day of thanks, many
of which center on a successful harvest season:
Canada's Thanksgiving is very similar to the American
celebration, marking the successful harvest of French settlers in
modern day Canada. This celebration takes place in October,
when the weather is warmer.
Germany celebrates the Harvest Thanksgiving Festival in October,
which, like American celebrations, consists of feasting and
religious traditions.
The Japanese observe Labor Thanksgiving Day, has roots with
harvest celebrations but now celebrates labor, production, and
The Netherlands observes a Thanksgiving Day service to honor the
Pilgrims that lived in Leiden before continuing on to Plymouth.

Did you know.?

A ripe cranberry will bounce.
All turkeys and chickens have wishbones.
Canadians celebrate their own Thanksgiving
every October.
Abraham Lincoln declared a national day of
Thanksgiving in 1863.
The first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
was held in 1924.

Five Thanksgiving superstitions

If you entirely prepare a Thanksgiving by yourself

means that next year on Thanksgiving
you will have your own house.
Always be bright and cheery on Thanksgiving
no matter what your troubles are
and you will be rejoicing
three times before the year is out.

First you pull the wishbone out of the turkey,

then make a wish, and if you get
the bigger piece of the wishbone,
that wish will come true.

Before putting the turkey in the oven,

knock 3 times on a wooden board
and the meat will taste tender and delicious.
If the of the Thanksgiving goose has many spots
that means it's going to be a harsh winter,
but if there are not many or no spots,
then it will be a mild winter.
New York Thanksgiving Tradition
In New York City there are lots of engaging
Thanksgiving traditions. For example,
a lot of New Yorkers don't buy
the frozen Thanksgiving turkey.
They prefer to buy the bird live and then
push it in front of a subway train.

Getting Betrothed at Thanksgiving

A strange Thanksgiving Tradition
in the Chinese areas of San Francisco
is for engaged couples to buy a lock and key,
then chain the lock to the Golden Gate bridge
and throw away the key.

*Vegetarian Foods
Some families choose to serve vegetarian Thanksgiving
dinners instead of a stuffed turkey. Some people eat
vegetarian turkey, which is made out of tofu. Others
prefer to eat squash, salads, or other fruit and vegetable

Thanks for your


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