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Advert analysis

By Haisna

Question 1&2
1. What is the product and who are the
company selling it?
The Company selling the Product is Snickers and the Product is a snickers
chocolate bar which consists of nougat, peanuts, and caramel with a
chocolate coating.

2. What are their brand values?

The brand value of this product is that in the advert they are
implying that you are not normal when you haven't eaten snickers
this shows the audience and persuades them to believe that you
would need to buy snickers nearly everyday. The other brand
value is that they say if your hungry you turn into a diva and
thats because your hungry so every time your hungry and a bit
cranky you would think of having a snicker because of this advert.

Question 3- I)
Camera Shot Types
In this advert there is a good
example of a shot type such as a
medium shot where the subject is
shown from their head to their
This is effective because it shows
the audience a clear view of the
subject but not all because we
dont need the whole image.
Showing the audience this much of
the subject helps them understand
the basics and their surroundings.

Question 3 ii)
Camera angel
The angle I have chosen from
this advert was Eye Level
which is an angle where the
subject is at an angle where a
human would normally look at.
For this advert it is effective
toward the audience because
they are trying to show us that
this is for us and that this
could happen to us because it
is completely normal and real.

Question 3 iii)
Camera movements
There is a very short tracking shot in
this advert and that is the only
movement. The movement is very
short because the camera only
moves slightly to let the other
subject into the shot.
The advert doesnt have much
movement because it wants the
audience to focus on the advertising
than the action, because there is
hardly any, the words are important
to help the audience understand why
this chocolate bar is important.

Question 3 iv)
The edits in this advert is
mainly cuts and these cuts
are because there is a
conversation going on through
out nearly the whole advert.
This is effective because it
shows a conversation up close
so the camera doesnt have to
move back to get 2 subjects
in one shot and you see the
subjects from close.

Question 4 Diegetic/Non-diegetic
The advert is mainly diegetic sound because the
main event in the advert is that the subjects are
having a conversation.
Having diegetic sounds for this and the speeches
haven't been edited is good because this helps the
audience understand what is going on and the
dialogue of what the people are saying also help
the audience understand what sort of person they
In this case the way the woman is reacting to
things shows that she is being a diva which is
exactly what the advert is implying.

Question 5 Mise-en-scene
Setting- The setting of this advert is a boys
changing room. At first you would be confused
of why there is a woman in the boys changing
room and the fact that none of the men are
reacting to that is more confusing.
The setting choice is effective because it
shows that the advert was trying to show the
audience that men turn into cranky women
and it is an appropriate setting to help the
audience understand that there are only
supposed to be boys in that scene.

Question 5 Mise-en-scene
Lighting- The lighting is accurate because
from where the light is coming the audience
would believe there is a window in the
changing room, and it shows that it is
Costumes- The costumes are not effective
because the audience can see that they are
supposed to be playing a sport and no one is
dressed in uniform they are just dressed in
normal sports wear and the women wear
clothes that dont suit that time or place.

Question 5- Mise-en-scene
Acting- The acting in this advert was very
believable and clear. The actors where in character
and their acting was real enough that you could tell
what they were trying to get through to the
audience. This makes it effective because the
audience know what the advert is trying to tell the
audience so this gives it a higher chance in selling.
Props. The props used in this advert weren't big and
didnt make a huge impact in the advert but they
matches the setting and were appropriate enough
for it. It is effective to have props to make it seem
more realistic.

Question 5- Mise-en-scene
Dialogue- There is a lot of dialogue in
the advert because the dialogue
exposes the meaning of the advert
and shows the audience what the
advert is implying. This is effective
because the audience are linked in
with the advert because they know
exactly what's going on and who is
saying what.

Question 6- Logos and screen

Logo- The logo is shown at the end of the advert
and it is in the middle of the screen which is
effective because the audience can see what it
is and it has the name of the product and
company on it and even though it doesnt stand
out that much you could still tell it was snickers
if the logo came out without a name.
Screen Graphics- The logo has an effective font
and it is not too bold so it doesnt take away the
thought of the actual product and the colours
chosen are not really linked to the product.

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