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The Alliterative Revival

The very great number of romances can
be classified according to subject.
- The Matter of England
- The Matter of Rome
- The Matter of France
- The Matter of Britain

The Matter of England

King Horn (13th century)
Havelok the Dane (13th century, with
minor revisions at the beginning of 14th)
Guy of Warwick (early 14th century)
[Dealing with English history]

The Matter of Rome

King Alisaunder (8.000 lines). C. 1300,
found in a manuscript 0f 1330-40.
The Seege [Siege] of Troye (2.000
[Classical themes]

The Matter of France

Song of Roland (13th century)
The Ferumbras Group (dealing with
incidents found in French chansons de
geste and Charlemagne legends)

The Matter of Britain

Fascination with the idea of King Arthur
and his Knights.
Development of Arthurian legends.
French 12th century sources (Marie de
France and Chrtien de Troyes).
Chivalry and Courtly love.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the
finest example of all Middle English



Alliterative Revival
Romance of the 2nd half of 14th century
2.530 lines
Anonymous: The author is known as the
Gawain Poet, probably born in the northwest Midlands.
Manuscript in the British Library. It
includes 3 poems by the same author:
Pearl, Purity and Patience

Very gay was this great man guised all in green,

and the hair of his head with his horses accorded:
fair flapping locks enfolding his shoulders,
a big beard like a bush over his breast hanging
that with the handsome hair from his head falling

Such a mount on middle-earth, or man to ride him,

was never beheld in that hall with eyes ere that time;
for there
his glance was as lightning bright,
so did all that saw him swear;
no man would have the might,
they thought, his blows to bear.

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