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From group 3


: moch. Sony kusuma (15)

ilham r.h (11)
moch septian galan (16)
Putri Oriordan y. (20)

* Ice Circle or circle of the ice is a phenomenon that appears in

the water that flows slowly in a cold climate. The shape

resembles a giant dish consisting of ice and rotates slowly on
the surface of the water. This mystery is already been
mentioned in the 19th century. An illustration of the Ice Circle
never published in the magazine Scientific American in 1895.
London News also been reported this phenomenon that
occurred in Toronto in 1930.

* Generally, this phenomenon emerged in Scandinavia and North

America, but once seen in the English in January 2009.

* Ice Circle generally appear on the bend of the river

where the water flow is accelerated creates a
force called "rotational shear", which then broke
the ice into chunks and spin it. In line with the
rotation of the disk, it grind the ice around him so
that it becomes smooth and form a perfect circle.
This phenomenon has been identified although the
cause, but it remains a rare event.

Here are a few examples of the wonderful ice circle:

* In North Amerika

* In English

* In Russia

* In Kanada

* In Swedia

* In Michigan








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