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Multicultural society is a society where people of

different races, cultures and traditions live side by

side with a mutual respect. Multiculturalism is
beneficial to a society, because it consists of people
from different ethnic backgrounds, cultures and
religions living and working together we talk about
a cultural diversity.

When people learn about different ways of


it helps to break down barriers between

ethnic groups which are caused by ignorance.
Human beings have a tendency to be
suspicious of cultures they do not understand.
Living with different cultures brings a better
understanding of other cultures, enrich
our lives and helps to encourage

One of the negatives is that cultural differences can

divide a society. This can lead to prejudice and
discrimination towards minorities
There will always be people who think that their
religion and culture is superior and right and that
other beliefs and cultures are inferior and wrong
These people try to blame ethnic minorities for
social and economic problems even when it is not
Because of different opinions there sometimes occur
lots of riots, e.g. in London last year
Racism is sometimes a problem of multicultural

Multicultural education aims to prepare

children for living in a multicultural
Its major aim is to create equal
educational opportunities for students from
different racial, ethnic and cultural groups and
to help all students to acquire the knowledge,
attitudes, and skills needed to function
effectively in a pluralistic democratic society
and to interact and communicate with peoples
from diverse groups.

Britain is and has always been amixed race society.

During the past centuries many different races have
settled in Britain from different reasons, e.f. Africans
were brought by force to the country as slaves and
servants, later refugees from France, Ireland or Russia
tried to escape from persecusion or find a better way
of life.Then there live people from the former British
colonies. ( India, Pakistan, Bangladesh).Later people
from Eastern Europe arrived in Britain because of job
People moving to Britain brought their own cultures
and they still try to keep them alive. An exellent
example of this is the Nothing Hill Carnival which
celebrates the Caribbean Culture and is apart of the
British life, too

The Notting Hill Carnival is an annual event which since 1964 has
taken place on the streets of Notting Hill in London, each August, over
two days.

race, colour of someones skin, whites, blacks, AfroAmerican, Native American

ethnic group, ethnic divisions, ethnic unrest, ethnic
racial conflict, racial prejudice, racial harmony, racial
tension, racism, racist, race riots, fight the police,
throw rocks, fire-bombs, smash windows, prejudice,
integration, integrated society, segregation,
segregated schools/restaurants
multicultural, multiracial, interracial, cosmopolitan
society/district/city, mixed marriage/parentage/ origin
(in)/tolerance, understanding, acceptance, coexistance, cooperation
assimilation, immigration, controversial, individuality
arranged marriage, wedding, couple, church, registry
office, marital status
equality, partnership, confidence, faithfulness,
responsibility, reliability
refugee, immigrant, flee the country, seek asylum

The voluntary act of

accepting as well as
adopting the identity of a

Note : there exists an

actual desire to be
welcomed into and to
actively become a part of

The retention of ones own

personal culture and beliefs,
while pledging loyalty to the
newfound community in
which one lives and is
surrounded by

Original Identity (language,

cultural customs/practices,
religious beliefs, food, etc.) +
New language, new
customs/practices, new
religious beliefs, new
foods = New Identity

No one identity prevails

The forcible integration of

an individual into a new

In effect, and as a result,

forced individual must
accept the values, cultural
customs, beliefs, practices,
ideologies of this new

The problem with

assimilation: the
individual adapting to
new society faced with
challenge of choosing
between original identity
and new, imposing

Dont question identity :

To be British is to have a passport/live there

anything so long as you can feel/declare
yourself British

No strict definition of national identity =

no desire to force integrate people via

London is considered the multicultural

center of Europe, it has 7 million
inhabitants who speak over 300
different languages(

The essence of multiculturalism is

the idea that, if one makes
immigrants feel welcome by allowing
them to retain their culture and by
seeking to address discrimination
against them, immigrants will
reciprocate by embracing a British
identity and the values needed for a
harmonious society. (first seen in LSE
Research Magazine)


Immigration has contributed half of

Britains population growth in 10
years, according to new research.

Without a doubt, the conclusions

each of us personally form on
immigration will play crucial role in
how Britain will look and behave in
the years to come. Dominic

David Cameron, however, believes

that multiculturalism has encouraged
segregated communities where
Islamic extremism can thrive. New
York Times

According to conservative party,

Cameron just wants to discourage
parallel communities from living
separate lives.

Causes of Culture Shock

Being cut off from cultural cues and patterns
Living/working over an extended period of
time in ambiguous situations
Having your values questioned
Being expected to operate at maximum skill
and speed without fully understanding the

Effects/Symptoms of Culture Shock

Intense discomfort
Variety of physical symptoms from
psychosomatic illnesses

Cultural shock is the trauma you

experience when you move into a
culture different from your home
culture. Frustrations may include
lack of food, unacceptable
standards of cleanliness, different
bathroom facilities, and fear for
personal safety.
Intercultural Business
Communication, 4th ed.,

People experience cultural shock

when they are in a country where yes
may mean no, where prices are
negotiable, and where laughter may
signify anger.

Intercultural Business
Communication, 4th ed.,

Upon her arrival in La Paz, Bolivia,

from Atlanta, Georgia, Katherine
Montague asked directions to the
ladies room at the local university.
Upon entering, she observed three
males using urinals and made a
hasty retreat. Her U.S. colleagues
explained that all restrooms were
unisex; Katherine decided to take a
taxi to her hotel.
Intercultural Business
Communication, 4th ed.,

Country Shock
Physical circumstances
The setting of the culture
Occurs/resolves quickly

Culture Shock
Interaction among people
Behaviors that seem strange to others
Takes longer to begin/resolve

What can bring on country shock?

Unfamiliar weather patterns
Strange foods
Bugs (insects, spiders, etc.) that make life
Infrastructure differences

What can heighten the intensity of

country shock?
New faces and communities
Getting physically sick

Gradual Adjustment

Occurs at beginning of deployment
Positive mindset
High expectations
Focus on similarities between home and host
Typically lasts 1-6 weeks

Actions during irritability

Withdrawal from host culture
Interacting only with other Americans
Interacting only with other military personnel

Actions during hostility

Verbal aggressiveness
Physical aggressiveness

What it takes to get there

Recognizing subtle cultural cues
Less isolation/greater comfort
More interaction with host culture

How you know youve arrived

Greater enjoyment of local customs
Comfort with host culture communication
Realization that you will miss aspects of host
culture when you return home

Ineffective responses
Returning to mother culture
Hide out (stay on base/compound)
Travel to areas of greater cultural diversity

Effective response

Establish new routines for basic life skills

Effective responses
Realize almost everyone experiences a certain
level of culture shock
Develop self-awareness of your behavioral
Understand the locals expectations for your

We inflict culture shock on others by

being ethnocentric
not becoming other
failing to practice empathy
reinforcing the concept of the ugly American

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