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Normal Pituitary (mikroscopic)

The neurohypophysis, which

resembles neural tissues
becauses it is composed of
modified glial cells along with
the axons of hypothalamic
neural cell bodies, appears at
the left. The highly
adenohypophyseal appears at
the right.

The neurohypophyseal hormones oxytosin and vasopressin (antidiuretic hormones, or

ADH are synthesized in the hyphothalamus and transported along axones to the
neurohypophyseaal from where they are released into the bloodstream and carried
systemically to act on the cells in target organs.

Normal Pituitary (mikroscopic)

In the adenonohypophysis at
higher magnification can be
seen the pink acidophils that
produce prolactin (lactotrophs)
and growth hormone
The dark purple basophils can
produce luteinizing hormone, or
LH, and FSH (gonadotrophs),
TSH (tyrotrophs), ACTH
(corticotrophs). The paller cells
are the cromophobes. As in All
endocrine glands, there is
prominent vascularity with many
capillaries into which the
hormones are secreted for
distribution throughout the body

The Secretionsof these cells are under control of hyphothalamic releasing factor, wich
are all positive acting except for dopamine, which inhibits lactrotrophs

Makroadenoma Pituitary

Makroadenoma Pituitary

Makroadenoma Pituitary

Adenoma Pituitary

Empty sella syndrome




Tiroiditis Hashimoto

Tiroiditis Hashimoto

Subacute thyroiditis

Graves disease

Struma Koloides

Multinodular goiter

Multinodular goiter

Neoplasma tiroid

Adenoma folikulare

Adenoma folikulare

Karsinoma papilare

Karsinoma papilare

Karsinoma papillare

Karsinoma folikulare

Karsinoma medullare tiroid

Karsinoma anaplastik tiroid

Paratiroid normal

Adenoma paratiroid

Hiperplasia paratiroid

Karsinoma paratiroid

Karsinoma paratiroid

Kelenjar adrenal normal

Kelenjar adrenal normal

Kelj.adrenal atropik,normal,

Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome

Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome

Tuberkulosis adrenal

Adenoma adrenal

Adrenal adenoma

Adrenal adenoma

Ca. adrenokortikal

Ca. Adreno-kortikal


Pheochromocytoma adrenal

Pheochromocytoma adrenal

Pheochromocytoma adrenal

Pheochromocytoma adrenal

Neuroblastoma adrenal

Neuroblastoma adrenal

Kelenjar pineal normal

Kelenjar pineal, pineocytoma

Kelenjar pineal, pineocytoma

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