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Application Stack Considerations

Development tools IDEs, debuggers, validators etc.

Environments Where can the technology be used? We need something that

arent strictly for the Web, e.g. build tools, migration tools, database conversion
scripts etc. Everywhere in the browser, server, terminal, desktop etc.

Integration with databases

Hosting and Deployment How easy is deploying new app to live web server?

Performance Depends on care taken by development team, but some

technologies have edge over others

Fewer Dependencies requests via web browser -> start interpretor -> run the code?
Vs. part of the application

Application is always running Do you need to load config, connect to db, fetch info,
render html everytime? Vs. We need initialization only once

Event Driven, Non-Blocking IO Dont want to wait for a process to fetch data before it
can execute next statement

Future Modern development approach, support synchronous events, HTML5

features such as web sockets and server-side events



Node js V8 engine by Google Chrome

Npm modules

Front end

Client Side frameworks - Angular js, React js

Front end library (Presentation) Boostrap, CSS3, HTML5


Postgres? Json document support

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