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Xenophobia & Citizenship
By: Danny Ha, Sky Ramos, & Sierra

Xenophobia & Citizenship

The fear or intense hatred towards immigrants.
Two forms of Xenophobia
Population group present within a society that is not
considered part of the society.
Another form of Xenophobia is primarily cultural.
Controversial because some people accept immigrants
into society while others want to remove them.
Examples of Xenophobia
Rwandas infamous genocide
The war in what was Yugoslavia between 1991 and

Xenophobia is the
cause of my
Illegal Immigration
results to overcrowding

Crimes committed by illegals

Crimes of Human Trafficking
Set and maintain high standards
Pay a fee to reside in US

Xenophobia is not my

Cheap labor! Lives of Poor Migrants Improved!

Better Economy!

Source Analysis &

Additional Doc.
The source was created by a woman named Crystal Lombardo and she is the chief editor of
this website. This is a reliable source and not biased because she does not favor one side
or the other and gives reasonable explanations for the pros and cons of illegal
This source was created by an organization called the Asia-Pacific Economics and this source
is reliable because not only did they give detailed advantages and disadvantages of illegal
immigration but also gave statistics on how many immigrants migrated into the US and
how many were deported.
This source was created by an organization called Occupy Theory and they gave a basic
summary of illegal immigration and gives the pros and cons of it, and they also provided a
video of a debate over illegal immigrants and how if they should be deported or not.

A good amount of people
in the U.S believe that
immigration is beneficial
to the economy and
society, and that it
should not be banned.
Of which of the reasons
listed supports the
peoples claims.

A. Illegal immigrants provides a boost in

the economy by paying sales taxes on
the items they purchased.
B. Illegal immigrants will reduce the crimes
that are committed.
C. Illegal immigrants will result in the
increase of the US population, thus
creating more jobs.
D. None of the above

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