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Group members
1. Nguyen Thi Thuy Trinh
2. Nguyen Thuong Huyen
3. Nguyen Ngoc Linh Dan
4. Le Thi Yen Nhi
5. Vu Thi Huong


1. Can the likelihood of recommend your primary

provider to someone you know (Q2) be explained by the
ratings of the primary financial provider (Q6_a through
Q6_m) when these ratings are considered simultaneously?

Analyze Regression Linear

Dependent: Q2
Independent(s): Q6_a through Q6_m
Method: Enter

Reject H0

2. Can the likelihood of continue to use your primary

provider at least at the same level as up to now (Q3) be
explained by the ratings of the primary financial provider
(Q6_a through Q6_m) when these ratings are considered


Reject H0

1. Is the recorded advantage of using primary
provider (Recorded Q5) related to any of the
importance variables (Q1_a through Q1_l) when
they are considered simultaneously? Run a twogroup discriminant analysis as well as logit analysis
and compare the results.

2. Do the ratings of the primary financial provider

(Q6_a through Q6_m) considered simultaneously
explain who switched some assets from one
investment/savings provider to another and who did
not (Q7)? Run a two-group discriminant analysis as
well as logit analysis and compare the results.

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