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By : Charella Putri Filiyan


Service That Dental Nursing Provide

What are fissure sealants?

Sealants are a safe and painless way of

protecting your teeth from decay. A sealant
is a protective plastic coating, which is
applied to the biting surfaces of the back
teeth. The sealant forms a hard shield that
keeps food and bacteria from getting into
the tiny grooves in the teeth and causing


After the placement of rubber dam around the tooth being treated to ensure
moisture control, the operator first cleans and dries the biting surface of the
tooth. Then a slightly acidic solution is applied on the tooth to create a rough
surface that increases the surface area for better retention of the sealant.
Finally, a thin layer of liquid plastic material is painted into the pits and
fissures of the tooth. After application of the plastic liquid, blue spectrum
natural light is shone on the applied material for a few seconds to cure (set)
the plastic. Alternatively, a self-cure glass ionomer cement can be used which
is cured via a chemical process, rather than the use of a light. After curing,
the plastic becomes a hard, thin layer covering the treated portions of the
tooth, which makes these surfaces easier to clean.

Although sealants do wear naturally and may become damaged over time,
they have the potential to remain effective for five years or longer, despite
the heavy pressures endured by teeth during chewing each day. Longevity of
the dental sealants is also dependent on the type of material used for the
fissure sealant, which is discussed below. It is believed that bacteria and food
particles may eventually become entrapped under the dental sealants, and
can thus cause decay in the very teeth intended to be protected.


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