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Assignment No: - 4

Name: - Harsh Agrawal

Roll no: - P15FC055
Core Finance

What are the different types of

Functions in Excel?

Sum: - Adds up all the values in a range

Sum if: - Adds all the values in a range that meet specific

Sum product: Sum a range of cells that meet multiple


Round: - Round a number to a specified number of digits

Floor: - Round a number down to a multiple of


Statistical Functions

Count: - Counts all the values in a range

Average: - Calculates the average number from a range of


Min: - Finds the minimum value in a range

Count if: - Counts all the cells in a range that meet specific

Large: - Return a value dependent upon its ranking in a

range of values in descending order.

Financial Functions

PMT: - Calculates loan repayments based on

constant payments and a constant interest rate.

Rate: - Returns the interest rate per period of a

loan or investment.

PV: - Returns the present value of an investment

based on a constant interest rate and payments.

FV: - Returns the future value of an investment

based on constant payments and a constant
interest rate.

Lookup and Reference


Vlookup: - Looks vertically down a list to find a

record and returns information related to that record.

Hookup: - Looks horizontally across a list to find a

record and returns information related to that record.

Logical Functions

IF: - Tests a condition and takes an alternative

action depending on the result.

And: - Test up to 30 conditions using logical And

OR: - Test up to 30 conditions using logical Or

What is an Argument

A value that is passed between programs,

subroutines or functions. Arguments are
independent items, or variables, that contain
data or codes. When an argument is used to
customize a program for a user, it is typically
called a "parameter."

What is User defined


Auser-defined function(UDF) is
afunctionprovided by theuserof a
program or environment, in a context
where the usual assumption is that
functionsare built into the program or

What is Local and Global


Local Variable: - A local variable is

a variable which is either a variable declared within
the function or is an argument passed to a function.
As you may have encountered in your programming,
if we declare variables in a function then we can only
use them within that function.

Global Variable: - a global variable is

a variable with global scope, meaning that it is
visible (hence accessible) throughout the program,
unless shadowed. The set of all global variables is
known as the global environment or global state.

What is TRUTH table

A diagram in rows and columns showing how the truth or

falsity of a proposition varies with that of its components.

A truth table is a breakdown of a logic function by listing

all possible values the function can attain. Such a table
typically contains several rows and columns, with the top
row representing the logical variables and combinations,
in increasing complexity leading up to the final function.

What is Line Graph, Pie Chart, Pareto

Chart, Histogram?

Line Graph: -A line chart or line graph is a type of

chart which displays information as a series of data points
called 'markers' connected by straight-line segments. It is
a basic type of chart common in many fields.

Pie chart: -A type of graph in which a circle is divided

into sectors that each represent a proportion of the whole.

Pareto Chart: - A Pareto chart, named after

Vilfredo Pareto, is a type of chart that contains both bars
and a line graph, where individual values are represented
in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is
represented by the line.


Histogram: - A diagram consisting of

rectangles whose area is proportional to the
frequency of a variable and whose width is
equal to the class interval.

How is Box and Whisker Plot


Box plots are drawn for groups of W@S scale scores.

They enable us to study the distributional
characteristics of a group of scores as well as the level
of the scores.

Box plots are used to show overall patterns of

response for a group. They provide a useful way to
visualize the range and other characteristics of
responses for a large group.

How to use if-else condition in

Example: - In the example shown, we have a list of
T-shirts that includes color and size. However, the
size is abbreviated as "S" for small and "L" for
large. Lets say you want to write a formula to expand
these abbreviations and show either the word
"Small" or "Large" in column E. In other words:

If a cell in column D contains "S", return "Small".

If a cell in column D contains "L", return "Large".

This is a perfect application of the IF function.

Solution: - =IF(test, true result, false result)

2nd Example: -I have data in a spreadsheet that consists of 3

First column is a list of names, Second column is a number
and the third column is empty. I want to input a formula that
does the following:
If the contents of Column B is greater than or equal to 100,
then enter the word Legends. If the contents of Column B is
between 51 to 99, then enter the word Tough Enough. If the
contents of column b is between 10 to 50, then enter the
word Cruiserweight.

=IF(B2 >= 100, "Legends", "Other")

Nested If Syntax:-

What is For Loop

In computer science a for-loop (or simply for loop) is

a programming language control statement for
specifying iteration, which allows code to be
executed repeatedly.

Do-while loop: - In most computer programming

languages, a do while loop is a control flow statement
that executes a block of code at least once, and then
repeatedly executes the block, or not, depending on a
given Boolean condition at the end of the block.

What is Pivot Table in Excel

Pivot tables are one of Excel's most powerful

features. A pivot table allows you to extract
the significance from a large, detailed data set.
Our data set consists of 214 rows and 6 fields.
Order ID, Product, Category, Amount, Date
and Country.

Give 5 string manipulation

functions in R

Substr(x, start=n1, stop=n2)

grep(pattern,x, value=FALSE,, fixed=FALSE)

gsub(pattern, replacement, x,, fixed=FALSE)

gregexpr(pattern, text,, perl=FALSE,


strsplit(x, split)

paste(, sep="", collapse=NULL)

sprintf(fmt, )



Give 5 Math's functions in R










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