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HyTrust Cloud Adoption

Conducted at VMworld 2016 Las
2016 HyTrust, Inc. 1

HyTrust 2016 Survey @ VMworld 2016 Las Vegas

414 Surveys were administered
to VMworld 2016 Las Vegas
attendees selected at random on
the show floor from 28 Aug 31
Aug, 2016. Participants were
given a $10 Starbucks gift card in
consideration for their
participation in the survey.
For more information, we have
the Full Report. We also have an
Infographic, a Press Release and
a Blog Post all on the survey.
2016 HyTrust, Inc. 2

Security remains a top

Not really a surprise but the
security concerns about cloud and
in particular public cloud remain.
Organizations find the speed,
agility and convenience of the
public cloud very appealing but
despite all of those advantages,
the uncertainty that the use of
public cloud creates drives many
to rate security as a top concern

2016 HyTrust, Inc. 3

Despite Security Being a

Top Concern
A surprisingly high number of
organizations (28%) reported not
using encryption in their public
cloud deployments.

2016 HyTrust, Inc. 4

Existing Approaches
A majority said that they did not
believe that existing approaches
would work for existing or future
cloud deployments.

2016 HyTrust, Inc. 5

No worries about jobs

Early on job security in IT was a
concern for those moving to the
cloud. Now 83% report that cloud
moves will either enhance or not
impact job security.

2016 HyTrust, Inc. 6

In-House vs Cloud
A slim majority is more concerned
about cloud security than in-house
security. This debate is probably
similar to feelings of safety related
to flying vs driving.

2016 HyTrust, Inc. 7

Hybrid Cloud
A more solid majority is planning
some sort of hybrid cloud effort.

2016 HyTrust, Inc. 8

Single vs Multivendor
Single vendor solutions are a holy
grail to IT groups as they present
IT with a single throat to choke in
event of trouble instead of
multivendor fingerpointing. Reality
is that various business/application
requirements will likely end up
driving multivendor approaches.

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2016 HyTrust, Inc. 10

2016 HyTrust, Inc. 11

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