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Post-traumatic Stress



PTSD: A condition that can develop after a person has

experienced or witnessed a traumatic or terrifying event in which
serious physical harm occurred or was threatened.


Reliving the incident they encountered with or witnessed.

Suffer from bad memories, flashbacks or hallucinations, sometimes

even nightmares.

Have a tough time showing their emotions and attachments .

Lash out very quickly.

Trouble sleeping, or staying asleep.

Sometimes blame themselves for the incident they were in.

Biological Causes
The amygdala, is in the limbic system that is associated with emotions,
which is also associated with fear. Traumas that take a big impact in ones
life can cause the brain to function differently which is where the
symptoms of PTSD take place. When the body experiences a trauma and
goes into stress the, stress hormones are then released. When the trauma
takes place, a physiological stress response is then hyperactive and
hyperarousal which is again the cause of PTSD symptoms.

PTSD Treatments

One treatment that was found helpful to treat Post-traumatic Stress

Disorder was therapy or counseling. It was researched that having
professional help of someone being able to understand your thoughts
and how you are feeling was found helpful. The counselor or therapist
teaches you how to deal with the situation.

PTSD Treatments cont

Another way PTSD can be treated is with medication. The medication

prescribed for PTSD helps you cope with the tension & your lack of
sleep caused by PTSD. The doctor will prescribe you medication based
upon how extreme the symptoms are and which medication will cure
the disease better. Both treatments take a few months to see results.

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