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What makes a good

title Sequence
Interview with Kyle Cooper

Kyle Cooper is accredited

Single handedly revitalizing the main
sequence as an art form.
He is known for creating the title
sequences of the following movies;
1. Se7en
2. Dawn of the Dead
3. Spiderman movies
4. Superman returns

What makes a good title

According to Kyle Cooper, the
following 3 things make a good title
That the credits seamlessly fit into the film
That the title sequences set an expectation
( creates excitement)

What is important about the font

used in Seven?
The hand written font in se7en is like
that as the main character is a serial
killer who makes journals about his
Also scratching the emotion and
develop the main characters own

Why is Deadzone a good title

Dead zone is a good title sequence
as it uses simple typography and
simple music that fitted in that also
created mystery.

Why is To Kill a Mocking Bird a good

title sequence?
To Kill a Mocking Bird was a good title sequence
as it encapsulates the main characters obsession
( obsession with the treasure box )
Beautifully photographed in which marbles distort
the background.
Typography is integrated.

What is a story based title

Specific back story or detailed
Eg. A poster that has to do with what
the films about.

Why are titles so important to a

Helps the movie tell a backstory
Puts you where you need to be
ahead of the film.

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