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Investigation The Use Of ICT In Rural

Farmers Tempel Indramayu

By Group 6:
1. Herwin Heryanto
2. Wawan Kurniawan
3. Joko Fathur Rahman

Praise and gratitude I prayed to the Lord
Almighty for His mercy and His grace we are
able to accomplish this task. I created this
paper in order to fulfill the tasks assigned by
the lecturer in English. We made paper is to
discuss the use of ICT Investigation At
Farmers in the village Tempel - Indramayu.
My thanks to Mrs. Natalia Anggraeni as a
lecturer in English. And the resources that
have helped in the completion of this paper.
Finally, this paper may be accepted and get
a good response.

1.1. Background

The development of technology is now so fast, making us all motivated

to adapt as soon as possible in all respects, including the use and
dissemination of information. As a student in the faculty of agriculture,
according to my information and communications technology in the
agricultural sector is essential. The agricultural sector is the sector it
self is quite influential in Indonesia. evidence when the monetary crisis
in the agricultural sector is only one who is not in a position minus.

So should the agricultural sector in Indonesia should be more

advanced, with information and communication technologies to
disseminate information in the agribusiness processing and marketing
of agricultural products by developing a system of information
presentation agricultural commodity price data are integrated, wellorganized, fast, precise, accurate, controllable, and can be accounted

This information is expected to be used by various government and

private users according to their needs as an official source of
information for practitioners and accurate agribusiness as a reference
in decision making agribusiness farms. Than as a means of information

1.1 Exposure On ICT In Public

In an era of intensified globalization, the mastery of Information and

Communication Technology is a necessity that no longer negotiable.
The technology is believed as a modifier. History shows the evolution of
technology has always occurred as the destination for the results of the
genius efforts on innovative technologies, which in turn is applied to
obtain ease in later life events and benefit from it.

Information Communication Technology is a very important factor in

favor of improving the quality of human resources and government
services to the public. Information technology has three principal roles:

1. Instruments in optimizing the development process, by providing

support to the management and service to the community.
2. Information technology products and services is a commodity that can
provide a good income for individuals, businesses and even countries
in the form of foreign exchange export proceeds telematics services
and products industry.
3. Information technology can be the glue of national unity, through the
development of information systems that connect all the institutions
and areas throughout the archipelago.

Awareness of the importance of Information and

Communication Technology which is usually called ICT
(Information and Communication Technologi), not only the
monopoly of the big employers but also growing among small
businesses and other community forces, such as cooperatives,
farmer groups, and ordinary people. ICT is believed to play an
important role in business development, institutional
organizations, and is also able to accelerate economic activity
and standard of living.
Technology also plays an important role in the development of
agriculture. Be used technology in three main branches, namely
agriculture cultivation, livestock and fisheries. One part of ICT,
namely the Internet, the Internet provides information to
farmers in the maintenance of plants and animals, fertilizer,
irrigation, weather forecasts and market prices. Benefits of
internet benefits farmers in terms of advocacy and cooperation.
Internet is also useful to coordinate the planting so that there is
always a supply in the market, more regular and normal selling
price. If farmers need specific information that can not be
immediately serviced agricultural extension officers, so they
can get information from the internet.

1.2. Farmers State Investigation

In Indonesia there are still many areas for example in the
agriculture sector lagging Paste village, but also the farm was
assessed ahead. West Java province is one of the most
advanced in the field of agriculture in the broad sense. Even the
charge of provincial development vision provides a major
portion of the realization of advanced agricultural sector in
Indonesia. In addition, West Java also put marine and fisheries
sector as one of the core-business (bussiness core) in the main
area. Inversely related to one of the areas in Indramayu, the
village Tempel. Tempel village agriculturally assessed lagging.
This is because closely related to ICT received in the village of
Tempel, limited transport infrastructure, low productivity of the
agricultural sector.
After we investigate the farmers in observasikan in terms of
ICT. The problem often faced by farmers in the village of
Tempel, the average education of farmers is still low farmers do
not know or do not know what it is and what it is ICT internet.
But in reality there are farmers who are already using ICT in the
form of mobile phones and there is no use at all about ICT, the
average spread of technology in the form of farmers' mobile
phones. Problems in the farmers are not aware of the
applications contained in the Internet or any other applications.

1.3. Analysis of the problems faced by farmers in

the use of ICT
Impact encountered in the use of ICT for farmers, growers may
still be wondering whether it is ICT. Since ICT has not been heard
in the ears of the farmers, and others already know but do not
know caa use. Yet many farmers are already using the form of
TV, radio, and cell phones, but farmers tend not to examine the
use of ICT. Hence farmers are often fooled by the marketing of
agricultural products wholesaler about the price farmers only
know the sale price of agricultural products from middlemen.
And the price is which determines any middlemen.
To avoid such a case occurs peasants deserved elucidation
application of ICT. With counseling held its meaning, so that
farmers can use ICT to its full potential in addition to the
extension educators teach farmers to use ICT can also add
insight to the farmers so that farmers can increase productivity
of agricultural production. By holding counseling about ICT
education can assist farmers in marketing activities and results
of agricultural products in order to compete in the market and
can improve the results of agricultural products.

1.1. Suggestion

So that farmers can apply the method of

communication and information technology
applications in a variety of activities such as outreach
activities on information and communication
technology, and education and training surf. By
applying ICT, such as the use of computers and
information technology effectively and efficiently in
counseling, education and skills training surf. Before
starting the activity, farmers are given the information
and provide agricultural-related technological
innovations. Not only technological innovation, but
also the institutional innovation of agriculture and
science and technology. The method can be applied to
socializing and live demonstrations to farmers.


From the results of case studies that have

been conducted, it is concluded as follows:
1. Major effect on the development of ICT
and development in agriculture.
2. Distribution of ICT to the people especially
the farmers in Indonesia is still very weak.
3. Efforts - efforts should be made to promote
ICT and ICT to apply equally to the public
starting from the local to the national
4. The use of ICT has not been used a whole
to the community

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