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North American States

Third largest continent
Northern and western hemispheres
7 N to 83N latitudes
53 W to 180 W longitudes
East Atlantic Ocean
West Pacific Ocean
North Arctic Ocean
South Isthmus of

Panama links to S.A

Canada and USA

Arctic Archipelago
Greater Antilles
Lesser Antilles
Alexander Archipelago
British Columbia Coast
West Indies (Caribbean islands)
Greenland (Denmark)

Great Lakes
St Lawrence river
Form the greatest inland waterway

24 countries
Largest country - Canada
Smallest country - St Christopher & Nevis
Least Peaceful Country Haiti
Most Peaceful Country Canada
20 languages
Racial groups - Caucasians, Mestizos & Blacks

Fact file
Population - 326,695,500
Largest city - New York
Longest river - Mississippi-Missouri
Largest lake Superior
Tectonic Plate - North American
Most Populous City Mexico City
United Nations Member States 23
Tallest Building: Willis Tower, Chicago
Highest mountain McKinley

3 ships - Nia, Pinta, and Santa Maria

Set sail on Aug 3, 1492 from port of Palos, Spain

Oct 12th Landed in the Bahamas
Explored Haiti and

Dominican Republic
Returned on March 15th
Made three more voyages to
explore the Caribbean region
Did not discover America,
natives were already there

Christopher Columbus
Original name: Cristoforo Colombo
Born: 1451
Birthplace: Genoa, Italy
Died: 1506
Occupation: Explorer
Nationality: Italy

Lake Superior - largest fresh water lake
Greenland - biggest island
Roe - shortest river
Grand Canyon - deepest canyon
Canada - 2nd largest country
Canada & USA border with 3 oceans
Canada - longest coastline
Canada most lakes
Yellowstone National Park - largest national park
USA - first written constitution
Has every kind of climate

7 wonders of North America

Garden of The Gods
Natural bridge National monument
Yellowstone National Park
Niagara Falls
Mount Rushmore
Mammoth Cave
Grand Canyon

Ring of fire
Many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

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