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is divided on 3 periods: Paleogene,Neogene, Quaternary

P (65-23.5 mln y.a.) -1866 Naumann
The Cenozoic Era is divided into the Tertiary and the
Tertiary :
1) Palaeogene period (which consists of the Palaeocene, Eocene
and Oligocene epochs),
2) Neogene period (which consists of the Miocene and Pliocene
Quaternary: the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs.



Long time the location of Danish period was discussed .

Traditionally it belonged to Cretaceous but due to many
signs it has to belong to P. Danish was separated by
French geologist Dezor observing limestones (Fakse)
laying on fish shales.
All the periods are not fully represented by any of the
geolgoical sections.

Organic world
By this time ammonites, belemnites, rudists,
inoserms as well as dinosaurus desist its
existance. Actively developing mammals
took their places.
Foraminifers dominated but they disapeared
at the beginning of Oligocen.
Predecessors of dolphins, whales and seals

la, 16, 1 Nummulites

(Pz); 2 Assilina (Pll); 3
Operculina (
Q). Mollusks: 4 Cardium
(PQ); 5 Spondylus
(KZ); 6
Chlamys (TQ); 7
Glycymeris (KZ).
Gastropods: 5 Turritella
(KQ); 9
Cerithium (K2Q); 10
Pleurotoma (PQ); 11
Nassarlus (RzQ); 12
Natica (PQ) .
13 Conoclypeus (PzNi);
14 Clypeas,ter (K2Q)

1- Hipparion ;
2 Indricotherium;
3 Machairodiis ;
4 Mastodon ;
5 Mammuthus
6 Prozeuglodon

Palaeocene epoch

The Palaeocene epoch begins 65 million years ago and spans 10

million years.
marks the beginning of the "Age of the Mammals". Dinosaurs and
many other groups of reptiles from the earlier Cretaceous period are
now all extinct.
There are also large flightless birds, such as Diatryma.
In the seas the Bivalves and Gastropods replace the now extinct
Ammonites as the dominant molluscs.
Sharks and teleost fishes are abundant.
Flowering plants, or Angiosperms, become widespread.

Tectonic activity
- Main event of P, E is the separation of Greenland from
Euroasia due to spreding axe arising.
- The formation of Atlantic Ocen finished , Labrador
and Baffin Seas expanded.
- Seihell microcontinent distincts from India
- Aleut volcano bow appears.
- Australia acquires its modern shape
- Sea regression

Location of the continents in Paleocene and Eocene

Eocene epoch

Transgression begins and the end of Paleocene especially in

Western Europe, Caucasus and Siberia
Growth of mountains
Caucasian plate joins Eaurasia. Africa and Aravia push it.
South America separated from Antarktida
Tasmanian sea is deepening
Deep trenches
Caribian icelands
Belt of volcanoes (Chukotka, Japan, Kalimantan,Sulavesi sea)
Orogenesis in South America
Very warm climate almost everywhere:
- Humid tropical climate in Europe, USA, China, palm-trees grow in
Greenland and Shpitzbergen
- Arid climate in Siberia, North of Africa, Mongolia

Eocene epoch
38 million years ago and spans 17 million years

During the Eocene epoch mammals continue to radiate into many new
Rodents become the dominant small mammal. Small horses, such as
Hyracotherium, are common. Early rhinoceroses and elephants appear, and
the massive Uintatherium, which reached a length of 3 metres (10 feet),
The birds of this period include geese, ducks, herons, owls and hawks.
Insects become important for the pollination of flowering plants, or
In the seas hexacorals, Bivalves and Gastropods are abundant. Crabs take
on a modern form, and fishes were also like living forms. Marine mammals
such as whales make their first appearance.

Modern mountains, orogenesis in Central Asia
Regression of the ocean, biggest in Fanerozoic big territories
without seas
Eurasia is uplifting, former Gondvana continents immerse
Cavity appeares along the line Congo-Calahari
Indian Ocean is extending
Pacific Ocean is becoming deeper
Glaciation appeared in Antarktida
From the end of Pz moderate climate didnt exist and it
appeared again
Fidji sea, volcano bows

Oligocene epoch
38 million years ago and spans 13 million years

Among the mammals dogs, cats, rhinoceroses, pigs and peccaries

all became prominent during the Oligocene epoch.
Horses flourished in North America. Gigantic Brontotheres roamed
in Asia and North America, along with "giant pigs" such as
Archaeotherium which reached a height of 1 metre (3 feet) at the
Camels began to become established, and ground sloths and
armadillos made their appearance.
Ants and termites appeared among the insects.


Mineral resources

Bauxites everywhere,
Mn, Fe
Oil of Iraq, Iran, Venesuela, Tadjikistan
Coal of Germany, China, USA, Ukraine, Japan
Fosforite of Maroco, Algir, Tunis
Sulfur of South America, Iran, Ukraine
Me Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, Russia
Significant deposits of U
Copper in Chili, USA, Bolivia, Peru

23,5 mln y.-1,65 mln y.
Austrian geologist Gernes in 1853, smaller periods were divided by Layel

Miocene epoch
25 million years ago and spanning 20 million years.

The mammals of the Miocene epoch had an essentially modern

Mammal diversity reached its peak during this period, and many of
the earlier primitive mammal families had become extinct. The first
deer and giraffes appear, along with the first hyenas.
The dominant hunters of this time were the sabre-toothed cats.In
the seas whales proliferated, and dugongs were numerous. Giant
sharks such as Carcharocles megalodon (sometimes called
'Carcharodon') reached an estimated length of 13 metres (42 feet).
Corals, Gastropods and Echinoids were all plentiful.

Sable-toothed cat


Pliocene epoch - 5 Million years

begins 5 million years ago and spans 3.2 million years

During the Pliocene epoch the Bovids (cattle, sheep, goats, antelope and gazelle) begin to rise to
dominate the mammal fauna. There are also reductions in the numbers of horses, rhinoceroses,
elephants, tapirs, peccaries and camels. Rodents, including ground-squirrels and beavers, are abundant.
Typical mammals of the Pliocene epoch include Deinotherium ( elephant with a height of 3 metres) at
the shoulder, the giant ground sloth Megatherium ( a length of 6 metres), and the long-legged longnecked Macrauchenia (Litopterns).The carnivores of this time include sabre-toothed cats, dogs,
weasels and stoats.
An important element in the mammal fauna of this time was the rise of the higher Primates, including
early man.
Most types of Pliocene marine invertebrates are still living today, and in fresh water environments a
radiation and diversification of molluscs and fishes occurred.




Pleistocene epoch
begins 1.8 million years ago and concludes with the end of the
Ice Ages

The Pleistocene epoch is dominated by the Ice Ages when extensive ice sheets
spread towards the equator from both the Antarctic and Arctic regions covering
much of Europe and North America. The last of these ice sheets disappeared about
10,000 years ago.
This period also witnesses the widespread extinction of many species of mammals,
particularly giant forms.

Sabre-toothed cats, cave lions, cave bears, giant deer, woolly rhinoceroses, and
woolly mammoths, which reached a height of 3.7 metres (12 feet) at the shoulder,
all roamed during the Pleistocene epoch. All of these animals are now long extinct.

Giant deer

Woolly mammoth

Holocene 10,000 years

Holocene is the name given to the period
of geological time since the end of the last
Ice Age 10,000 years ago.

1, 16 Macira (KQ); 2
Dreissena (N2Q);
, 36 Didacna (N2Q); 4a,
46 Lymnocardium; 5a, 56
Tapes gregana
(N^); 6 Spondylus
tenuispina; 7 Cardita
Gastropods: 8 Trochus.
podolicus (Nf); 9 Buccinum;
10 Coiius; 11 Turntella
imbncataria; 12
Trees: 13 Betula (birch); 14
Laurus ;5 Cornus (cornel)

Main events of Neogene

Nummulites disappeared,
flourish of foraminifers and mollusks, coccolitoftorides- indicative fossils
Modern seals and walrusus, other animals
Driopitek, ramanipitek
Carpatian were among the seas
Molasses accumulated
Hibraltar, separation of Mediteranean from Atlantic Ocean
Marian trench
Pacific ocena separated from Indian through system of islands (Timor)
Red Sea
Arabian plate separated from Africa
Uplifting of the inner parts of the continents
Central America appears
Alaska and Chukotka connected
Isolation of the oceans lead to Golfstream activization
Cuba, Gaiti become irelands
All northerns sea were the continents
North sea was the gulf
Kilimandjaro, Elgon

Location of the continents in Neogene

Mineral resources of Neogene

Oil and gas of a main significance (1/3 of the
world reserves). They are located between or
near moantains Irak, Iran, Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait, Qatar, Venezuela, Mexico Gulf,
Caucasian, Caspian Sea, Western
Turkmenistan, Sakhalin, Carpatian .

Mamoths, rhinoceros extint by the
beginning of Holocene
Primat apeared in Africa 5 mln y.a.
Pitecantrops migrated from Africa 1.4-1.2
mln y.a.
Ashel culture- Azerbajdan, Argo cave in
Mustier culture-Europe, primitive shelters

Main events in Holocene

Gigantic glasiers Britain, islands of North Ocean,
Europe and N.America,
Mountains in Asia were coverd with ice
Permafrost reached Britain but melted 10 000 y.a.
Ice cover in Antarktic was 2 time thicker
It is not known the reason, periodicity of glaciation
4 ice periods in Alpes
60% of N.America
10 000 y.a. reducing of glaciers- Baltic sea began to
Metals, gold, diamonds in the result of denudation

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