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Stefano Bernales.

What Is Love?...
Whenever we ask, What is love? its usually


a) Were unsure if a certain special someone really

loves us, or

b) Because a certain special someone just

accused us of not really loving them.

Through the years

When we are truly engaged in giving

and receiving love, we dont ponder

such philosophical questions. Its only
when something is lacking that we
begin to analyze and contemplate
what that thing actually is.

If you ask yourself that

question let me tell you
It probably means that we dont feel

completely loved, or that someone

doesnt feel completely loved by us.
Its normal, dont worry.

But since were asking, lets

try to answer the question.
When we are loved, we tend to feel it

intuitively in our guts. But how does it

work? Is there an extrasensory
perception in the heart that is able to
read the feelings in another persons

Whenever we think, touch, see, smell, hear.

Those moments when we contemplate another

person, that person you probably like, our
sensory organs report to our brains, and our
brains interpret the data and send the report
to our hearts.

So, if we see a loving smile, hear loving words,

or feel a loving touch, the brain processes this

information and concludes, Hey, we are being
loved right now!

Wisdom of love
What is love but acceptance of the other, whatever he is.

Anas Nin

Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby awkwardly,
and often with a great deal of mess.
Lemony Snicket

Love is like a fever which comes and goes quite independently of the will.

there are no age limits for love.



Nothing is mysterious, no human relation. Except love.

Susan Sontag

Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys

us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to

understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.

Paulo Coelho

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.


Dont get depressed

Get out of home, know people,

leave tecnology, dont spend your

time in loneliness.

You are not going to grown old for

waiting that moment.

But if you do right, you are

probably going too find someone to

grown old and spend all that time

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